search for: sipbuddi

Displaying 7 results from an estimated 7 matches for "sipbuddi".

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2004 Dec 23
Realtime sipbuddies table structure why?????
Is there some reason the sipbuddies table structure was designed with sip config values as column names? Doesn't look very flexible It really should take the form of ast_config so when a new sip feature is implemented, you don't have to re-write the entire data structure too. Regards Greg Cirino
2005 Jun 07
I want to move the MySQL server out to another machine (my dababase server) When I restart asterisk, I do not get any errors, but after a phone call I see: Jun 7 18:11:56 ERROR[7877]: cdr_addon_mysql.c:400 my_load_module: Failed to connect to mysql database cdr on Or if I try to register a phone, which is in the sipbuddies. Jun 7 18:14:43 NOTICE[7870]: chan_sip.c:8098 handle_request: Registration from '"Ronald Video (612)"<>' failed for '' What do I miss? bye Ronald
2005 Jul 28
realtime: sip show users/peers
I don't see anything with sip show users and sip show peers, however it works! Is there a trick? I have installed realtime (sipbuddies) on one machine and see sip show peers/users and on my new installed system I don't. Have I forgotten something? bye Ronald
2005 Feb 01
load balancing 20 asterisk servers
I've read several other emails and pages on the wiki but none give any deffinate answers. if you have 20 asterisk servers each with 4 pri's, all running RealTime Extensions and RealTime SIPBuddies from the same MySQL server, what prevents you from putting all 20 servers behind a single load balancer? That way all of your UA's can use the same IP to register to; vs maintaining which customer is assigned to which machine. perhaps its just that i am not that familiar with load balancers....
2014 Mar 03
Asterisk 12.1.0 Now Available offer due to invalid or unsupported syntax (Reported by adomjan) * ASTERISK-22861 - [patch]Specifying a null time as parameter to GotoIfTime or ExecIfTime causes segmentation fault (Reported by Sebastian Murray-Roberts) * ASTERISK-23177 - [patch] RealTime cant update sipbuddies table when registering or updating friend (Reported by Denis) * ASTERISK-23082 - Including g722 in pjsip codec configuration results in unexpected SDP offers (Reported by xrobau) * ASTERISK-17837 - extconfig.conf - Maximum Include level (1) exceeded (Reported by pz) * ASTERI...
2014 Mar 03
Asterisk 12.1.0 Now Available offer due to invalid or unsupported syntax (Reported by adomjan) * ASTERISK-22861 - [patch]Specifying a null time as parameter to GotoIfTime or ExecIfTime causes segmentation fault (Reported by Sebastian Murray-Roberts) * ASTERISK-23177 - [patch] RealTime cant update sipbuddies table when registering or updating friend (Reported by Denis) * ASTERISK-23082 - Including g722 in pjsip codec configuration results in unexpected SDP offers (Reported by xrobau) * ASTERISK-17837 - extconfig.conf - Maximum Include level (1) exceeded (Reported by pz) * ASTERI...
2004 Dec 23
where I can find some learning book about asterisk? 3. Re: Voicemail email notification (Rich Adamson) 4. Can't Make Outgoing Call (Norman Zhang) 5. Re: Voicemail email notification (Dorn Hetzel) 6. Re: Asterisk in parallel with PSTN [OT] (Rich Adamson) 7. Re: rtp channels not through asterisk (Rich Adamson) 8. Re: Realtime sipbuddies table structure why????? (Greg - Cirelle Enterprises) 9. RE: Polycom Buddies (Paul Hales) 10. Re: Queue - roundrobin member order (Adam Goryachev) 11. Re: Voicemail email notification (Rich Adamson) 12. Re: Can't Make Outgoing Call (Norman Zhang) 13. Re: Recommended IAX sof...