Displaying 2 results from an estimated 2 matches for "softville".
2014 Jun 30
[ Off Topic ] WorkShop Virtualização com Proxmox VE
O evento acontecer? dia 21 de Julho de 2014, em Joinville - Santa Catarina.
Ser? um S?bado, sendo que o hor?rio o que segue abaixo:
In?cio: 08hs00
Intervalo: 10hs00
Almo?o: 12hs00 ( * ALMO?O N?O INCLUSO. )
Retorno: 13hs00
Encerramento: 16hs00
Ser? realizado nas depend?ncias da Funda??o Softville, cito no endere?o
*R. Otto Boehm, 48 - Am?rica, Joinville - SC, 89201-700*
Local do Evento <http://blog.konnectati.com.br/arquivos/1276>
Rua Otto Boehm, 48 - Am?rica, Joinville - SC, Rep?blica Federativa do Brasil
Funda??o Softville
more >> <http://blog.konnectati.com.br/arq...
2014 Aug 19
How do I do Centos 7 p2v migration?
I am trying to figure out how to do p2v and v2v migrations on a Centos 7 kvm
host. With previous versions there was virt-p2v but that does not seem to exist
with Centos-7.
I realize that if I am using shared storage, I can do live migrations but
that does not help with p2v migrations.
Does anyone know what the recommended procedure is for migrating either
physical or virtual machines to