Displaying 5 results from an estimated 5 matches for "sqlwrite".
2007 Feb 02
New RODBC: a problem with sqlSave
INSERT INTO tminmax ( data, cod_wmo, tipo, t ) VALUES ( ?,?,?,? )
Binding: data: DataType 9
Binding: cod_wmo: DataType 1
Binding: tipo:
DataType 1
Binding: t: DataType 2
no: 1: data 2007-01-
26/***/no: 2: cod_wmo 16045/***/no: 3: tipo MIN/***/no: 4: t -2.5/***/
sqlwrite returned
[RODBC] Failed exec in Update
01000 -1 [unixODBC]
Error while executing the query (non-fatal);
ERROR: duplicate key
violates unique constraint "data_cod_tipo"
Query: DROP TABLE tminmax
Errore in sqlSave(canale, tabella1, tablename = "tminmax", rownames =
FALSE, :...
2008 May 07
RODBC sqlSave with multiple schema in DB2
2: sqlwrite(channel, tablename, dat, verbose = verbose, fast = fast,
test = test, nastring = nastring)
1: sqlSave(myConnection, merged, tablename = "PCCSLANOTMETBYSEVERITY",
append = T, rownames = F, colnames = F, verbose = T, oldstyle = F,
safer = TRUE, addPK = F, fast = F, t...
2010 May 20
RODBC: sqlSave leave primary key and other columns null
...tablename, append=TRUE,
rownames=FALSE, colnames=FALSE )
Error in odbcUpdate(channel, query, mydata, coldata[m, ], test = test, :
missing columns in 'data'
Enter a frame number, or 0 to exit
1: sqlSave(ch, result, tablename = "CreditLadderData", append = TRUE,
2: sqlwrite(channel, tablename, dat, verbose = verbose, fast = fast, test
= te
3: odbcUpdate(channel, query, mydata, coldata[m, ], test = test, verbose =
Selection: 0
When I explore a little, I see that odbcUpdate is automatically looking
for ALL the columns in the table, even though some allow nulls....
2008 Oct 28
sorry if this is really basic but I am just starting on R.
Can anyone point me at how to write R objects into Excel 2007 files. I
have seen how to set up a connection to a file through
odbcConnectExcel2007(xls.file, readOnly = FALSE, ...) but it doesn't say
anything on how to write data
2000 Mar 08
RODBC: follow up
...) )
shouldn't that read
if (!any(sqlTables(channel)[4] == sqtable))
The above mentioned one-line-only problem with sqlTables() of course breaks
this code
(6) Some more comments (perhaps due to my ignorance about ODBC, can ODBC
write data without sending sql statements?)
(6.1) looping
sqlwrite() sqlgetresults() uses for-loops for writing/reading data rowwise.
I expect this to be rather slow.
Is it possible to have this done in C instead of R?
If in R, might it be that the sequence of multiple rbind() leads to memory
segmentation (growing lists)??
May be one should ask on R-Help, if it i...