Displaying 20 results from an estimated 28 matches for "statcomp".
2007 Oct 10
Puppet ldapnodes issue
puppetclass: testing
puppetclass: solaris
# cmclient2.domain.com, Hosts, puppet
dn: cn=cmclient2.domain.com,ou=Hosts,dc=puppet
objectClass: device
objectClass: ipHost
objectClass: puppetClient
objectClass: top
cn: cmclient2.domain.com
description: puppet testing 2
l: statcomp
puppetclass: test
puppetclass: solaris
puppetclass: solaris10
puppetclass: statcomp
puppetclass: solariszone
# sink.domain.com, Hosts, puppet
dn: cn=sink.domain.com,ou=Hosts,dc=puppet
objectClass: device
objectClass: ipHost
objectClass: puppetClient
objectClass: top
cn: sink.domain.com
2007 Jul 05
data messed up by read.table ? (PR#9779)
...e: Joerg Rauh
Version: 2.5.0
OS: Windows 2000
Submission from: (NULL) (
Following Michael J. Crawley "Statistical Computing" on page 9 the worms.txt is
required. After downloading it from the book's supporting website, which is
http://www.bio.ic.ac.uk/research/mjcraw/statcomp/data/ I visually check the data
against the book and they look identical. Then I do a read.table as suggested:
worms<-read.table("C:/Programme/R/R-2.5.0/Data/Worms.txt", header = T).
Typing "worms" to see the data, it's no longer the same: Four lines have been
added to t...
2004 Feb 10
confidence-intervals in dotchart
My earlier posting should have said "dotchart", not "barchart".
1) How does one show confidence-intervals in a "dotchart" and use rownames
for labels on the y-axes? I have looked at "plotCI" in "gregmisc" package .
But it does not seem to produce something like a dotchart. The statistic,
error, upper-bound, and lower-bound are in a
2012 Jun 29
turning R expressions into functions?
...bad, since now 'rnorm(1)' already has been
evaluated. How do I prevent this from happening,
without breaking the good case 1 above?
3) ugly: If I run the same commands in the R gui on MacOS
(R 2.15.1 released on 2012/06/22), I get different output:
> source("/Users/voss/project/statcomp/test.R")
function() { for (funcit.i in 1:k) { expr } }
<environment: 0x19cc040>
function() { for (funcit.i in 1:k) { expr } }
<environment: 0x19bc884>
This is on the same machine using (as far as I can tell) the
same R engine. So why is the output different?
Many thanks,
2007 Jul 07
R graphics device for flash apps
I just read your blog (statcomp.blogspot.com, linked from your other
post) and rand across your idea of an R/Flash graphics device. I've also
been giving this some thought because of this amazing interactive flash app:
and others from http://www.gapminder.org/.
I would love more than any...
2003 Feb 13
fixed and random effects in lme
Hi All,
I would like to ask a question on fixed and random effecti in lme. I am
fiddlying around Mick Crawley dataset "rats" :
The advantage is that most work is already done in Crawley's book (page 361
onwards) so I can check what I am doing.
I am tryg to reproduce the nested analysis on page 368:
model<-aov(Glycogen~Treatment/Rat/Liver + Error(Treatment/Rat/Liver), rats)
using lme.
The code:
2006 Aug 30
lmer applied to a wellknown (?) example
...(Glycogen) are taken from each liver preparation (36 readings).
We want to test if treatments has affected the glycogen levels. The
readings are nested in preparation and the preparations nested in rats.
The data can be found here (or on p. 289 in Sokal):
I was hoping to use the rat example as some kind of reference on my way
to understand mixed models and using lmer. However, first I wish someone
could check my suggested models!
My suggestions:
rats$Glycogen <- as.numeric(Glycogen)
rats$Treatment <- as.factor...
2004 Mar 23
Status of Rmpi
...ried various permutations
of running or not running lamboot first.
I am able to to lamboot and lamexec, and I also tried setting LAMRSH to
use ssh on the master. My "network" is just my dual-CPU machine.
Tony Rossini's notes
(http://www.analytics.washington.edu/~rossini/courses/cph-statcomp/cph-4.pdf) refer to SNOW and rpvm as being "currently maintained" (last page), which hints that Rmpi might not be.
I'm kind of interested in getting Rmpi to work (I and others here have
been using Rmpi), though I suppose we could switch to rpvm, so I'll
probably keep fiddling wit...
2003 Oct 12
Integration between R & latex
As an R absolute beginner and an expert (very old) statistician and latex user,
I'm interested in using R to produce AUTOMAGICALLY tables in latex format. I
mean I would like to have the means to build an R procedure generating **FROM
INSIDE** a table or a graph to be inserted directly into latex.
