Displaying 20 results from an estimated 22 matches for "stackloss".
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2008 Oct 29
how can I access parts of yags output
Here is an example given from
Y1 <- yags(stack.loss~Air.Flow,id=1:21, data=stackloss)
How can I access parts of the output.
I tried:
> str(Y1)
Formal class 'yagsResult' [package "yags"] with 25 slots
..@ coefficients : num [1:2] -44.13 1.02
..@ coefnames : chr(0)
> Y1$coefnames...
2002 Jan 22
documentation and plotting with lqs
...[5] "fitted.values" "residuals" "scale" "terms"
[9] "call" "xlevels" "model"
Also is there any plotting available for lqs?
And trying plot on the lqs object doesn't work:
> data(stackloss)
> set.seed(123)
> examplelqs <- lqs(stack.loss ~ ., data = stackloss)
> plot (examplelqs)
Error in as.double.default(x) : (list) object cannot be coerced to vector type 14
Clayton Springer, Ph. D.
Sandia National Laboratories csprin at ca...
2015 Jul 17
Improvements (?) in stats::poly and stats::polym.
...instead of R-help.
Then it would have been noticed by me and most probably
several other R core members ...
> IMHO the reproducible code I presented in that post:
> #############
> library(datasets)
> alm <- lm(stack.loss ~ poly(Air.Flow, Water.Temp, degree=3), stackloss)
> alm$fitted.values[1:10] # "correct" prediction values [1:10]
> predict(alm, stackloss)[1:10] # gives correct values
> predict(alm, stackloss[1:10,]) # gives wrong values
> #########
> ... clearly demonstrates something wrong, the two predicts sho...
2001 Mar 30
Re: [Omega-bugs] RSMethods pkg causes data.frame misbehavior in R
...why as.data.frame.default
> kicks in erroneously.
> I'm still able to make progress with the S4 classes in R
> with the RSMethods library, so I don't consider this too
> urgent.
> vc
> # normal operations prior to library attachment
> > data(stackloss)
> > stackloss[1:3,]
> Air.Flow Water.Temp Acid.Conc. stack.loss
> 1 80 27 89 42
> 2 80 27 88 37
> 3 75 25 90 37
> # attach
> > library(RSMethods)
> Attaching...
2008 Feb 18
Custom Plot - means, SD & 5th-95th% (Plotmeans or Boxplot)?
Any help with this problem would be greatly appreciated:
I need to produce a custom plot i haven't come across in R. Basically, I
want to show means, 1st standard deviation and 5th and 95th percentiles
visually, using something resembling a boxplot. Is it possible to completely
customize a boxplot so that it shows means as the bar (instead of, not as
well as medians), standard deviations at
2002 Mar 02
query on lqs
Is there a way of getting a list of indices or something indicating which set
of points lqs when doing a regression? The $bestone, seems to return only
2 pts. no matter how good or bad the fit. I checked the archive for the past
few months, but didn't find anything.
thanks in advance, Mark Hall
2005 Oct 06
a question about LMS and what constitutes outliers
I have been using the lqs function with method='lms'. However the
results I get are a little different from the results noted by Rousseeuw
& Leroy (Robust Regression and Outlier Detection) and I was wondering
how to use these results for outlier detection.
I'm using the stackloss dataset, for which the original Rousseeuw et al.
program points out that observations 1,2,3,4 and 21 are outliers.
This conslusion is arrived at by testing whether the residual is greater
than 2.5 * standard error
Netx I ran lqs as:
m <- lqs(stackloss[,-4], stackloss[,4], method='lms'...
2007 Jun 07
rlm results on trellis plot
How do I add to a trellis plot the best fit line from a robust fit? I
can use panel.lm to add a least squares fit, but there is no panel.rlm
Alan S Barnett <asb at mail.nih.gov>
2008 May 14
rlm and lmrob error messages
Hello all,
I'm using R2.7.0 (on Windows 2000) and I'm trying do run a robust
regression on following model structure:
model = "Y ~ x1*x2 / (x3 + x4 + x5 +x6)"
where x1 and x2 are both factors (either 1 or 0) and x3.....x6 are numeric.
The error code I get when running rlm(as.formula(model), data=daymean) is:
error in rlm.default(x, y, weights, method = method, wt.method =
2005 Feb 02
(no subject)
...quakes off Fiji
randu Random Numbers from Congruential Generator
rivers Lengths of Major North American Rivers
rock Measurements on Petroleum Rock Samples
sleep Student's Sleep Data
stack.loss (stackloss)
Brownlee's Stack Loss Plant Data
stack.x (stackloss) Brownlee's Stack Loss Plant Data
stackloss Brownlee's Stack Loss Plant Data
state.abb (state) US State Facts and Figures
state.area (state) US State Facts and Figures
2009 Feb 19
matrix computation???
Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong below? My Y and y_hat are the same.
n1<- dim(A)[1];n2<-dim(A)[2]
Y<- matrix(A[,"stack.loss"],nrow=n1)
y_hat <-matrix((X$u%*% t(X$u))%*%Y,nrow=n1,byrow=T)
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2002 Jan 02
comparative rendering of modeling outputs
...retrival at
This package addresses the problem of assembling and
rendering results of multiple linear model fits in formats
suitable for presentation in applications contexts.
