search for: specialdescription

Displaying 2 results from an estimated 2 matches for "specialdescription".

2006 Jul 11
Rails associations: Easy Question requires dumb answer two Models: class Template < ActiveRecord::Base end which has this migration: /snip t.column :name, :string And the other model: class Product < ActiveRecord::Base has_one :template end with the migration: /snip t.column :qty, :integer, :default => 0 t.column :specialDescription, :string t.column :template_id, :integer Finally here is my controller code: /snip t=Product.create(:specialDescription=>"Cleans shit",:qty=>12) t.template=Template.find(:first) My intention is to have several Products reference one template. But when I execute th...
2006 Jul 13
can''t convert true into integer
I have a method: ? def reduceProuctInventoryBy(product_id, reduction) ? ? t=Product.find(:first, :conditions =>["id = ?", product_id]) ? ? t.qty=(t.qty-reduction) ? ? ? end and the model: class Product < ActiveRecord::Base ? validates_presence_of :qty, :specialDescription ? validates_numericality_of :qty end but when i run my method, I get this: "can''t convert true into Integer" and rails does not give me a line number in the trace the error back to, any ideas? ps I am positive that Product.find(:first, :conditions =>["id = ?",...