Displaying 20 results from an estimated 206 matches for "spherical".
2003 Dec 13
sphericity calculation (more formulas?)
I believe that the following function is a good function for eyeballing
sphericity. But, I can't find functions for tests anywhere (g-g or
h-f). Anyone who wants to can feel free to use it.
It is bad that R does not provide any tests for sphericity AND cannot
do a MANOVA on repeated measures (although lme is an alternative add on
package). One of these solutions must be provided in the
2007 Sep 12
k-means clustering
a theoretical one.
I have read that use of k-means clustering assumes sphericity of data
distribution. Can anyone explain me what this means? My statistical
background is too poor. Is it another kind of distribution, like
gaussian or binomial? What does it happen if the distribution is not
spherical? Could you give me an example or a link to information about
Thanks for your help
2009 Mar 03
repeated measures anova, sphericity, epsilon, etc
I have 3 questions (below).
Background: I am teaching an introductory statistics course in which we are
covering (among other things) repeated measures anova. This time around
teaching it, we are using R for all of our computations. We are starting by
covering the univariate approach to repeated measures anova.
Doing a basic repeated measures anova (univariate approach) using aov()
2006 Mar 20
does lme repeated measures require sphericity?
I haven't been able to find an answer on this that's direct, only
implied. In several places I have read that when people asked for
sphericity tests they were guided toward lme or mlm models. But,
there is no direct indication that the lme method is not subject to
the sphericity assumption. In fact, it seems like it should be. Its
just a linear model that handles random and
2007 Jun 24
ANOVA non-sphericity test and corrections (eg, Greenhouse-Geisser)
...;- cbind(x0,x2,x4)
# n is the number of 'subjects' or rows; while
# k is the number of levels in the factor (columns),
# which is the number of repeated measures
n <- dim(data)[1]
k <- dim(data)[2]
# if k <= 2, the epsilon correction is not required.
# When the data are perfectly spherical, epsilon = 1.
# The minimum value possible for epsilon is
epsi = 1 / (k - 1)
# if epsi == 1 and k == 2, quit now...
# ---
# calculate variance-covariance matrix
# diagonal entries are variance,
# off-diagonal are covariance
S <- var(data)
# ---
# Now estimate Epsilon
D <- k^2 * ( mean(di...
2009 Nov 09
Getting Sphericity Tests for Within Subject Repeated Measure Anova (using "car" package) (Adjusted Dataset)
[corrected dataset below]
Hello everyone,
I am trying to do within subjects repeated measures anova followed by the
test of sphericity (sample dataset below).
I am able to get either mixed model or linear model anova and TukeyHSD, but
have no luck with Repeated-Measures Assuming Sphericity or Separate
Sphericity Tests.
I am trying to follow example from "car" package, but it seems
2011 Jun 17
Bartlett's Test of Sphericity
Hello Dear R user,
I want to conduct a Principal components analysis and I need to run two
tests to check whether I can do it or not. I found how to run the KMO
test, however i cannot find an R fonction for the Bartlett's test of
sphericity. Does somebody know if it exists?
Thanks for your help!
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2009 Nov 09
Getting Sphericity Tests for Within Subject Repeated Measure Anova (using "car" package)
Hello everyone,
I am trying to do within subjects repeated measures anova followed by the
test of sphericity (sample dataset below).
I am able to get either mixed model or linear model anova and TukeyHSD, but
have no luck with Repeated-Measures Assuming Sphericity or Separate
Sphericity Tests.
I am trying to follow example from "car" package, but it seems that I am not
getting something
2007 Aug 21
Sphericity test in R for repeated measures ANOVA
Is there a way to do a sphericity test in R for repeated measures ANOVA
(using aov or lme)? I can't find anything about it in the help.
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2004 Jun 23
Sphericity test
Hi R-users
Does anybody know if there are functions or packages in R for sphericity
tests like Bartlett's or Mauchly's?
Eng. Agr., M.Sc. Eduardo Dutra de Armas
Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura (CENA/USP)
Laboratório de Ecotoxicologia
Av.Centenário 303,
2005 May 10
sphericity calculation
Dear Prof. Baron,
thankyou for your pdf paper on using R, at
I am currently interested in the sphericity notes on pp. 45-47.
