search for: solt

Displaying 17 results from an estimated 17 matches for "solt".

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2006 Aug 24
[0.10.0] LazyDoc#fields does not return symbols
Hi again, fields() method of Ferret::Index::LazyDoc return an array of integer (maybe the integer of the symbol? I don''t know) instead of symbols as explained in the doc : Any ideas ? -- Posted via
2006 Aug 23
Ferret 0.10.0 bugs
Hi all ! Is Ferret 0.10.0 realy stable ? Because I converted all my code to the new API and many strange things appened. For exemple this, when I run a import script : /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/ferret-0.10.0/lib/ferret/index.rb:98:in `initialize'': End-of-File Error occured at <except.c>:103 in xpop_context (EOFError) Error occured in store.c:197 - is_refill current
2006 Aug 24
[0.10.0] Index#search_each options ignored
Hi Dave, The options hash is not used in search_each() method. -- Posted via
2007 Mar 02
Sorted empty search bug
Hello Dave, Hello all, I''ve got this error because I try to search something and sort it by name : Argument Error occured at <except.c>:93 in xraise Error occured in sort.c:551 - field_cache_get_index Cannot sort by field "name". It doesn''t exist in the index. The problem, occur when my index is empty, so the field "name" does not exists. --
2007 Feb 26
Ferret 0.11.0 tests segfault
I have an important segfault when I create the index (via Ferret::Index::FieldInfos#create_index). I decided to run the tests, this is what I have : $> ruby test_all.rb Loading once Loaded suite test_all Started ....................EEEEEEEE./unit/../unit/index/../../unit/store/../../unit/analysis/../../unit/utils/../../unit/query_parser/../../unit/search/tc_filter.rb:11: [BUG] Segmentation
2006 Aug 26
[0.10.0] Index#add_document bug with strange value ?
Perhaps, I found where is my problem (during a big import). Why this silly (really silly :)) example crash ? /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/ferret/index.rb:211:in `add_document'': IO Error occured at <except.c>:79 in xraise (IOError) Error occured in fs_store.c:225 - fso_flush_i flushing src of length -2 from
2006 Aug 26
[0.10.0] Index#search is not thread safe ?
This script ( give this result : "1" "0" "0" "0" Why the other thread does not have the same result ? Maybe, it''s not the correct way to use the index in a multi threaded environement but I don''t know how to do. Any ideas ? -- Posted via
2006 Aug 30
[0.10.x] Index#search with wildcard bug
Hello all, This script ( return this : Total hits = 100 Total hits = 0 This is not cool :( Dave ? Jens ? Someone ? Do you have any idea ? Thanks in advance. -- Posted via
2006 Sep 11
Boolean query bug
Hello all, At the end of this script :, I made two search. They have to return the same result, but the first return 2 matches and the second only one match. The first is clearly buggy. Do you have an idea ? Thanks. PS: I''ve tested with 0.10.4 -- Posted via
2002 Oct 16
problem with sshd
...ferent kernels(2.2.19,2.4.18,2.4.19), versions of openssh (3.3p1,3.4p1,3.5p1). 3.3p1 was working, then I got off network, didn't use sshd. I made some changes in the system, but can't track the relevant one. sshd -d or -D works fine. if u need more info, just mail me. thanks Lubos Soltes soltes at
2009 Nov 19
Type Of Number setting (pridialplan) is not effective
...milar.) - Why is it happening, and how to fix it? My environment: asterisk-1.4.27-rc2 dahdi-tools-2.2.0 libpri- RHEL Server 5.3 Digium Wildcard TE220 Below I am including my relevant configuration files and the PRI debug log of a test call. Thank you for your help in advance. Regards, Solt The /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf file without the comments and empty lines: ---------- <chan_dahdi.conf> ---------- [trunkgroups] [channels] #include dahdi-channels.conf context=default switchtype=euroisdn pridialplan=unknown prilocaldialplan=unknown signalling=pri_cpe rxwink=300...
2006 Aug 24
[0.10.0] Random error when big import
In a rails script (something in the "script" dir with the good require) I added many document (around 4000) to an index globaly instanciate (and build if not present) in config/environment.rb. I ran 3 three times my script (I deleted my index every time before), and only the third was successful. That was STRANGE ! :) These are the errors :
2007 Feb 28
Ferret quick dump&load
Hello Dave, Hello all, Some weeks ago, Maz submit a patch to quickly dump or load a ferret database in an other format to prevent index rebuilding (due to changes in the format) or to simplify backup/replication tasks. I re-paste this patch (it was against the 0.10.14) here : Do you think it''s intresting for ferret ? Do you have any plan for this patch ?
2006 Oct 11
Memory allocation bug with
Hi Dave ( again ! ) I''ve been searching for a while into my extension code to understand what was the matter, and Florent Solt who hasn''t got my extension has the same problem, so it figured to be a ferret problem.. Unfortunately, we''re unable at the moment to reproduce it in a little code so you could debug easilier... I''m working on it. Heres the issue : In the index, there are a lot of st...
2006 Oct 10
Need help for coding an extension to ferret
Hi, i''m working on a project using Ferret for indexing it''s datas. I''m very happy with it but i need to code an extension to implement a .to_json method to TopDocs class, because ruby''s json implementation is really really slow... It''s my second (the first was the tutorial :/ ) ruby C extension, so i''m not really at ease with ruby C
2006 Aug 24
installing ferret
I am trying to test drive ferret on a ubuntu dapper installation. I have a ferret-test.rb file like: ----begin--------- require ''ferret'' include Ferret index = => ''/opt/search-index'') ----end----------- When i issue: ruby ferret-test.rb, I get: ferret-test.rb:1:in `require'': no such file to load -- ferret (LoadError)
2014 Oct 09
Samba4 as BDC on a Win2003 AD_PDC
HI, I have a Windows 2003 as AD PDC. My intention is disable this Windows and use Samba4 instead. I have compiled Samba 4.1.12 on Debian 7 without problems. I followed Samba Wiki to Join this machine to Win domain, without to do the Samba4 provision steps, as mentioned. The join process occurs without errors and all strutcture of Wind2003 was replicated to Samba4. All modifications done on