search for: soul2soul

Displaying 1 result from an estimated 1 matches for "soul2soul".

2011 Apr 08
LiveIce - Need Some Info
...menting with liveice. 3. What is the access url for others to listen to my stream. Where is the mount point defined? For example as per the config file below -> i cannot access . This is my liveice.cfg SERVER PORT 16108 NAME CEFIL LIVE RADIO GENRE Soul2Soul URL PUBLIC 0 X_AUDIOCAST_LOGIN PASSWORD client.111 SAMPLE_RATE 22050 STEREO SOUNDCARD FULL_DUPLEX USE_LAME3 BITRATE 32000 VBR_QUALITY 1 NO_MIXER PLAYLIST playlist DECODER_COMMAND mpg123 MIX_CONTROL_MANUAL CONTROL_FILE mix_command TRACK_LOGFILE track.log Many than...