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2008 Oct 28
Source code for ppr (Projection Pursuit Regression)
Dear R users, I am looking for the source code of the implementation of ppr (Projection Pursuit Regression) in R. It will be great if citations of the source papers on which the implementation is based, are also provided. Thank you, Arvind Iyer, Grad student, Deptt. of Biomedical Engineering Viterbi School of Engineering University of Southern California, Los Angeles [[alternative HTML
2007 Aug 16
(coxph, se) Obtaining standard errors of coefficients from coxph to store
Hi all, I'm wanting to be able to find and store the z-score of coxph below: - modz=coxph(Surv(TSURV,STATUS)~RAGE+DAGE+REG_WTIME_M+CLD_ISCH+POLY_VS, data=kidneyT,method="breslow") I know summary(modz) will give me this, but how do i extract the standard error or z-score values in a similar way to obtaining the coefficients by coef(modz) ? I think it must be something to do with
2000 Sep 01
Help with Projection Pursuit, ppr().
...understand. This is what i did/got: > library(modreg) > X <- matrix(scan("miX_e.txt", 0), ncol=2, byrow=TRUE) Read 450 items > Y <- matrix(scan("g1_sr_e.txt", 0), ncol=1, byrow=TRUE) Read 225 items > g1.ppr <-ppr(X,Y, nterms=3, max.terms=5) Error in matrix(smod[q + 6 + p * ml + 1:(q * mu)], q, mu, dimnames = list(ynames, : length of dimnames[1] not equal to array extent Where "miX_e.txt" is a file containing 225 rows (225 cases for training) with 2 columns (2 explanatory variables), and "g1_sr_e.txt" is a file with one colum...
2005 May 05
[LLVMdev] design questions
Hey, I'm curious about two of the design questions in LLVM after reading the language reference. If there's preexisting material explaining this, just point me at it (looked and couldn't find any). - Why unsigned types rather than signed-only like Java/JVM? If I understand correctly, their behavior is only distinguishable in overflow situations, and the availability of
2008 Jul 30
model mix problem. FALSE CONVERGENCE
...dimnames(toto1)[[2]][2:(dim(toto1)[2]-n)], dimnames(zz)[[1]][-1], dimnames(toto1)[[2]][c((dim(toto1)[2]-n+1):dim(toto1)[2])]) ## Sauvegarde des r?sultats if (.method==1) { write.table(Resultats,sprintf("%sMod?leMIXED-%sfacteurs - %s-%s avec interaction.txt", pat,sum(CLASSE!=""),para$classe[1],para$classe[2]), sep="\t",quote=F,row.names=F, col.names=names(Resultats)) } if (.method != 1) { procs<-c(&...