search for: sqliteconnection

Displaying 11 results from an estimated 11 matches for "sqliteconnection".

2008 Sep 15
S4 coercion responsibility
...or not)? The example is with RSQLite but the same thing happens with RMySQL, and other DBI packages. > library("RSQLite") Loading required package: DBI > m <- dbDriver("SQLite") > con <- dbConnect(m) > setClass("SQLConPlus", contains=c("SQLiteConnection","integer")) [1] "SQLConPlus" > conPlus <- new("SQLConPlus", con, 1) > dbListTables(con) character(0) > dbListTables(conPlus) Error in sqliteExecStatement(con, statement, : RS-DBI driver: (invalid dbManager handle) > dbListTables(as(...
2007 Oct 24
How do you specify a rubygem is being required?
Hi I''m loading a gem on demand but can''t find a way to spec it. Assuming rubygems is already loaded, I assumed the following would work: describe SqliteConnection, " class" do it "should require ''sqlite3''" do Kernel.should_receive(:require).with("sqlite3") end end Unfortunately it seems that rubygems does something funky to "require" because it works...
2011 Mar 13
Problems getting html files out of R CMD check
Hi, I'm trying to R CMD check a package, however I have hit a snag. There seems to be a problem with the creation of the /html files (the only file that's constructed here is the 00Index.html). I've tested each of the .Rd files independently with R CMD Rdconv, they all happily create html files without complaint. R CMD check <package> gives the no warnings. I'm therefore
2007 Jul 16
S4 coerce
...lass2, coerce, test, replace, by, classDef1 = classDef, 2: methods currently exist for coercing from "TSconnection" to "MySQLConnection"; they will be replaced. in: ..removePreviousCoerce(class1, class2, where, prevIs) > # or > # setAs("TSconnection", "SQLiteConnection", def = function(from) from at con) > # setIs("TSconnection", "SQLiteConnection", coerce = function(x) x at con) > Tcon <- new("TSconnection", con=dbConnect(m, dbname="test"), vintage=FALSE, panel=FALSE) > is(Tcon, "DBIConnection&q...
2013 Sep 09
Package installation and path.package
...aracter(), dbTable = character() ) ) .mmstructDB <- setClass("mmstructDB", representation("VIRTUAL", conn = "SQLiteConnection"), contains = c("mmstructBASE"), prototype(conn = dbConnect(dbDriver("SQLite"), .defaultDBPath())) ) I understand the error, but I would like to have a workaround. How can I give the path to the package I am actually install...
2017 Jul 17
dbplyr error updating database
...ited method for function 'dbSendQuery' for signature '"src_dbi", "character"' Stack trace (innermost first): 67: <Anonymous> 66: dbSendQuery 65: observeEventHandler [/home/mconklin/tmpdir/CodeKPVars/server.R#76] 1: runApp Auto-disconnecting SQLiteConnection Auto-disconnecting SQLiteConnection The specific chunk of server code being run is: kpnew<-src_sqlite("/var/sqlite/KPProfile2") stmnt<-paste0("update kpquestions set mrisupercat = '",input$supercat,"' , set mricategory = '",input$subcat,...
2012 Apr 17
Cummerbund differential expression data analysis package issue
...... Writing genes table Reshaping geneData table Recasting Writing gene Data table Reading /home/sbica1/tophat/finaltrans/tophat/0125diff_out/gene_exp.diff Error in function (classes, fdef, mtable) : unable to find an inherited method for function "make.db.names", for signature "SQLiteConnection", "integer" csVolcano(genes(cuff_data),'0',36) Error in .local(object, x, y, features, ...) : One or more values of 'x' or 'y' are not valid sample names! -- View this message in context:
2009 Sep 17
Why S4 method is not visible from another package?
...bject="AnnDbBimap" object="ANY" object="Bimap" object="DBIObject" object="HyperGResultBase" object="KEGGHyperGResult" object="LinearMResultBase" object="ListHyperGResult" object="PFAMHyperGResult" object="SQLiteConnection" object="SQLiteDriver" object="SQLiteResult" Browse[1]> class(gos[[1]]) [1] "GOListHyperGResult" But I still get: Browse[1]> is(gos[[1]], "ListHyperGResult") [1] TRUE Browse[1]> summary(gos[[1]]) Length Class...
2013 Sep 18
Design for classes with database connection
...reinventing the wheel? For this I would use VIRTUAL classes like: .mmstructBASE <- setClass('mmstructBASE', representation( dbName = "character", dbTable = "character")) .mmstructDB <- setClass('mmstructDB', representation( conn = "SQLiteConnection"), contains = c("mmstructBASE")) .mmstruct <- setClass('mmstruct', representation( name = "character", index = "array", N = "integer", K = "integer", compiD = "array", secID = "array"...
2009 Apr 03
bigglm "update" with ff
Hi, since bigglm doesn't have update, I was wondering how to achieve something like (similar to the example in ff package manual using biglm): first <- TRUE ffrowapply ({ if (first) { first <- FALSE fit <- bigglm(eqn,[i1:i2,,drop=FALSE]), chunksize = 10000, family = binomial()) } else { fit <- update(fit,
2010 Mar 22
SQL-select using native R methods ?
Hi I have a problem in R that I have been trying to solve but without success. I am trying to join two tables on two variables : an ID and a date (optional) that will be common between the two tables In SQL (and SAS PROC SQL) I am a frequent user of the "select" command and I am used to the following nomenclature : select a.*, b.c, b.y, b.z from table1 a, table2 b where