search for: speex_output

Displaying 1 result from an estimated 1 matches for "speex_output".

2010 Mar 20
Decode file written from JSpeex using C/C++ API?
...-1, // sample size in bits wavFormat.getChannels(), -1, // frame size -1, // frame rate false); // little endian ais = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(speexFormat, ais); AudioSystem.write(ais, SpeexFileFormatType.SPEEX, new File("speex_output.spx")); I'm assuming this writes to an ogg container? I have a few obvious questions. First, how would I decompress the above output on the iphone? Do I need to fuss with OGG or can I assume the output is raw? I know enough to write/read wave headers using Java or C but I would feel silly...