search for: soaps

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 779 matches for "soaps".

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2006 May 02
SOAP client not seeing all of my AWS service methods
Hi all, Ruby 1.8.4 Rails 1.1.2 I''m a newb when it comes to SOAP, but I thought I''d give it a shot. I have several web services defined. However, when I try to connect with a SOAP client it seems the client is only picking up one of the services, called Hardware. require ''soap/wsdlDriver'' wsdl_url =
2006 Sep 06
31K failed stat64's when viewing a simple (no db) rhtml page?
I''m trying to help the sys admins of my server figure out what is up with our Rails installation (debian sarge - completely up to date). Hitting a simple page yields 31,000 failed stat64''s and takes anywhere from 8 - 44 seconds. They #! for ruby is correct everywhere, but it''s like it can''t find Rails. These are box stock standard installs. Here''s
2009 Jun 24
Qualified parameters in SOAP body using .SOAP
...; <SOAP-ENV:Body> <greetMe xmlns="http://web2.web/"> <arg0 xsi:type="xsd:string">Olivier</arg0> </greetMe> </SOAP-ENV:Body> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope> The R commands used are: library("SSOAP") smg8TestService <- SOAPServer("", "/web2/TestService", 8080) contentGreet <- .SOAP(server=smg8TestService, method="greetMe", arg0="Olivier", action="", xmlns="http://web2.web/", .convert=FALSE) But, AFAIU, the arg0 tag should NOT be qualified, a...
2007 Nov 12
Microsoft SOAP - Help!!
Hello, I am trying to access Microsoft Live Search Using SOAP through R. In R I am using the RCurl packages to make the calls. I have the following situation that looks crazy and cannot figure out how to solve it: #SOAP Request library(RCurl) h = basicTextGatherer() body='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-15"?> <SOAP-ENV:Envelope
2009 Mar 29
re form data for aov()?
I have data in a file named hands.dat, which is given at the end of this question. (It's from a stats textbook example on anova). I'd like to do an aov on this, which I guess would be d <- read.table("~/hands.dat", header=TRUE) aov(Bacterial.Counts ~ Water + Soap + Antibacterial.Soap + Alcohol.Spray, data=d) but this fails. Do I need to break d$Method up into columns for
2006 May 08
have any one tried Snmp extension to Net-SNMP daemon
Dear all, I am looking for a way for creating a gui for managing qos in linux , i came across snmp extension to net snmp at and i found qosd-0.0.1-13122003.tgz , in which there is a client server program using soap which was realy intresting but when i tried to compile it ended up with many errors ,, does and one have tried it , or have
2006 Feb 20
Trouble connecting to a Rails SOAP web service with a simple Ruby client
Hi, The code for my Rails webservice is below. It working just fine through the Rails web service scaffold invoke http://localhost:3000/ProductBackend/invoke I''m trying to write a plain ruby command line client to access the webservice. require ''soap/rpc/driver'' proxy ="http://localhost:3000/product_backend",
2006 Jan 26
Calling a SOAP service from within a Rails controller
The following works fine as a standalone ruby program: ********************************************************************************************** t = starter = Time.local(t.year,t.mon, + (24 *3600) ender = starter + 7 * 24 *3600 lat = 40.352039 lon = -74.191961 require ''soap/wsdlDriver'' params = {:maxt => false, :mint => false, :temp => true, :dew
2011 Jul 20
SSOAP & chemspider
....., obj = new( ? ^ In addition: Warning message: In processWSDL("") : Ignoring additional <service><port> ... elements Next I've tried using just the pure .SOAP to call the database. s <- SOAPServer("") csid<- .SOAP(s, "SearchByMass2", mass=89.04767, range=0.01, action = I(""), xmlns = c(""), .opts = list(verbose = TRUE)) Thi...
2006 Aug 02
Need help with SOAP and .NET
I am trying to consume a .NET webservice from Whenever I call soap.doSingleRecord I receive an error saying that I have an "Empty XML Request Structure". Looking at the sample SOAP request it appears that all the settings I am sending need to be wrapped in <Request> tags. So it lookes like I need to build a seperate Request object and
2010 Dec 20
Create SOAP Webservice with Rails 3
Hello, I''m just getting started with Rails, and for my first project I want to create a Rails app that is nothing more that a SOAP web service. From what I have been able to figure out it looks like with Rails 2 there was a web services framework of some sort. I have been struggling to find anything on Rails 3. Oh yea, yes it has to be SOAP :-) , we have SOAP clients and apps already and
2010 Nov 27
invalid date
Hi!! Somebody knows why throws me an exception?? invalid date C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/date.rb:1482:in `civil'' C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.3.4/lib/active_support/ core_ext/string/conversions.rb:23:in `to_datetime'' C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/soap4r-1.5.8/lib/xsd/datatypes.rb: 579:in `screen_data''
2005 Mar 08
ActionWebService SOAP Faults aren''t schema valid
I''m working with an ActionWebService client talking to an ActionWebService server through one of DataPower''s XS40 XML Security Gateways. One of the intrinsic functions of this gateway is automatic SOAP schema validation. When testing some failure cases, I noticed that SOAP Faults returned by ActionWebService aren''t schema valid to the SOAP 1.1 schema, specifically:
2006 Mar 22
RJS page.replace(_html) problems
For some time now I try to get my code working. This Monday I switched to RJS (first with 1.0 + plugin) and yesterday to Edge Rails, so I guess I''ve been using the most recent version. I have a div with id="detail" which I want to update with a partial. If I''m using page.replace_html the content will be replaced with text, i.e. the javascript won''t become
2006 Aug 07
Store SOAP::RPC::Driver in user session throws TypeError
Hi All I have a requirement to consume a 3rd party web service from my Rails application. I am doing this in my action require ''soap/wsdlDriver'' factory = soap = factory.create_rpc_driver soap.wiredump_file_base="#{RAILS_ROOT}/log/transidiom.log" param = %(<Request
2012 Mar 07
SSOAP and Chemspider: Security token?
Dear community, has anyone managed to get SSOAP working with the ChemSpider Web APIs, using functions which need the security token? I use SSOAP 0.9-0 from the OmegaHat repository. In the example code from SSOAP there is a sample which uses a token function. Interestingly, it checks if(!is.character(token)) first (and proceeds if the token is NOT character.) I can't test that function since I
2006 Jul 19
Session management with SOAP and AWS
I''m working on a rails app where I''d like to have a session-based SOAP API. That is, I''d like to connect via SSL and have a ''login'' method followed by one or more other methods. I''m using the ActionWebService::Client::Soap class to connect to my app, but each method invocation results in a new session on the server (WEBrick, at the
2008 May 22
SOAP client in Ruby/Rails
Hi all. I have a need to build a SOAP client using Ruby and Rails. I''m accessing a document/literal style SOAP service. I''ve been poring over documentation (well, there really doesn''t seem to be any, so that''s a little misleading), blog posts, and outdated tutorials all day, and I still don''t really have anywhere to begin. Every tutorial seems to have a
2006 May 17
Problem Consuming a Web Service
I''m trying to consume a webservice from my rails application and have discovered an interesting problem. I can call webservice functions just fine, as long as they do not require any arguments, but function that do require arguments do not work. The arguments are sent as either null or an empty string. My API has these method definitions: api_method :otherFunction,
2009 Mar 29
Mature SOAP Interface for R
Hello, we are writing rich internet user interfaces and like to call R for some of the computational needs on the data, as well as some creation of image files. Our objects communicate via the SOAP interface. We have been researching the various packages to expose R as a SOAP service. No current CRAN SOAP packages however. Found 3 to date: RSOAP (