Displaying 20 results from an estimated 33 matches for "statconnector".
2006 May 16
R(DCOM) / StatConnector and PHP
does anyone have knowledge on how to connected to StatConnector from PHP
I have tried:
new COM("STATCONNECTORSRVLib.StatConnector") or die("Unable to
instantiate StatConnector");
with no succes
regards soren
2002 Mar 07
Statconnector and Excel
...5, ExtremeThreshold=5)")
Call RInterface.RRun("passTestb1")
Call RInterface.getArray("passTestb1", Range("D2"))
Call RInterface.StopRServer
end sub
but I get an error :
"unsupported data when trying to execute "passTestb1"
I also tried:
Dim x As StatConnector
Set x = New StatConnector
MsgBox ("Initializing R...")
x.Init ("R")
x.EvaluateNoReturn ("F11b1<-read.table(""c:/test/Testb1.txt"", _ header=TRUE)")
but then I don't known how to end
Have you an idea to help me?
2000 Oct 05
DCom / StatConnector / Windows-Cygnus-Gcc ?
...(Well, if both may work independently, "online" display of
the data this would be nice as well, but there is no need to.)
Following possibilities came to my attention by the email-Archives (&
thanks to Yves Gauvreau)
1) embedding the C-Program into R ( .C - Call)
2) using the DCom/StatConnector
3) use the R-Source code and compile it into my program
About 1): I want to keep the simulation program seperated from the
(graphical) output. So, anybody who wants to check (or use) the
proghram without graphic can do so easily. So, it would be easier,
not to change the program into this conc...
2001 Aug 12
R (D)COM automation server for windows, type mismatch?
...ite programms myself, in this case Visual Basic for Applications
within Excel, I can attach a graphics device but not a character device.
The controls I added to the form by means of the 'toolbox' both originate
from the client library (see below) and are named
'Gfx1' (of type StatConnectorGraphicsDevice) and
'CharDev' (of type StatConnectorCharacterDevice)
The code fragment working with them is:
Dim x As StatConnector
Dim gfxdev As ISGFX
Set x = New StatConnector
x.Init ("R")
Set gfxdev = Gfx1.GetGFX
x.AddGraphicsDevice "dev1", gfxdev ' &l...
2010 May 07
Use of R in C#
I have a C# program that requires the run of a logistic regression. I have downloaded the R 2.11 package, and have added the following references to my code:
In my code I have:
StatConnector scs = new STATCONNECTORSRVLib.StatConnectorClass();
The init step returns the below error which seems to indicate a connection failure.
System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException was u...
2003 Apr 21
R(D) Com under R1070
Dear List,
I have unregistered the working installation of R(D)COM from r1060 as
described in http://cran.r-project.org/contrib/extra/dcom/ReadMe.txt,
and have re-installed it for r1070.
Now, vbtest gives the following message:
Loading StatConnector Server... Done
Initializing R...Function call failed
Code: -2147221485
Text: installation problem: unable to load connector
Box: Method '~' of object '~' failed.
Releasing StatConnector Server...Done
Any ideas?
Dieter Menne
2009 Apr 30
odbcConnectAccess function
Is it possible to use the RODBC package within MS Access. I have been using from R but was just wondering if it could be used along with R(D)COM. Something like this:
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim myApp As StatConnector
Set myApp = New StatConnector
myApp.Init "R"
myApp.EvaluateNoReturn "library(RODBC)"
myApp.EvaluateNoReturn "myDB <- odbcConnectAccess(CurrentDb)"
'query the database and save it as R object 'a'
myApp.EvaluateNoReturn "a <- sq...
2003 Sep 10
Need your help-SOS
...rcomp(x) of R function
using (D)COM server communicate with R in ASP, and encountering the error
"Runtime error -2147221493(8004000b). Automation Error, Object is static,
operation not allowed."
Source code is shown as below:
Set StatConn=Server.CreateObject("StatConnectorSrv.StatConnector")
StatConn.Init ("R")
I have another problem when displaying dimension variable...
2012 Jul 23
R2wd package wdGet() error
And I got this warning message:
package ?RDCOMClient? is not available (for R version 2.15.0)
I also ran
And it seemed to install fine. But when I try to run statconn DCOM's
Server 01 ? Basic Test, and then select Start R, I get this message
Loading StatConnector Server... Done
Initializing R...Function call failed
Code: -2147221485
Text: installation problem: unable to load connector
Method '~' of object '~' failed
Releasing StatConnector Server...Done
Any suggestions for how I might get wdGet() to work?...
2003 Jan 09
Installing R-Excel Interface - Help requested (long)
...within Excel.
