Displaying 20 results from an estimated 33 matches for "startrom".
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2008 Nov 10
PXE booting BartPE ISO file to Eee Pc
...from BartPE using WinXP SP2 CD as
source but with ramdisk.sys and ramdisk.inf replaced (sys file in
i386\System32\Drivers inf in i386\INF) from an extracted Server 2003 SP1
download (used 7zip to extract)
I've copied setupldr.exe into the root of my TFTP server and renamed it
ntldr. I also put startrom.com in there (renamed startrom.bs), ntdetect.com,
and winnt.sif.
My winnt.sif file:
BootDevice = "ramdisk(0)"
BootPath = "\i386\System32\"
OsLoadOptions = "/noguiboot /fastdetect /minint /rdexportascd
My pxelinux menu to boot start...
2006 Aug 22
How to enable F12 key to start PXE boot?
I researched on Archive, but the instruction says to copy startrom.com to
so I changed boot program to startrom.0 instead of pxelinux.0, it gives
me a TFTP error saying file not found.
then I keep startrom.0, change boot program back to pxelinux.0, then I do
not see F12 key and boot directly to PXE.
then I change the boot program to startrom.com...
2003 Apr 15
pxelinux and startrom.com
Hello all,
I'm having difficulty getting pxelinux to chain
load Microsoft's startrom.com. startrom.com starts
up, but upon pressing F12 i get an immediate "TFTP
Download failed". Any thoughts?
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2006 Apr 25
pxelinux and startrom.com
Greetings Luis,
I saw a thread about Startrom.com and startrom.o that had your name
I was wondering if you had a moment to comment on an issue that I have.
I have a Linux server that is our corporate PXE server. It is set up in
a logical folder structure so that a host can be pointed to boot a
variety of different OS's (DOS,...
2008 Apr 02
alternate tftp server
i just discovered the alternate ftp server syntax for pxelinux in the
changelog today. this interests me as I would like to use pxelinux on
a linux box to give a config file which tells pxelinux to fetch the
windows 2003 bootloader program (actually startrom.n12 from windows
2003) from the windows box.
label windows
since i can watch the fetching of the pxelinux config file on the
linux box (with a named pipe) i know exactly when the windows install
happens and therefore i can twiddle the pxelinux config to...
2011 Mar 05
How to load *.nbi directly with pxelinux / syslinux
Hi all,
I need a hint how to load *nbi images directly with gpxe /pxelinux etc.
I have some networkboot images available only as *.nbi, loaded by a
startrom.0 with "kernel startrom.0" and then a *.lst for the menue of
the nbi images.
The *nbi images and the startrom.0 is closed source and I have found no
solution to unpack and patch them.
I need to boot the images directly without the detour of this startrom.0
and the appendent menue.
Any hin...
2009 Aug 15
Incompatibility using pxelinux 3.80 or later and setupldr.exe from windows XP 32 bits
I suppose you got
-a dhcp server configured to load pxelinux.0 to client computer.
-a working tftp server (mine is tftpd-hpa, with a rule to convert
backslashes to slashes ans to convert uppercase to lowercase)
First, let start textmode setup without pxelinux
use cabextract to get startrom.n12 from your windows source
(/i386/startrom.n1_). Rename it to pxelinux.0, put it in your tftp root
use cabextract to get setupldr.exe from your windows source
(/i386/setupldr.ex_). Rename it to ntldr, put it in your tftp root
copy from your windows source ntdetect.com to your tftp root.
Start th...
2009 Apr 15
gpxelinux.0 can't work with microsoft RIS (startrom.n12)
gpxelinux.0 (3.73 and 3.74) can't work with microsoft RIS (startrom.n12),but pxelinux.0 (3.73 and 3.74) can work with microsoft RIS well.
keeppxe can't work in 3.74.
2006 Mar 19
remote boot bartpe
I've read in some post in your mailing list there is a special version
of startrom.0 which is possibile to load remote bart oe by xpe. Can you
provide me it or teach me how to create my own one?
Thanks in advance
2005 Feb 02
PXELINUX directory problem
...ut if I put them in different sub directories it no
longer works.
I'm using the windows2003 sp1 trick to load my iso's (bartpe, winpe,
erd commander, etc)
pxelinux.0 gives me a menu:
LABEL bartpe
KERNEL bartpe/startrom.0
LABEL winpelab
KERNEL winpelab/startrom.0
the startrom.0 in turn tries to start ntldr and ntdetect.com. ntldr
calls winnt.sif. the winnt.sif file contains the location of the ISO
When looking at the tftp log I noticed the startrom.0 is loaded, but
it tries to...
2006 Mar 07
Booting BartPE 3110a
Can someone point me to instructions on booting BartPE with pxelinux.0 over
the network. Thanks.
2009 Aug 18
Incompatibility using pxelinux 3.81 or later and setupldr.exe from windows XP 32 bits
...ppears starting syslinux 3.81, NOT 3.80 (I tried too many versions)
The zip files are available here:
Remember that le file pxelinux.0 found in tftp-root--works-fine.zip is
not from syslinux: this is the startrom.n12 file from a xp cdrom
(/i386/startrom.n1_ expanded as startrom.n12 using cabextract). This
name let you not to edit your dhcp server configuration.
To Shao Miller:
I'm already building my RIS server by using Gianluigi's work. However, I
wish something similar to the multiboot dvd based...
