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2010 Sep 30
Kernel Panic When restarting the server
Hello, I'm getting a KErnel Pannic every time i restart the server, what could be happening? I just make: "shutdown -r now" and the server gets Kernel Panic. I'have to go on site and press the power button Here you have my sotware versions: Asterisk DAHDI Tools Version - DAHDI Version: libpri version: WANPIPE Release: 3.5.4 IS there something that i shoud check? Best Regards! -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2003 Mar 18
References of R in use
...e, searching through this r-help conference one quickly finds lot of universities, where R is being used, but I wonder whether there exists some list) Why I do I want this? In general, managerial decisions (in large companies) about software are most often based on references like "Does this sotware use IBM, Sun, Oracle, MS, big banks, big Telco companies, NASA, Academy of Sciences, and so on?" rather than "this soft is scalable, offers this and this and that, uses proven and sound statistical methods..." An information like "R is being (of course succesfully) used in .....
2009 Jan 05
Problem setting up diskless boot.
...ude the images/pxeboot directories [Errno ftp error] 550 Failed to change directory. Now there is nowhere to ENTER the directory of the OS Software, the popup asks for Operating system identifier Description Select protocol for installation Kickstart Sotware Server IP Address Location So Im at a loss what to do. Anyone done this recently and know WHAT THIS THING IS ASKING FOR??? Reg.Clemens reg at
2010 Mar 07
upgrading 32-bit installation to 64-bit
Hi! I've got a 32-bit Centos installed on an AMD Phenom II X2 processor and I'm interested ni making it 64 bit instead. But I'd sure like to avoid having to go back thru the whole installation again... in part because I've got sotware RAID set up and I'm assuming that I can't do a fresh install into it without having to re-configure the whole thing. So, is it possible (and practical) to upgrade a 32 bit system to 64? Thanks! -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .----...
2011 May 06
Uniroot - error
...ish it soon. Thanks. numsim=10000 set.seed(12345) P = c() for (m in 1:numsim) { Y = rnorm(140,0.0125,(0.005^(1/2))) U = exp(X1) ............. .............(sorry i have to skip the code in between otherwise assignment will get penalty for plagarism according to those screening sotware) ............ S = sum(.....) f = function(a){sum(F*(answer^(910:1))) - S} answer = uniroot(f, c(0,2), maxiter=1000,tol=0.001)$root P[m] = answer^26 - 1 } all the vectors are correct; it works without stimulation; it also works for loop(1:4624) but after 4625 there's error. -- View this mes...
2007 Jun 01
Asteris et winsip
Does anyone tried the Winsip sotware to test Asterisk? _________________________________________________________________ Discover the new Windows Vista
2011 Jan 31
Building RPMs for CentOS
Hi. Some times i need to build packages for CentOS, the major requeriment is build some missing module or package newer version required to run some sotware. I setup a mock build enviroment to compile packages, all is working as expected, but i enconter problem to share this work in a source repo, i try to figure out how other people are making this, in CentOS i have no idea on which source repo are kept the package metadata, specs and patches, b...
2002 May 08
BDE Instaler error 1620
...; . I have some questions, here they are : 1) Wath is it this kind of error ?? 2) Someone to instal BDE under Wine ?? I don?t know wath can I do to solve this situation, I need a lot to use BDE in my sotwares . Thanks for everybody Marcos Maia Thomaz -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2002 Jul 24
enumerating shared printers to the print browse master
...: PDEVMODE_CONTAINER pDevModeContainer {..} R_WINSPOOL: DWORD cbBuf = 0 (0x0) R_WINSPOOL: LPBYTE pDevMode = 0 (0x0) R_WINSPOOL: PSECURITY_CONTAINER pSecurityContainer {..} R_WINSPOOL: DWORD cbBuf = 0 (0x0) R_WINSPOOL: LPBYTE pSecurity = 0 (0x0) thank you for your engagement in this great piece of sotware ~christoph -- /* Christoph Beyer | Office: Building 2b / 23 *\ * DESY | Phone: 040-8998-2317 * * - IT - | Fax: 040-8998-4060 * \* 22603 Hamburg | */
2001 Nov 07
Greeting from Ogg on a Chip project
...will serve as SOC platform. uCLinux ( shall be used as embedded operating system. After an analysis of the performance requirements of the decoder, the system shall be partitioned appropriately and implemented as hardware/software co-design." As we will make use of your sotware (libvorbis+ogg123) then may I ask you all for your comment toward the project. Do you have any recommendations? Now we are in the feasibility study phase. My first task is to profile the ogg123+libvorbis to see if any part of the software could be done in the hardware. I used gprof and found tha...
2008 May 23
Hi I want to convert an MS virtual machines to Xen VM .programmatically on linux. Is there any tool or help? Please do the needful. Thanks & Regards, Vikram Singh Sotware Engineer R Systems International Ltd. An ISO 27001 and CMMI Level 5 Company C-40 Sector 59 Noida (India) GSM:+91- 9818782344 " Some people dream of success.....While others wake up and work hard at it. " _______________________________________________ Xen-devel mailing l...
2003 Mar 07
Gautham Kasinath Software Engineer Arkin Systems Pvt Ltd T. Nagar Chennai Ph. (91) (44) 8216686 Extn 14