search for: speex_get_mode

Displaying 4 results from an estimated 4 matches for "speex_get_mode".

2008 Mar 25
link problem with VC 2008
Hi, I use the pre-compiled libs of speex, version beta3. I've got this link problem when I use the fonction speex_encoder_init(&speex_wb_mode) error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _speex_wb_mode I made the link with the librairies libspeex.lib and libspeexdsp.lib in my properties' project. I used the dumpbin executable of VC to see the external variable defined in the libs,
2008 May 30
trying to use latest but can't link now
Greetings. I just upgraded to the latest 1.2beta3 and now I get the following link error: unresolved external symbol speex_wb_mode. Using VS2005. If I put back the old libspeex.lib it compiles just fine, but I would like to upgrade to use the new AEC stuff if I can. My code looks like: enc_state = speex_encoder_init(&speex_wb_mode) ; Worked before the upgrade so did the API change?
2004 Aug 06
Framesize for UWB vs. WB encoding
Hi there. I am having a little trouble understanding the frame sizes chosen by the codec. testenc_uwb.c from the speex-1.0 source distribution has a framesize of 640 hardcoded and makes use of this value exclusively. However, a mode query on the actual codec returns 320 as a framesize for this mode. int tmp; speex_mode_query(&speex_uwb_mode, SPEEX_MODE_FRAME_SIZE, &tmp);
2005 May 25
Speex on TI C6x, Problem with TI C5x Patch
...*st; st=(EncState*)state; switch(request) { case SPEEX_GET_FRAME_SIZE: (*(long*)ptr) = st->frameSize; break; case SPEEX_SET_LOW_MODE: case SPEEX_SET_MODE: st->submodeSelect = st->submodeID = (*(long*)ptr); break; case SPEEX_GET_LOW_MODE: case SPEEX_GET_MODE: (*(long*)ptr) = st->submodeID; break; case SPEEX_SET_VBR: st->vbr_enabled = (*(long*)ptr); break; case SPEEX_GET_VBR: (*(long*)ptr) = st->vbr_enabled; break; case SPEEX_SET_VAD: st->vad_enabled = (*(long*)ptr); break; case SPE...