search for: spcification

Displaying 12 results from an estimated 12 matches for "spcification".

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2007 Apr 27
Best Wireless bridge for Polycoms
Hi, I'm stuck doing an install with Polycoms at a small office with no RJ-45. They went wireless 100%, poor them. I insist on using Polycom unless it's impossible because that's what I am standardized on for many reasons. What's the best way/device to turn a wired Polycom 501 (or any Polycom for that matter) into a WiFi phone? Mike -------------- next part --------------
2011 Mar 28
Plotting the density of a Poisson Regression
I am doing a density plot in R. Spcifically, I want to do a Poisson Regression, and plot the fitted values. Anyone knows how this can be sone in R? -- Thanks, Jim. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2003 Mar 31
PAM support & openssh
Hi,, i'd want to do a question about PAM&Openssh. My OS is a Solaris 8. If i compile Openssh with ---with-pam option..... are there any spcifice SSH entries i have to put in my /etc/pam.conf file for using SSH&PAM better? Thanks in advance Max
2005 Dec 13
NET VIEW equivalent in Samba
Hi! Is there a NET VIEW equivalent in samba? I looked at smbclient -L but then I have to know the browser master. I only want to specifiy a workgroup.. Regards, Henrik
2011 Mar 31
DCT-coefficients in
Why for white-pixel image, oc_enc_fdct8x8_c() returns the matrix with non-zero AC-coefficients? _x[64]: * 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 * 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 * 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 * 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 * 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 * 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 * 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 * 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 _y[64]: * 3426
2006 Mar 06
call manager integration
I am getting this error from call manager (4.0) and asterisk 1.2.4 I have canreinvite=yes on the call manager setup. I can call into the asterisk box from call manager. THat seems to work. When I am calling out of the box using a call file I see this entry from call manager... What might be the problem with my setup? THanks, JErry ---------------- <Date>03/06/2006
2005 Jun 28
How to figure out underlying failed disk(parttions) and sector(s) position ???
Hi, with being exposed to more and more failed hard disks reports, I've accumulated several questions of the logged messages in /var/log/messages file: like how to identifying failed disks(partitions), where is the exact failed sector(s) on the hard disk, and why badblocks reports OK to the reported disk failure. Let me explained the above with the following several example. scenario #1, a
2005 Jul 28
[PATCH] Use KLIBSRC + KLIBINC consistent in kbuild files
Factor out all kernel specific path's (those containing usr/) into two variables: KLIBSRC + KLIBINC. Set the variables in a kernel spcific Kbuild file. Sam commit e6f989c1597a837f4aecbd11083697184c089611 tree 93f88d7564bb9e4d4bc95fd455b842d0bd0fdc54 parent 8151f4a98f82fba4fe3b949f49da4ab8bba71501 author Sam Ravnborg <sam@mars.(none)> Thu, 28 Jul 2005 23:36:07 +0200 committer Sam
2003 Oct 29
Winbind usage PDC and Domain menber ?
This mostly guesses, from posts and mails, i d really appreciate your views on those items, thanks Should winbind run on a PDC ? all account are supposed to exists on it or be managed via add user/ add machine Is winbind recommended on a multi file services network (SMB+NFS+AFS+etc) and when ACL are used: from various it seems not , winbind get the name only from the PDC and set a random id in
2009 Feb 13
VT-D RMRR is incorrect
I try pci pci passthrough with xen 3.3.1 and CentOS 5.2(64bit) on a SUPERMICRO C7X58 board I see the following the error in my boot log. (XEN) [VT-D]dmar.c:372: RMRR is incorrect. This problem is caused by this condition in dmr.c:372. if ( rmrr->base_address >= rmrr->end_address ) { dprintk(XENLOG_ERR VTDPREFIX, "RMRR is incorrect.\n"); return -EFAULT; } As an
2009 Feb 13
VT-D RMRR is incorrect
I try pci pci passthrough with xen 3.3.1 and CentOS 5.2(64bit) on a SUPERMICRO C7X58 board I see the following the error in my boot log. (XEN) [VT-D]dmar.c:372: RMRR is incorrect. This problem is caused by this condition in dmr.c:372. if ( rmrr->base_address >= rmrr->end_address ) { dprintk(XENLOG_ERR VTDPREFIX, "RMRR is incorrect.\n"); return -EFAULT; } As an
2012 Mar 02
Digium FXS specifications and limits Question
Howdy All, I'm considering Asterisk / Digium as a replacement to my existing phone switch. I need to continue to be able to push analog lines between multiple buildings in a campus environment. The Digium Analog 410 Card manual states it's not recommended to go beyond 1500 feet distance for an FXS card, and no line should leave the building or be bundled. The 2400 Series Manual does