search for: starts_at

Displaying 4 results from an estimated 4 matches for "starts_at".

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2006 Mar 21
Use select_date for my model?
Hi all I have a model "party" that has a time field "starts_at". I have created a form to add new instances of this model. <%= select_date, :prefix => ''party'' %> Sadly I get the error: NoMethodError in Parties#add undefined method `month='' for #<Party:0x256a600> How can I fix this problem? I rememb...
2011 Aug 06
Accessing datetime elements from hash passed to method
I''m passing hash (called ''params'') to a method. Some keys (one of them is called ''starts_at'') in that hash have date as a value (taken from datetime_select helper). I want to access the date elements like date only or time only but I''m just out of ideas. def self.new_meeting(params) str = params[''starts_at(1i)''] puts str end This returns n...
2006 Apr 07
Access instance variables from model?
Can I make my model methods aware of the context (preferably instance variables) where they are run, without having to pass them arguments? The app in question should be time zone aware, so something like[0].starts_in should check against rather than I could send the user as an argument ([0].starts_in(:timezoned => @logged_in_user)),
2006 Jan 20
SQL Server datetime error
...n, so i translated it -- i get: DBI::DatabaseError: Execute OLE error code:80040E07 in Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server Couldn''t convert a char-Datatype to datetime HRESULT error code:0x80020009 Exception occured.: INSERT INTO projects ([updated_at], [title], [starts_at], [description], [ends_at], [created_at]) VALUES(''2006-01-20 15:23:40'', ''title'', ''2006-01-20 15:23:00'', ''description'', ''2006-01-20 15:23:00'', ''2006-01-20 15:23:00'') -- Posted via http://w...