1. If the Rserver box is ticked within Tools / Addins upon
launching Excel, I get "invalid picture error (error 481)". If I click OK
within the error dialog box it takes me to
RserverVBAlib (Rserver.xla)
and highlights the statement:
Dim My_R As StatConnector
2. If I open Excel without the Rserver box ticked within Tools
/ Addins, Excel opens normally, but then when I tick the R Interface box
within Toos / Addins I get "error in loading DLL (error 48)".
The vbtest.exe utility seemed to run correctly after installing DCOM.
Details of all t...
2009 Jan 07
problem with initialising R-Project through C#
i got a problem with initialising R-Project from C#
in this i m sending what are all the code line I had been written and the
error where i got
sc1 = new STATCONNECTORSRVLib.StatConnector();
and error at
can any one suggest how can i resolve it
thanks & regards;
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2005 Apr 18
UnauthorizedAccessException in R(D)COM
...thorizedAccessException when I call the
web service, even I have assigned access and launch permission to everyone
using DCOMCNFG.exe
The sample code is shown as below, and the
unauthorizedAccessException exception is occurred when myR.Init("R") is
myR = New STATCONNECTORSRVLib.StatConnector
Does anyone know this solution and please advide me? Your help is
With Best Regards,
WeiQiang Li
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2006 Mar 24
R compiler for .Net CLR
I am currently working on a project that involves using R and .Net. We're
having performance issues with R, and we're wondering if there is a way to
get around the R interpreter, particularly by compiling R directly for the
.Net CLR? We're wondering if there is any initiatives to build such a
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2003 Sep 12
help - "Object is static, operation not allowed" Error
...H.J. van der's post mentioned that
have to load library
My environment is shown as below:
OS: Win2000 Server
R version: 1.7.1
DCOM version: 1.2
Source code is shown as below:
Set StatConn=Server.CreateObject("StatConnectorSrv.StatConnector")
StatConn.Init ("R")
StatConn.EvaluateNoReturn("library (mva)")
2003 Oct 02
trouble with R com and python
Python 2.2.2 (#37, Oct 14 2002, 17:02:34) [MSC 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
IDLE 0.8 -- press F1 for help
>>> from win32com.client import Dispatch
>>> sc=Dispatch("StatConnectorSrv.StatConnector")
>>> sc.Init("R")
>>> res = sc.Evaluate("2+2")
>>> res
>>> res = sc.Evaluate("library(modreg)")
>>> sc.Evaluate("library(modreg)")
(u'methods', u'ctest', u'mva', u...
2005 Feb 02
How to run R-script from remote VB program
I have installed D COM server1.35 and can send a line
of R code and get a result from my VB (.net) program.
So I located all the R commands in a file ("a.R") in
the dir path ("c:\") then call VB using source as
Dim RLink As StatConnector
RLink = New StatConnector
dim str
str = "source(" + """" + "c:\a.R" + """" + ")"
I got an error message :
An unhandled exception of type
2008 Sep 25
C++ & R: Displaying a lattice graphic using D Com
Dear list members,
When I modify the MFC sample (using the statconnector graphics device) to
show a lattice graph in the Active X control (actually the wireframe from
http://addictedtor.free.fr/graphiques/graphcode.php?graph=40 ) the program
runs without generating any errors, but the data-driven part of the plot
does not display. The bounding box is displayed, but no...
2003 May 05
R-1.7.0: Rproxy.dll loadlibrary/freelibrary error (PR#2914)
...emory management error, that might be linked to
the huge leakage difference between R-1.7.0 and R-1.6.2 (leakage observed using
Windows Task Manager).
Here is a C program that can be used to reproduce the error:
(the files SC-Proxy.h, Defn.h, Rinternals.h etc.. are to be included in the path
- see StatConnector.cpp in the (D)COM server example)
#include "windows.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "SC_Proxy.h"
#define RDLL "Rproxy.dll"
struct _SC_Proxy_Object* m_ProxyObject;
HMODULE m_ProxyModule;
2003 Aug 04
RDCOM interface and 17.1 R version troubles
We are using the new version 1.7.1 of R with the R-(D)COM Interface 1.2
through Excel. But we failed using the ARIMA and SUMMARY functions: the
Statconnector doesn't work even if these functions work under R.
Please, could you explain us how to solve this problem?
Thanks a lot!
Marion and Jeanne
2004 Jun 24
Catching R's (D)COM output in perl
...the Win32::OLE module and
R's (D)COM server. This works fine, if i send commands and/or simple
data structures to R. I am also able to get matrix-shaped return values
into my Perl program, like this
# snip ----------------------------------------------------
my $R = Win32::OLE->new('StatConnectorSrv.StatConnector');
my $matrix = $R->Evaluate('matrix(c(1,"a",2,"b",3,"c"),2,3)');
# ---------------------------------------------------- snap
What i did not achieve is to catch ALL the output from R which goes
normally to the...