Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1581 matches for "species".
2005 Apr 07
axis colors in pairs plot
The following command produces red axis line in a pairs
pairs(iris[1:4], main = "Anderson's Iris Data -- 3 species",
pch = "+", col = c("red", "green3", "blue")[unclass(iris$Species)])
Trying to fool pairs in the following way produces the
same plot as above:
pairs(iris[1:4], main = "Anderson's Iris Data -- 3 species",pch = "+",
col = c...
2006 Jan 19
I can''t figure out how to solve this one
I am creating an application to run a fishing tournament (see http://
www.ruby-forum.com/topic/51209 for a little background)
Now I am running into an issue trying to calculate a leader board.
each participate can enter multiple fish but only the largest fish
per a given species counts towards the overall score. My entries
table looks like this:
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default |
Extra |
2010 Nov 04
Sorting data from one column with strings
I have tried to find this out some other way, but unsuccessful I have to
try this list.
I assume this should be quite simple.
I have a dataset with 4 columns, "Sample_no", "Species", "Nitrogen",
"Carbon" in csv format. In the species column I have many different
species with varying number of obs per species
"Sample_no" "Species" "Nitrogen" "Carbon"
1 Cod 15.2 -19.0
2 Haddock 14.8 -20.2
3 Cod 15.6 -...
2011 Jan 06
Extract data
Dear List,
I have a data frame called trait with roughly 800 species in, each species have 15 columns of information:
Species 1 2 3 etc..
a t y h
b f j u
c r y u
I then have another data frame called com with the composition of species in each region, there are 506 different communities:
community species
NA1102 a
NA1102 c
NA0402 b
NA0402 c
2011 Nov 24
I cannot get species scores to plot with site scores in MDS when I use a distance matrix as input. Problems with NA's?
Hi, First I should note I am relatively new to R so I would appreciate answers that take this into account.
I am trying to perform an MDS ordination using the function ?metaMDS? of the ?vegan? package. I want to ordinate species according to a set of functional traits. ?Species? here refers to ?sites? in traditional vegetation analyses while ?traits? here correspond to ?species? in such analyses.
My data looks like this:
Trait1 Trait2 Trait3 Trait4 Trait5 Trait?
Species1 228.44 16.56 1.66 13.22...
2009 May 01
adding zeros to dataframe
I am new to R and am hoping to get some tips from experienced R-programmers.
I have a dataset that I've read into R as a dataframe. There are 5 columns: Plot location,species name, a species number code (unique to each species name), abundance, and treatment. There are 272 plots in each treatment, but only the plots in which the species was recorded have an abundance value. For all species in the dataset, I would like to add zeros to the abundance column for any plots...
2010 Jun 13
Count of unique factors within another factor
I have a data frame with two factors (sampling 'unit', 'species'). I want to
calculate the number of unique 'species' per 'unit.' I can calculate the
number of unique values for each variable separately, but can't get a count
for each ?unit?.
> data=read.csv("C:/Desktop/sr_sort_practice.csv")
> attach(data)
> data[1:...
2007 Aug 31
Strange behavior using subset
Dear R Gurus,
Let's get the technical details out of the way first:
Computer: 1.83 GHz MacBook
R version 2.5.1
I have a data set that contains the following variables: site,
species, total.vines. I need to partition the main data set by site,
the further select only those species that occurred at each site.
When I select by site (site.name<-subset(data frame,Site=="Site
name"), the resulting data frame is normal, containing all the
records for that parti...
2003 Apr 09
[OFF] Nested or not nested, this is the question.
sorry by this off.
I'm still try to understand nested design.
I have the follow example (fiction):
I have 12 plots in 4 sizes in 3 replicates (4*3 = 12)
In each plot I put 2 species (A and B) to reproduce.
After a period I make samples in each board and count the number of
individuals total (tot) and individuals A and B (nsp). Others individuals
excepts A and B are in total of individuals.
This make a dataset with the 24 lines and not 12. Its smell pseudoreplication
in a n...
2011 Nov 07
ordination in vegan: what does downweight() do?
Can anyone point me in the right direction of figuring out what downweight()
is doing?
I am using vegan to perform CCA on diatom assemblage data. I have a lot of
rare species, so I want to reduce the influence of rare species in my CCA. I
have read that some authors reduce rare species by only including species
with an abundance of at least 1% in at least one sample (other authors use
5% as a rule, but this removes at least half my species). If I code it as
2011 Aug 16
Newbie question - struggling with boxplots
...rting out
with R and having some trouble with combining plots.
