Displaying 20 results from an estimated 76 matches for "spplot".
2014 May 05
Mapa de quantiles con spplot
legend(3777189,2249615, legend=names(attar(colcode, ?table?)), fill=attr(colcode, ?palette?), cex=0.6, bty=?n?)
Entonces obtengo el mapa como lo quiero (Me falta la división política, pero para este ejemplo la omití):
Cuando lo hago con spplot:
spplot(zm, "part88", col.regions=plotclr, cuts=nclr, key.space="bottom?)
Me regresa lo siguiente:
Entonces lo que quiero es usar el spplot para pintar dos variables c(?part88?, ?part93?), que el mismo ?legend? aplique...
2014 May 03
Mapa de quantiles con spplot
Intento representar en un mapa participaciones porcentuales de los sectores económicos y no logro hacerlo con spplot.
He intentado con spplot(zm, c(?part88?, ?part93?), cuts=4, col.regions=brewer.pal(4, ?Set3?))
Lo pude hacer utilizando el base graphics de R, definiendo:
> plotvar88 <- zm$part88
> nclr <- 8
> plotclr <- brewer.pal(nclr, "PuOr")
> plotclr <- plotclr[nclr:1]
2011 Dec 03
side-by-side map with different geographies using spplot
I can display a single thematic map for a city using spplot as follows:
But, calling the function again for Cleveland just overwrites the
window. I am unsure how to use spplot's layout tools with two different
geographies. Most examples use a single geography and multiple attribute
columns. Alter...
2014 May 07
Mapa de quantiles con spplot
Lo hice de la forma en que propones y no me sale, no sé si algo esté mal con R, porque no me respeta ni el ?key.space?, me lo sigue poniendo en la parte izquierda del gráfico
El 06/05/2014, a las 02:21, Olivier Nuñez <onunez en unex.es> escribió:
> El segundo argumento en spplot ha de definir el número/nombre del intervalo al que
> pertenece el area a pintar.
> Este código debería funcionar:
> zm$class88=findCols(classIntervals(zm$part88, nclr, style="quantile"))
> zm$class93=findCols(classIntervals(zm$part93, nclr, style="quantile"))...
2010 Dec 14
lattice fun: multiple themes in panels with spplot()
...), labels= names(
thumbDf at data$sec <- factor(thumbDf at data$sec, levels=c(0:8), labels= names(
stack() comes from library(raster), which does not do lattice natively and
doesn't plot thematic maps particularly well, AFAIK. Coercing the data to
something that spplot() can handle and changing the thematic data to factors
results in a very satisfactory legend for that theme. I would like the
third map to have the same size so that they more closely resemble a set of
panels even though they have different themes.
I have experimented with three approaches:
2014 May 06
Mapa de quantiles con spplot
El problema con la propuesta de Olivier es que los intervalos son
diferentes para cada variable.
La forma sencilla y rápida es:
spplot(zm["part88"], col.regions=plotclr, at=class$brks)
Pero para que quede más elegante hay que dar algunos pasos más:
## Intervalos en forma character
op <- options(digits=4)
tab <- print(class)
intChar <- names(tab)
## Indice de correspondencia entre elemento e interva...
2011 Mar 05
Change panel background color in spplot()
How does one change the background color of the map-panel in spplot()?
gridded(meuse.grid) = ~x+y
spplot(meuse.grid, "part.a")
How would I get another background-color for the map-panel (but not for
the whole plot) here?
Thank you!
2011 Jul 13
adding text to spplot
hi all,
I have a plot to which i would like to add text labels. And i cant find a way...here is the code :
enaD2<-idw(D2~1, loca=dva, newdata=grd)
pts = list("sp.points", dva, pch = 20, cex=1.5, col = "darkred
spplot(enaD2, "var1.pred",sp.layout=pts, main = "globina 60 cm", sub="D2", col.regions=terrain.colors(64), contour=T)
text information is in ena$ime field,
regards, m
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2011 Mar 04
make an own (different) color legend with spplot()
Is there a way to manually costumize the color legend in an spplot() -
especially where to draw ticks and labels for the ticks?
The reason I'm asking: Usually spplot() automatically divides the data
into fitting slices and makes a color legend (also automatically).
I want to assign the slices myself and have a fixed scale instead of an
automatic/dynamic s...
2007 Oct 05
using spplot (sp package) with 5 quantiles
I'm using R 2.5.1 and gstat 0.9-39 library and I'm working with the
jura data set provided by gstat library.
