search for: stage6

Displaying 7 results from an estimated 7 matches for "stage6".

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2007 Jun 07
webplayer for .ogg like for .divx
Hi, I wonder whether there is a webvidoeplayer for .ogg theora as it is for divx? Anybody a link to a project for such a player? Cya Ben -- Best regards, Ben Schoenle Founder of Kairos Enterprises O? ---------------------------------------------------- is a service of Kairos Enterprises O? Cybernetica Ma...
2007 Jun 07
webplayer for .ogg like for .divx
Hi, I wonder whether there is a webvidoeplayer for .ogg theora as it is for divx? Anybody a link to a project for such a player? Cya Ben -- Best regards, Ben Schoenle Founder of Kairos Enterprises O? ---------------------------------------------------- is a service of Kairos Enterprises O? Cybernetica Ma...
2007 Jun 07
webplayer for .ogg like for .divx
Hi, I wonder whether there is a webvidoeplayer for .ogg theora as it is for divx? Anybody a link to a project for such a player? Cya Ben -- Best regards, Ben Schoenle Founder of Kairos Enterprises O? ---------------------------------------------------- is a service of Kairos Enterprises O? Cybernetica Ma...
2013 May 03
[LLVMdev] [Polly] GSoC Proposal: Reducing LLVM-Polly Compiling overhead
...some expensive Polly passes or LLVM passes that Polly depends on; > * Stage4 (3 weeks): revise canonicalization passes of Polly and try to remove most of canonicalization passes; > * Stage5 (1 week): revise the pass ordering problem and let Polly bail out if it cannot benefit programs; > * Stage6 (1 week): revise and improve Polly code generation passes; > * Stage7 (1 week): revise and improve Polly optimization passes; > * Stage8 (1 week): revise other parts of Polly. I believe that before we should probably move Polly rather early into the default -O3 optimization chain. You may ta...
2013 May 03
[LLVMdev] [Polly] GSoC Proposal: Reducing LLVM-Polly Compiling overhead
Dear Tobias, Thank you very much for your very helpful advice. Yes, -debug-pass and -time-passes are two very useful and powerful options when evaluating the compile-time of each compiler pass. They are exactly what I need! With these options, I can step into details of the compile-time overhead of each pass. I have finished some preliminary testing based on two randomly selected files from
2013 May 02
[LLVMdev] [Polly] GSoC Proposal: Reducing LLVM-Polly Compiling overhead
On 04/30/2013 04:13 PM, Star Tan wrote: > Hi all, [...] > How could I find out where the time is spent on between two adjacent Polly passes? Can anyone give me some advice? Hi Star Tan, I propose to do the performance analysis using the 'opt' tool and optimizing LLVM-IR, instead of running it from within clang. For the 'opt' tool there are two commands that should help
2013 May 03
[LLVMdev] [Polly] GSoC Proposal: Reducing LLVM-Polly Compiling overhead Polly passes or LLVM passes that Polly depends on; >> * Stage4 (3 weeks): revise canonicalization passes of Polly and try to remove most of canonicalization passes; >> * Stage5 (1 week): revise the pass ordering problem and let Polly bail out if it cannot benefit programs; >> * Stage6 (1 week): revise and improve Polly code generation passes; >> * Stage7 (1 week): revise and improve Polly optimization passes; >> * Stage8 (1 week): revise other parts of Polly. > >I believe that before we should probably move Polly rather early into >the default -O3 optimizati...