search for: soujava

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2008 Feb 18
Calling a controller inside a module
I tryied everything: :controller => ''MyModule::Core::Controller'' require ''MyModule/core/controller'' include MyModule::Core But nothing works !!! Question is very simple: How to call a controller that belongs to a Module inside the router.rb file? This cannot be that difficult! Thanks! -Sergio -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment
2008 Feb 23
I bugged you guys with some crazy questions, but finally the 0.3b release of MentaOnRuby is available. MentaOnRuby is a port of the Mentawai Framework to Ruby on top of Merb. More info: I hope that people will help and it will grow. Thanks to the Merb team! -Sergio -------------- next part -------------- An
2008 Mar 13
Reloading lib files
Hi, I have some Ruby modules inside my merb application /lib directory. Problem is: Every time I make a change in these files I have to restart Merb. This becomes impossible after 1000 restarts in 10 minutes. Can anybody say some magic words to save me? Thanks, -Sergio -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: