search for: some1youknow

Displaying 2 results from an estimated 2 matches for "some1youknow".

2011 Aug 08
Run command based on OS version
I''m trying to write a script that runs command based on version of Redhat OS. For example, if the RHEL version is 6.0, it will run command. I was able to write file read script in ruby that would read file and execute but it didn''t seem to work in puppet script. Has anyone done something like this? $redhat_version_file = "/etc/redhat-release" $redhat_version =
2011 Feb 23
Install bin file through puppet
puppet newbie trying to install bin file through puppet. How would I go about it? class java { package {"java_package": provider => "bin", <--this did not work # source => "puppet:///application/jdk-6u23-linux-x64-rpm.bin", source => "", ensure => installed