I am playing with the famous iris dataset (checking out example dataset in R
while reading through Introduction to datamining)
What I would like to do is create three graphs (combined boxplots) besides
each other for each of the three species (Setosa, Versicolour and Virginica)
with each graph showing showing four boxplots Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width,
Petal.Length and Petal.Width.
I can create the boxplot for the total dataset by doing the following:
However I would like to have this repeated for each Sp...
2005 Jul 08
removing factor level represented by less than x rows
In a number of different situations I'm trying to
remove factor levels that are represented by less than
a certain number of rows, e.g. if I had the dataset aa
below and wanted to remove the species that are
represented in less than 2 rows:
aa <- iris[1:101,]
In this case, since I can see that the species
virginica only has one row, I can write:
setosa versicolor virginica
50 50 1
aa[aa$Species != "virginica", ]
2004 Jul 16
sas to r
I would be incredibly grateful to anyone who'll help me translate some
SAS code into R code.
Say for example that I have a dataset named "dat1" that includes five
variables: wshed, site, species, bda, and sla. I can calculate with the
following SAS code the mean, CV, se, and number of observations of
"bda" and "sla" for each combination of "wshed," "species," and "site,"
restricting the species considered to only three of several specie...
2012 Sep 03
Scatter plot from tapply output, labels of data
i am trying to plot the means of two variables (d13C and d15N), by 2
grouping factors (Species and Year) that i obtained by the function tapply.
I would like to plot with different colours according to the Year and show
the "Species" as data labels.
My data looks like this:
Species d13C d13N Year
"Species1" 14,4 11.5 2009
2011 Mar 08
NaNs in Nested Mixed Model
Dear R users,
I have a problem with something called "NaNs" in a nested mixed model.
The background is that I have studied the number of insect nymphs
emerging from replicated Willow genotypes in the field. I have 15
replicates each of 4 Willow genotypes belonging two 2 Willow species.
Now I want to elucidate the effect of Willow genotype on the number of
emerging nymphs. Previously I performed a simple one-way anova with
"genotype" as explanatory factor and "number of nymphs emerging" as
dependent variable, but the editor of the journal I've submitted th...
2019 Mar 12
Reordenar una matriz con caracteres en cada celda
tengo una matriz de especies donde cada celda tiene datos con caracteres
(son parentesis). Cómo la puedo reordenar considerando tanto filas como
,Specie 1, Specie2, Specie3
Specie1, NA, 3(1-4), 8(6-9)
Specie2, 5(2-6),NA, 5(4-6)
Specie3, 2(1-3), 10(5-15), NA
,Specie 2, Speci...
2007 Jul 07
How to calculate the index "the number of species combinations"?
I want to analyze the co-occurrence of some species. In some papers, the
authors said that the index"the number of species combinations (COMBO)" is a
good index. I try to calculate the index by R language. But I can not get
the right value. I think that I do not understand the concept of the index
because my english is not good.
The conce...
2010 Jun 29
mixed-effects model with two fixed effects: interaction
Dear all,
In a greenhouse experiment we tested performance of 4 different species (B,H,P,R) under 3 different water levels in 10 replications. As response variable e.g. the number of emerging sprouts were measured on three dates. A simple Anova considering every measurement date separately shows a higly significant effect of species and moisture (and partly the interaction of bo...
2005 Aug 26
problem with certain data sets when using randomForest
..." doesn't work
because there is no instance that has class "c". Is
there any way to solve this problem?
# load the iris plant data set
dataset <- iris
numberarray <- array(1:nrow(dataset), nrow(dataset),
# include only instances with Species = setosa or
indices <- t(numberarray[(dataset$Species == "setosa"
dataset$Species == "virginica") == TRUE])
finaldataset <- dataset[indices,]
# just to let you see the 3 classes
# create the random forest
randomForest(formula =...
2004 Oct 28
ifelse() question
I have a data.frame with dim = 18638 (rows) 6 (cols)
[1] "id" "long" "lat" "species" "type" "size"
Variable "species" and "type" are factors. Species has 5 levels "BOV" "CAP"
Variable "type" has 11 levels "BRD" "CL" ... "OTHER&qu...