Displaying 13 results from an estimated 13 matches for "smartlegend".
2008 Sep 04
Adding a legend to R graph device with several plots (no to individual plots!)
...ent unnoticed,
or it is to basic (if this is so, please sent me a hint).
I would like to know if there is a way to add a common
legend to an arrangement of plots. In the example below, I get four
plots in my device. each one has a density for 1995 and one for 2006.
I have found that using legend or smartlegend I can add a legend to
each plot, but I am looking for something in the spirit of mtext. That
is, putting the legend anywhere I want on the device. In my situation
I have:
par(mfrow=c(2,2), ann = FALSE)
p.names <- c("1","2","3","4")
lapply(p.names, functio...
2009 Aug 05
labeling in qplot
am plotting different density plots in one graph each with a different
And i want to add labels to plot mentioning which color belongs to which
data series.
p2 <- qplot(corArms, data = data1, geom = "density", adjust=0.4, main="Arms
Correlation All") +
layer(data=data2, geom="density", adjust=0.4, color=I(2)) +
2004 Nov 03
Legend placement in barplot?
This has been asked before, but all the answers are hidiously complex.
option of barplot is almost exactly what I need, except I need a
(top left) option. This option would be in contrast to the default
placement which we could call 'tr' (top right).
Anyone know how to edit the barplot code to make this change? Could
someone like me
2007 Jun 16
Lines connecting the boxes in a boxplot
...axt="n", whisklty=1)
boxplot(fitness ~ matrix,
data=data, boxwex=boxwex, at=(1:7 + 0.2), add=TRUE,
subset=(model=="dl4"), col="lightcyan", xaxt="n", whisklty=1)
axis(1, 1:8-0.5, labels=FALSE)
axis(1, 1:7, tck=FALSE, labels=levels(data[,2]))
smartlegend(x="left", y="bottom", inset = 0.01,
c("dyn","dl3","dl4"), fill = c("lightblue", "mistyrose", "lightcyan"))
2005 Feb 14
Wishlist: simple legend options (PR#7400)
I was loooking in R-bugs and found under wishlist-fullfilled wish for
"smart" placement of a legend. This has already been done in package
gplots in function smartlegend.
One question. This "bug-report" is under wishlist-fullfilled. Is it really
Mail from Elizabeth
It would be nice if legend had the option of some default locations you could
choose instead of entering specific...
2008 Jul 11
Problems with Package Installation.
...text html latex example
residplot text html latex
rich.color text html latex example
rtPCR text html latex example
sinkplot text html latex example
smartlegend text html latex example
space text html latex example
textplot text html latex example
wapply text html latex example
** building package indices ...
* DONE (g...
2004 Dec 02
Wishlist: simple legend options (PR#7400)
Full_Name: Elizabeth Purdom
Version: 1.9.1
OS: Windows XP
Submission from: (NULL) (
It would be nice if legend had the option of some default locations you could
choose instead of entering specific coordinates, like "topleft",
"topright","topcenter", etc. based on par("usr") coordinates. I know I've wanted
it so often I've made my
2012 Aug 15
boxplot help
> boxplot(Temp~Month, data=eagle, add=TRUE, at = 1:12 - 0.1, boxwex = 0.25,
> subset=Roof == "TT13", col = "darkgreen")
> boxplot(Temp~Month, data=eagle, add=TRUE, boxwex=0.25, at = 1:12 + 0.2,
> subset=Roof == "BARE", col = "red")
> smartlegend(x="left",y="top", inset = 0, c("green 1", "green 2", "bare"),
> fill = c("green", "darkgreen", "red"))
which produces the graph inserted
Can anyone point me in right direction?
thanks http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com...
2009 Dec 03
Problem with predict() and factors
...cs with Test
Range.pdf",sep=""),width=9, height=6.5)
plot(tsSource,col="grey", main=paste("Raw Data for", REPORTNAME),
xlab="Date", ylab="MiPS Used")
points(modelSource,col="red", pch=20)
points(verSource,col="blue", pch=20)
smartlegend( x="left", y= "top", inset=0,
#smartlegend parameters
legend = c("Actual Data","Data for Model Selection","Data for
In Sample Verification"),
fill=c(mypalette$actual,"red","blue"),bg = mypalette$background)
2007 Nov 02
gplots 2.5.0
...es additional plotting functions, including several
enhanced versions of base R functions.
Provided functions include:
balloonplot, bandplot, barplot2, boxplot.n, colorpanel, heatmap.2,
hist2d, lowess, ooplot, overplot, plot.lm2, plotCI, plotmeans,
qqnorm.aov, residplot, rich.color, sinkplot, smartlegend, space,
textplot, wapply
Changes in 2.5.0
New Features:
- textplot() now converts tab characters to spaces before processing to
avoid problems with computing height and width of text that includes
- Add col2rgb() function to convert color names to r...
2007 Nov 02
gplots 2.5.0
...es additional plotting functions, including several
enhanced versions of base R functions.
Provided functions include:
balloonplot, bandplot, barplot2, boxplot.n, colorpanel, heatmap.2,
hist2d, lowess, ooplot, overplot, plot.lm2, plotCI, plotmeans,
qqnorm.aov, residplot, rich.color, sinkplot, smartlegend, space,
textplot, wapply
Changes in 2.5.0
New Features:
- textplot() now converts tab characters to spaces before processing to
avoid problems with computing height and width of text that includes
- Add col2rgb() function to convert color names to r...
2004 Aug 20
legends on the outside of the "box"
Hi R People:
Here is a simple set of commands:
>x1 <- 1:10
>x2 <- sqrt(x1)
Now, I would like to put the legend box on the outside of the plot itself,
perhaps in the lower
left hand corner.
I've been
2005 Jul 04
Rotate legends or other approaches to nice legend placement?
I'm sure this general sort of question has been asked many times before
- I would _like_ automatic and sensible legend placement in barplots so
data is not overwritten... but since there doesn't seem to be one, one
of the following would be useful:
One approach for this would be to place the legend to the right of the
graph, and rotate it by 90 degrees.
Is there a sensible way to do