I've read http://hesweb1.med.virginia.edu/biostat/s/doc/summary.pdf where the
author speaks
2004 Apr 19
New package: mcgibbsit, an MCMC run length diagnostic
Maintainer: Gregory R. Warnes <gregory_r_warnes at groton.pfizer.com>
License: GPL
Depends: coda
Warnes GR. The Normal Kernel Coupler: An adaptive Markov Chain Monte Carlo
method for efficiently sampling from multi-modal distributions
<http://www.analytics.washington.edu/statcomp/projects/mcmc/nkc/>, Ph.D.
thesis, Department of Biostatistics, University of Washington,
<http://www.biostat.washington.edu/> October 2000. (See Chapter 3, "Using
the Normal Kernel Coupler")
Gregory R. Warnes
Manager, Non-Clinical Statistics
Pfizer Global Research and Develo...
2003 Oct 11
Some teaching/training materials (ESS/ESS-Noweb-Sweave/SNOW)
Lecture/Labs 1 and 2 are on For ESS, ESS-Noweb-Sweave.
Lecture/Lab 4 is on parallel computing with R
(each Lecture/Lab was just under 2 hours).
Comments/corrections welcome, they were used last week here in
Copenhagen, so "most" of the bugs are out.
p.s. Lecture/Lab 3...
2004 Apr 19
New package: mcgibbsit, an MCMC run length diagnostic
Maintainer: Gregory R. Warnes <gregory_r_warnes at groton.pfizer.com>
License: GPL
Depends: coda
Warnes GR. The Normal Kernel Coupler: An adaptive Markov Chain Monte Carlo
method for efficiently sampling from multi-modal distributions
<http://www.analytics.washington.edu/statcomp/projects/mcmc/nkc/>, Ph.D.
thesis, Department of Biostatistics, University of Washington,
<http://www.biostat.washington.edu/> October 2000. (See Chapter 3, "Using
the Normal Kernel Coupler")
Gregory R. Warnes
Manager, Non-Clinical Statistics
Pfizer Global Research and Develo...
2004 May 07
Re: Sessioned R web interfaces
Both RZope and Rho solve this problem.
it by using *nix's fork command, which takes as much
time as a memcopy.
Rho(http://rho-project.org) solves it by maintaining
a pool of idling R processes, which it maintains
active & can pull to do a calculation immediately.
Both of these are pretty immediate...
2008 Aug 04
Is there any way to make pretty tables in R to pdf?
Hi, all,
All your comments have been very useful. I was wondering if there was
a package that can make pretty R tables to pdf. I guess I could use
xtable, but I would like something a little more elegant. Your input
is greatly appreciated.
Best wishes,
2009 Feb 27
Ordinal Mantel-Haenszel type inference
I am searching for an R-Package that does an exentsion of the Mantel-Haenszel test for ordinal data as described in Liu and Agresti (1996) "A Mantel-Haenszel type inference for cummulative odds ratios". in Biometrics. I see packages such as Epi that perform it for binary data and derives a varaince for it using the Robbins and Breslow variance method. As well as another pacakge
2008 Jun 03
R-2.7.0 rJava installation failure on x86_64
...ead symbols: File format is
ambiguous collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
It looks like the command above could use /lib64/libc.so.6, but running "R CMD
javareconf" shows that JNI linker flags don't contain any entry similar to
-bash-3.00$ /path/to/noarch/bin/statcomp R-2.7.0 CMD javareconf
Java interpreter : /path/to/x86-64-linux/bin/java
Java version : 1.6.0_06
Java home path : /path/to/x86-64-linux/jdk-1.6.0_06/jre Java
compiler : /path/to/x86-64-linux/bin/javac
Java headers gen.: /path/to/x86-64-linux/bin/javah
Java archive tool: /path/to/x86-64-...
2004 Mar 22
Distributed computing
Dear all,
does anyone know if there exists an effort to bring some kind of
distributed computing to R? The most simple functionality I'm after is
to be able to explicitly perform a task on a computing server. Sorry if
this is a non-informed newbie question...
Best regards
Anders Sj?gren
PhD Student
Dept. of Mathematical Statistics
Chalmers University of Technology
Gothenburg, Sweden
2006 Jul 18
Reproducible Research - Examples
...am. In poking around the R website it is
clear that a lot of thought has gone into documenting reproducible research,
notably by Harrell, Gentleman, and the Sweave effort, among others.
Question: Reproducible research is clearly desirable and feasible. Could
anyone provide examples (stand-alone URLs or supplementary material in
journals) that you would recommend as a models for reproducible research in
2002 Dec 02
Crawley's book on S-Plus and one strangeness
I have got to my hands an excellent book by Michael J. Crawley
``Statistical Computing: An Introduction to Data Analysis using
S-Plus'' (John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, ISBN 0-471-56040-5). Its beauty
for me is in the fact, that it is more of ``An Introduction to
Data Analysis'' than ``using S-Plus'', but I guess that it may be
of interest for many others.
Most of the
2003 Dec 01
help with random numbers and Rmpi
Dear People,
This may not be the right place to ask a question about Rmpi, but I don't
know of a better one.
I am trying to get a simple program working using Rmpi with the model of 1
R master and n C slaves. What I am trying to do is have each of the C
slaves generate a random number from U[0,1], and then have the master
collect all n numbers as a vector and output it. However even doing