An extract from the output of 'example(cremo)':
cremo> data(stackloss)
cremo> attach(stackloss)
cremo> glm2 <- glm(stack.loss ~ Air.Flow + Water.Temp + Acid.Conc.)
cremo> glm3 <- glm(stack.loss ~ Air.Flow + Water.Temp)
cremo> glm4 <- glm(stack.loss ~ Air.Flow * Water.Temp)
cremo> try(print(cremo(list(glm2, glm3, glm4), adeqel = c("de...
2007 Jun 05
biplot package
#mtrace(biplot.pca, T)
#mtrace(biplot.pca, F)
# 2D with graphics package
#x = matrix(c(42, 52, 48, 58, 4, 5, 4, 3), nc=2); x
#dimnames(x) = list(letters[1:nrow(x)], LETTERS[1:ncol(x)]); x
#x = stackloss; x
#x = cars; x
#x = longley; x
x = mtcars[,1:7]; x
#x = LifeCycleSavings; x
biplot.pca(x, scale=T)
biplot.pca(x, col.obj=3, col.var=4, var.red=.5)
biplot.pca(x, center=T, scale=F, weight='eq', cex=.5)
biplot.pca(x, center=T, scale=F, weight='eq', cex=.8)
2011 Sep 27
Is there a "latex" summary function in the quantreg package for just 1 tau?
...a nice LaTeX table for a rq object.
Trying to use the functions I found so far wouldn't work. I can
start opening the functions up, but I am wondering if I had missed some
function which is the one I should be using.
Here is an example session for a bunch of possible errors:
y <- stack.loss
x <- stack.x
rq_object <- rq(y ~ x, tau = .5)
rq_object_summary <- summary(rq_object)
# Error in UseMethod("latex") :
# no applicable method for 'latex' applied to an object of class "rq"
# Error i...
2000 Jun 29
...from the imputed one (removing
> one independent variable at a time). I have tried to do the computations
> by hand, but my figures do not match R's.
That's essentially correct, but only if you mean removing one variable
at a time and not replacing it. Here is an example:
> data(stackloss)
> fm <- lm(stack.loss ~ ., data=stackloss)
> anova(fm)
Analysis of Variance Table
Response: stack.loss
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
Air.Flow 1 1750.12 1750.12 166.3707 3.309e-10
Water.Temp 1 130.32 130.32 12.3886 0.002629
Acid.Conc. 1 9.97 9.97 0.9...
2018 Dec 17
Documentation examples for lm and glm
> Second, for examples of capability, there are too many exceptions in this instance. For example:
> glm() can take a two-column matrix as a single response variable.
> lm() can take a matrix as a response variable.
> lm() can take a complete data frame as a predictor (see ?stackloss)
> None of these work naturally if everything is in a data frame, and some won?t work at all.
> Steve E
> *******************************************************************
> This email and any attachments are confidential. Any use, copying or
> d...
2004 Apr 27
lmRobMM vs rlm
I am needing some expertise with regard
to the S-Plus command lmRobMM and its R counterpart
I have used lmRobMM(formula,data) in S-Plus on the Stackloss data and
obtained for my residuals
6.217777 1.150717 6.427946 8.174019 -0.6713005 -1.248641 -0.4236203
0.5763797 -1.057899 0.3593823
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20
0.9629239 0.4732042 -2.506497 -1.346176 1.344408 0.1432279 -...
2018 Dec 16
Documentation examples for lm and glm
On Sat, 15 Dec 2018, frederik at ofb.net wrote:
> I agree with Steve and Achim that we should keep some examples with no
> data frame. That's Objectively Simpler, whether or not it leads to
> clutter in the wrong hands. As Steve points out, we have attach()
> which is an excellent language feature - not to mention with().
Just for the record: Personally, I wouldn't recommend
1997 Dec 05
R-beta: New R Version for Unix
...and prop.test() from Kurt Hornik.
o New read.fwf(.) for reading fixed width format (KH).
o New str(.) [alternative to summary(.) for programmers] (MM).
o New example data sets "esoph", "infert" and "anscombe" (TL),
"iris3" (KH) and "stackloss" (MM).
o source(.) has several new arguments, notably ``echo = FALSE''.
This is applied in the new function demo(.) which runs all the
code in demos/ (but dynload).
o strheight(.) is new, accompanying strwidth(.).
Both now work for mathematical expressions (Paul Murre...
1997 Dec 05
R-beta: New R Version for Unix
...and prop.test() from Kurt Hornik.
o New read.fwf(.) for reading fixed width format (KH).
o New str(.) [alternative to summary(.) for programmers] (MM).
o New example data sets "esoph", "infert" and "anscombe" (TL),
"iris3" (KH) and "stackloss" (MM).
o source(.) has several new arguments, notably ``echo = FALSE''.
This is applied in the new function demo(.) which runs all the
code in demos/ (but dynload).
o strheight(.) is new, accompanying strwidth(.).
Both now work for mathematical expressions (Paul Murre...