2013 Aug 17
Which version shall i choose ?
...ggestions or hints which syslinux version I shall use.
The main focus will be on PXE boot.
I have to upgrade due to (expected) performance problems (tftp), so I
will swich to HTTP boot !
existing system:
- syslinux version 4.05 (tftp only)
- used modules : pxelinux.0, memdisk, vesamenuc32, patched startrom.0
- I boot .nbi , .iso, .ima and sometimes files (clonezilla etc.)
- size of the .nbi and .iso : up to 25 MB
- one main menu (1st. level)and up to 5 submenues (2nd level)
- 1 GBit backbone , 100Mbit to the clients
- 1000 boots a day , can be 200 boots within half an hour
- same files and menus exis...
2005 Aug 23
patch: SDI Xpe images support for pxelinux
...have the skill to do it but I can give my help for testing.
>Since I don't have either spec nor images I (nor time) I can't do it
>either, obviously.
> -hpa
If you want to load SDI images you can use WinPE instead of XPe. You'll
need to patch the ntldr and startrom.com to point to different winnt.sif
files (to load different images) but you can get it to work very nicely.
Plus you don't need to import the ntldr blobs etc. Just need a part/disk
Does this help?
default local
timeout 300
prompt 1
display msgs/boot.msg
F1 msgs/help.ms...
2009 Aug 19
Incompatibility using pxelinux 3.80 or later and, setupldr.exe from windows XP 32 bits
...good for you to try
> out the latest PXELINUX.0 (compiled from the latest Syslinux in its
> project git repository). You can get pretty close by using the link I
> sent before.
I will be very busy until next month. I'll try the latest snapshot.
> I personally think renaming startrom.n12 to pxelinux.0 is a bit silly;
> PXELINUX should be able to chain to the real startrom.n12 from a
> PXELINUX config-file or menuing system. Employ pxechain.com, if need
> be. This still allows you to leave your DHCP configuration intact.
I renamed startrom.n12 to pxelinux.0 on...
2013 Aug 17
Which version shall i choose ?
...it's even slower (easily
250kB/s or as low as 100kB/s).
Can you deal with a client taking 1-4 minutes to just fetch files? If
not, you will have a performance issue.
> existing system:
> - syslinux version 4.05 (tftp only)
> - used modules : pxelinux.0, memdisk, vesamenuc32, patched startrom.0
Where does startrom.0 come from? Some Windows file?
> - I boot .nbi , .iso, .ima and sometimes files (clonezilla etc.)
> - size of the .nbi and .iso : up to 25 MB
> - one main menu (1st. level)and up to 5 submenues (2nd level)
> - 1 GBit backbone , 100Mbit to the clients
> - 100...
2005 Nov 13
FW: pxelinux and bar
...that don't use the BIOS disk interfaces will not work. The
other problem is the allocation of memory. Windows doesn't respect the
memdisk allocation.
However it is possible using the supported RAM disk booting, but only by
using the Windows 2003 ramdisk.sys ramdisk.inf ntldr, ntdetect and
In short you dump the ISO image containing the updated ramdisk.sys/.inf
to your tftp root. Create a pxeliniux config to load the startrom.bs
(startrom.com renamed). Have the ntldr (setupldr.exe) and NTdetect.com
in the root also. Create a WINNT.SIF in the root.
BootDevice = "...
2005 Nov 03
simple menu limitations
...ng simple menu and have noticed that items at the
bottom are dropping off. I seem to be limited to 12 items. Is there a
limit to how many items can be on the simple menu?
default pxelinux.cfg/menu.c32
prompt 0
LABEL bartpe
APPEND keeppxe
LABEL 11dnet
MENU LABEL Build 11DNET beta (works on 200MB ram)
APPEND keepxe
LABEL imgctr
MENU LABEL Image Center (experimental)
KERNEL memdisk
APPEND keeppxe initrd=fimages/pqimgctr.vfd
LABEL localboot
MENU LABEL Localboot
2005 Jun 30
Different tftp directories
...th winpe 2005 under linux.
It works and we are happy.
But we have one problem because we want to add one more image for xp pro x64 too.
Since there is already a ntdetect.com, NTLDR and winnt.sif in the /tftpboot root directory we can't
add the 64 bit ones.
It's no problem to use different startrom.0 files since I can specify the kernel path.
But I don't see an option to use another tftp-path for uploading.
Is there a solution or workaround.
BTW: We are using pxelinux 2.10 and tftp-ha 0.36
2013 Jan 11
HP Probook 6570b - Unable to locate configuration file
...24.133 filename pxelinux.cfg/default
Jan 11 16:10:25 pxeinstall in.tftpd[92890]: RRQ from filename menu.c32
Jan 11 16:10:25 pxeinstall in.tftpd[92891]: RRQ from filename pxelinux.cfg/default
Jan 11 16:10:30 pxeinstall in.tftpd[92892]: RRQ from filename Boot/startrom.0 remapped to windows/7/startrom.0
Jan 11 16:10:30 pxeinstall in.tftpd[92893]: RRQ from filename bootmgr.exe remapped to windows/7/bootmgr.exe
Jan 11 16:10:30 pxeinstall in.tftpd[92894]: RRQ from filename \Boot\Fonts\wgl4_boot.ttf remapped to windows/7/Fonts/wgl4_boot.tt...