The equation on p. 46 suggests the following R calculation:
D <- k^2 * ( mean(diag(S)) - mean(S) )^2
while the notes in the pdf indicate the following:
D <- k^2 * ( mean(S) - mean(diag(S)) )^2
Can you please consider
2009 Dec 01
GLM Repeated measures test of assumptions: e.g. test for sphericity e.g. Bartletts and Levenes homogenous variances
Hello and thanks in advance
I am running a glm in R the code is as follows with residual diagnostic code
model4<-glm(Biomass~(Treatment+Time+Site)^2, data=bobB,
family=quasi(link="log", variance="mu"))
to test the effect of grazing exclusion of feral horses for a Phd with
following factors:
Treatment - 3 levels which are grazed
2005 May 11
2 factor ANOVA and sphericity
With respect to calculating the epsilon index of sphericity for ANOVA,
discussed on pp. 45-47 of:
It notes that epsilon is not required for a repeated measures design with
only k=2 levels, as the minimum value of epsilon (e) is given by:
e = 1/(k-1)
so for k=2, we have e = 1 (ie, no correction of the F test df; see p. 46).
These notes apply to a
2000 Aug 24
Is there a method to calculate Huynh and Feldt adjustments for sphericity violations
I'm getting to grips with using R to perform repeat measures
analysis of variance and was wondering is there a potted method to
obtain Huynh and Feldt or other adjustments for sphericity
Dr Dominic J Barraclough
Dept Neurobiology and Anatomy,
University of Rochester,
601 Elmwood Av, Box 603,
NY 14642
tel (716) 2753627
dominic_barraclough at
2003 Dec 05
simple sphericity test using bartlett and cov?
Is this right for a sphericity test?
x <- mymatrix
mycov <- cov(x)
bartlett.text (array (mycov), myconditions)
2007 Mar 26
Sphericity and post-hoc analysis in a repeated-measure ANOVA
Does anyone have any suggestions for how to test for violation of the
sphericity assumption and apply the Huynh-Feldt correction to a
repeated-measure model? My model follows the format below:
I've already looked at the explanations aov() and Error() in Baron's
“Notes on the use of R for psychology experiments and
2009 Jul 28
spherical wavelets package
Hello to all,
I am trying to use the spherical wavelets package on my altimetry data.
I am having some problems now and then.
Currently I am having an error of
"error in matrix(0,KK,JJ) : too many elements specified"
there is a thread of possibly same error (https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2005-January/064308.html)
2011 Mar 10
power for repeated-measures ANOVA lacking sphericity
Is there a function that calculates the power of a
repeated-measure ANOVA design, e.g., 2 groups, 4
within-subject factors, an average 0.40 correlation between
the 4 within factors, etc.
I don't think I can use power.anova.test() because it does
not consider corr=0.40.
I am hoping that someone has already implemented the method
by Muller & Barton (1989, JASA 84: 549-555) on how to
2010 Dec 15
Structure of Anova for obtaining sig. corrected for departure from sphericity
Dear helpers,
I have a 2x2 mixed design with two "groups" (between-subjects) and two
presentation-types (within-subjects).
The difference between groups is in the order of manipulations:
group.CD having first a block of present.type.C and then a block of
present.type.D, each block containing 31 trials.
group.DC having first a block of present.type.D and then a block of
2011 May 19
identical function names from 2 packages
...ll phone: 510-301-0179
Email: matzke at berkeley.edu
Mailing address:
Department of Integrative Biology
3060 VLSB #3140
Berkeley, CA 94720-3140
"[W]hen people thought the earth was flat, they were wrong.
When people thought the earth was spherical, they were
wrong. But if you think that thinking the earth is spherical
is just as wrong as thinking the earth is flat, then your
view is wronger than both of them put together."
Isaac Asimov (1989). "The Relativity of Wrong." The
Skeptical Inquirer, 14(1), 35-44. Fall 1989.