Displaying 20 results from an estimated 34 matches for "smoker".
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2010 Jul 27
Samba LDAP ignores group information
...Excuse my English.
I've installed Samba+OpenLDAP as a PDC.
Everything works fine but Samba ignores completely group information.
Linux is ok.
Any clue? I'm going crazy here!
Here's the sittuation:
user: fish1
home dir: /home/reaml/swim/fish1
primary group: swimmers
other groups: smokers
Directory of smoker's group: /home/realm/smokers
Here's an 'ls -l' on smoker's parent dir:
drwxrws--- 19 cigarr smokers 2208 Jul 27 2010 smokers
Here's the share:
comment = Smoking
path = /home/realm/smokers
valid users = @smokers...
2011 Mar 08
...advance if this is posted all ready I have not been able to
find any information about it. I have this data frame and I want to sort
smoking by retlevel.
Age Gender BMI Calories Fat Fiber Alc retlevel
1 64 Female 18.87834 1828.0 63.4 14.7 0.0 Normal Non-Smoker
2 25 Female 20.64102 1517.4 59.1 5.9 0.0 Normal Smoker
3 50 Female 20.40345 1902.9 72.9 35.4 7.3 Normal Non-Smoker
4 32 Female 35.97525 3328.4 163.3 20.0 4.1 High Smoker
5 43 Female 25.58279 2501.6 121.1 19.5 0.0 High Smo...
2018 Jan 27
Dovecot 2.3.0 assertion failure on LMTP delivery
We are seeing a frequent assertion failure on LMTP delivery with 2.3.0. This only appears to happen on CentOS/RHEL 7.
Jan 24 08:30:58 smoker-devautomerge-c7-1 dovecot: lmtp(29540): Panic: file lib-event.c: line 148 (event_unref): assertion failed: (event != current_global_event)
Jan 24 08:30:58 smoker-devautomerge-c7-1 dovecot: lmtp(29540): Error: Raw backtrace: /usr/lib64/dovecot/libdovecot.so.0(+0xc8ec4) [0x7f226d036ec4] -> /usr/li...
2006 Aug 02
ggplot facet label font size
How do I change the font size in the facet labels along the edges of the
For example (from the ggplot help file):
p<-ggplot(tips, sex ~ smoker, aesthetics=list(x=tip/total_bill))
In this plot, the facet labels are "smoker: No", "smoker: Yes", "sex:
Female", "sex: Male". What command can I use to reduce the font size of
these labels?
In lattice terminology, cex is used to scale...
2018 Jan 27
Dovecot 2.3.0 assertion failure on LMTP delivery
...ull gdb backtrace?
> On January 27, 2018 at 6:58 AM "J. Nick Koston" <nick at cpanel.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> We are seeing a frequent assertion failure on LMTP delivery with 2.3.0. This only appears to happen on CentOS/RHEL 7.
> Jan 24 08:30:58 smoker-devautomerge-c7-1 dovecot: lmtp(29540): Panic: file lib-event.c: line 148 (event_unref): assertion failed: (event != current_global_event)
> Jan 24 08:30:58 smoker-devautomerge-c7-1 dovecot: lmtp(29540): Error: Raw backtrace: /usr/lib64/dovecot/libdovecot.so.0(+0xc8ec4) [0x7f226d036ec4] -> /u...
2018 Jan 29
Dovecot 2.3.0 assertion failure on LMTP delivery
...; On January 27, 2018 at 6:58 AM "J. Nick Koston" <nick at cpanel.net> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We are seeing a frequent assertion failure on LMTP delivery with 2.3.0. This only appears to happen on CentOS/RHEL 7.
>> Jan 24 08:30:58 smoker-devautomerge-c7-1 dovecot: lmtp(29540): Panic: file lib-event.c: line 148 (event_unref): assertion failed: (event != current_global_event)
>> Jan 24 08:30:58 smoker-devautomerge-c7-1 dovecot: lmtp(29540): Error: Raw backtrace: /usr/lib64/dovecot/libdovecot.so.0(+0xc8ec4) [0x7f226d036ec4] ->...
2008 Mar 28
Comparing proportions between groups
...en) and I know per group how many of them
smoke or don't smoke (women 40 of 200; men 100 of 300). I would like to know
how I can compare in R if men and women differ significantly in their
smoking. However, because there are more men in the sample than women I
cannot just compare the number of smokers and non-smokers in both groups,
right?! (I would not really know how to do that either, to be honest :().
I have done this:
gensmoke <- table(data$gender,data$smoke) #save table
old.digits = options("digits") # store the number of digits
2008 Mar 10
A stats question -- about survival analysis and censoring
Dear UseRs,
Suppose I have data regarding smoking habits of a prospective cohort and wish
to determine the risk ratio of colorectal cancer in the smokers compared to
the non-smokers. What do I do at the end of the study with people who die
of heart disease? Can I just censor them exactly the same as people who become
uncontactable or who die in a plane crash? If not, why not?
I'm thinking that heart disease isn't independent of smoking e...
2012 Jan 24
sampling weights in package lme4
Dear All
I am trying to include sampling weights in multilavel regression analysis using packege lme4 using following codes
print(fm1 <- lmer(DC~sex+age+smoker+alcohol+fruits(1|setting), dataset,REML = FALSE), corr = FALSE)
print(fm2 <- lmer(DC~sex+age+smoker+alcohol+fruits(1|setting), dataset,REML = FALSE), corr = FALSE,weights=sweight)
The problem is both the codes giving me exactly the same results.is this "weights" n...