I tried to plot a graph of metal concentrations (let's say Cd) with
the command spplot, but I realized that the default lags are equally
distributed between Min and Max. I did:
jura.pred.xy <- jura.pred
names(jura.pred.xy)[1:2] <- c("x", "y")
coordinates(jura.pred.xy) <- ~x+y
spplot(jura.pred.xy, scales=list(draw=TRUE), xlab=&qu...
2009 Sep 27
Select.spatial on spplots
Hi everyone. I posted this on R-sig-geo but got no response.
Can select.spatial() be used in an existing spplot? I have tried selecting points (eq) from a plot generated from sp. However, when I invoke select.spatial(eq). It generates only the points without the background containing the faults. I need the background to select which earthquakes coalesce on which fault. Is there an alternative?
2014 Feb 06
Consulta spplot
Buenas tardes,
Estoy probando a leer archivos netcdf (como raster stack) y crear
animaciones de datos de modelos climáticos y estaba utilizando para
generar las imágenes spplot(). Estás imágenes tienes superpuestas
varias capas de imagenes, el mdt de base, nubosidad, precipitación y
nieve. Mi pregunta es la siguiente,¿es posible visualizar la leyenda
de cada una de las capas?
Actualmente solo visualizo la de la capa base, el mdt.
2011 Oct 21
add=TRUE or similar in spplot?
Dear Helper,
I have a spatial lines data frame object 'spRiverDf'. The data frame consists of numbers {0,1,...,5}. And I have a vector 'colorS' of length 6 with different colours.
If I make a plot with spplot I get a plot of the lines - colours depending on there number in the data frame column:
spplot(spRiverDf['data.col.1'], zcol=..., names.attr=..., col.regions=colorS, lwd=10) # (A)
My problem:
- I'd like to overlay narrow lines (lwd=5) with the appropriate colors of a second data colum...
2010 Sep 27
spplot cuts
After looking through ?spplot, I would expect that I could specify the
values of the cuts:
"...?cuts? number of cuts or the actual cuts to use..."
So in the following command,
spplot(lzm.krige.dir["var1.pred"], scales=list(draw=TRUE),
2014 Mar 12
Sobreponer dos mapas
addLines(zonas, col=?red?)
Este es el resultado: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1286j3ppk6nyve6/zonas.tiff
Ahora lo que deseo hacer es agregar datos, por ejemplo el cociente de localización de la industria de la electronica para cada municipio de las zonas. Anteriormente lo he hecho con spplot, pero primero agregando los datos a traves de:
zm <- readOGR(?.?, ?zm?)
datos <- read.csv(ql.csv) #cocientes de localización por sector por municipio (345 obs)
zonas en data=data.frame(datos)
y después lo he pintado así:
spplot(zonas, c(?industria_electronica?))
Este es el resultado: ht...
2013 Jan 19
Is it possible to create color ramp legend in spplot for discontinuous data ?
Hello All,
I have a discontinuous dataset and I used spplot to plot the points.
I was wondering whether it is possible to show the legend of the plot as
color ramp. I saw that on continuous data. If anyone could tell me that
would be great.
Another thing I would like to know is how can we create the horizontal
legend. By default, the legend is vertical....
2015 Apr 02
Mapas con spplot
He hecho el típico mapa con gadm y spplot:
ES <-
acerco las canarias:
A <- which(ES en data$NAME_1 == "Islas Canarias")
L <- length(ES en polygons[[A]]@Polygons)
L <- length(ES en polygons[[A]]@Polygons)
for (i i...
2007 Oct 08
do not plot polygon boundaries with spplot {sp}
Is there a simple way to suppress the plotting of polygon boundaries with
spplot() ?
# simple list of 12 colors
cols <- brewer.pal(12, "Paired")
# plot pile of polygons, with 12 classes:
spplot(x, zcol='class2', col.regions=cols, scales=list(draw=T), xlab="Easting
(m)", ylab="Northing (m)")
... seems to work well. However the polygon...
2011 Mar 02
spplot() - costumize the color-legend
Is there a way to manually costumize the color legend in an spplot() -
especially where to draw ticks and labels for the ticks?
The reason I'm asking: Usually spplot() automatically divides the data into
fitting slices and makes a color legend (also automatically).
I want to assign the slices myself and have a fixed scale instead of an
automatic/dynamic scal...
2012 Feb 15
spplot settings
I want to use spplot function for plotting data on wold map
spplot.points(obj, zcol = names(obj), ..., names.attr,
scales = list(draw = FALSE), xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, aspect =
panel = panel.pointsplot, sp.layout = NULL, identify = FALSE, formula,
xlim = bbexpand(bbox(obj)[1, ], 0.04),...