2012 Nov 14
Multiple groups barplot
Hi everyone,
I have a certain number of samples and I want to visualize the groups those samples belong to.
For example, suppose to have three variables, age, sex, and smoker/nonsmoker, and three samples, S1, S2, S3.
S1 is 35, male, nonsmoker
S2 is 24, female, nonsmoker
S3 is 24, female, smoker
at the end I have the following data frame:
S1 S2 S3
age 35 24 30
sex M F F
smk N N S
What I would like is to see this represented in a matrix with colors representing th...
2011 Apr 19
Several factors same levels
This is probably very simple but I'm new to R so apologies for being stupid.
I have some data with No coded as 0 and yes coded as 1.
id sex alcohol smoker
1 M 0 1
2 F 1 0
3 M 0 0
I realise I can covert the numerical variable back to a factor by
2008 Apr 01
SEM with a categorical predictor variable
we are trying to do structural equation modelling on R. However, one of our
predictor variables is categorical (smoker/nonsmoker). Now, if we want to
run the sem() command (from the sem library), we need to specify a
covariance matrix (cov). However, Pearson's correlation does not work on the
dichotomous variable, so instead we produced a covariance matrix using the
Spearman's (or Kendalls) correlation meth...
2008 Feb 28
smokeping on CentOS questions
I'm having some problems getting CentOS to serve up my Smokeping pages (
However, I'm having problems getting the pages to serve up correctly.
Here is a quick run down of what I've done.
(1) wget and untar to /usr/local/smokeping
(2) chown -R root:root /usr/local/smokeping
(3) modifying to the following files to reflect my environment
(not sure if
2011 May 08
Hosmer-Lemeshow 'goodness of fit'
...harlottesville, Virginia
# Compute the Hosmer-Lemeshow 'goodness-of-fit' test
cd.full_model = glm(formula = Collaterals ~ CHF + Age + CABG
+ relevel (as.factor (num.obst.vessels),"one")
+ Current.smoker + DM + HTN + ace.inhibitor
+ MI, family = binomial(link = "logit"))
hosmerlem = function(y, yhat, g=10) {
cutyhat = cut(yhat,
breaks = quantile(yhat, probs=seq(0,
1, 1/g)), include.lowest=TRUE)
obs = xtabs(cbind(1 - y, y) ~ cutyhat)
expect = xtabs(cbind(1 - yhat, yhat...
2012 Oct 14
svyhist and svyboxplot
...35, 45, 55, 65, 75, 85)
#Chart 1
options( survey.lonely.psu = "adjust" )
svyhist (~age_p,
subset (nhis, xsmoke=='Current SMK'), breaks=MyBreaks,
ylim = c(0,0.040),
main= " ",
col="red", xlab="Current Smoker's Age ")
lines (svysmooth(~age_p, bandwidth=5,subset(nhis, xsmoke=='Current SMK')), lwd=2)
#Chart 2
options( survey.lonely.psu = "adjust" )
svyhist (~age_p,
subset (nhis, xsmoke=='Former SMK'), breaks=MyBreaks,
ylim = c(0,0.040),
2010 May 22
multiple imputation based on a condition
I'm trying to impute data, where a fictitional dataset is defined as...
n <- 500
test <- data.frame(smoke_status = rbinom(n, 2, 0.6), smoke_amount =
rbinom(n, 2, 0.5), rf1 = rnorm(n), rf2 = rnorm(n), outcome = rbinom(n,
1, 0.3))
# smoke_status (0, 1, 2) is c("non-smoker, "ex-smoker",
"current_smoker"), and
# smoke_amount (0, 1, 2) is c("light", "moderate", "heavy")
# rf1 and rf2 are two other risk factors (for illustration purposes -
real data set has more risk factors)
# artificially NA some of these values
2007 Apr 25
aggregate similar to SPSS
...ake a set of numbers and aggregate
them like you can in SPSS? For example, could you calculate the percentage
of people who smoke based on a dataset like the following:
smoke = 1
non-smoke = 2
When aggregated, SPSS can tell you what percentage of persons are smokers
based on the frequency of 1's and 2's. Can R statistical package do a
similar thing?
2011 May 05
Using functions/loops for repetitive commands
I still need to do some repetitive statistical analysis on some outcomes
from a dataset.
Take the following as an example;
id sex hiv age famsize bmi resprate
1 M Pos 23 2 16 15
2 F Neg 24 5 18 14
3 F Pos 56 14 23 24
4 F Pos 67 3 33 31
5 M Neg 34 2 21 23
I want to know if there are statistically detectable differences in all of
the continuous variables in
2007 Apr 26
select if + other questions
...trying to read a .txt file, do a couple of select if statements on my
data, and then finally use the ?table function to get frequency counts on
the data. Specifically, i am looking at answering the following question:
What is the frequency of Grade 7 students in the province of Alberta who
are smokers?
I am having some problems:
1)i cannot get the column names to show up when print to screen
2)I cannot seem to skip variables properly when i choose certain other
3)i cannot get the combination of Select If statements to work to produce
a different table with my new criteria
2007 Apr 27
like SPSS
I've written code to extact a pumf file in R, subset it, and weight it
like you would do in SPSS. My code is below & it works great. My question
is: how do i then calculate the frequencies of smokers (1) versus
non-smokers (2) after having weighted my file? or even the process that
SPSS is going through to aggregate the data?
Here is my code:
mysubset$Y_Q02 <-mysubset$DVSELF <-NULL