Displaying 20 results from an estimated 31 matches for "simecol".
2006 Dec 06
require(simecol) error
Hi there,
I´m trying to use "simecol" package but I got the error showed below. I´m runnig R version 2.4.0 (2006-10-03).
Kind regards,
> require(simecol)
Loading required package: simecol
Error in loadNamespace(package, c(which.lib.loc, lib.loc), keep.source = keep.source) :
in ...
2006 Jul 05
package simecol uploaded to CRAN
Dear useRs,
a new and completely re-worked version of the "simecol" package
SIMulatiion of ECOLogical (and other) dynamic systems
is now available on CRAN. Compared to the S3 based 0.2-x versions an
improved object model using S4 classes was employed. Please ask me for
assistance in case of incompatibility.
Comments are welcome, Thomas Petzoldt
2006 Jul 05
package simecol uploaded to CRAN
Dear useRs,
a new and completely re-worked version of the "simecol" package
SIMulatiion of ECOLogical (and other) dynamic systems
is now available on CRAN. Compared to the S3 based 0.2-x versions an
improved object model using S4 classes was employed. Please ask me for
assistance in case of incompatibility.
Comments are welcome, Thomas Petzoldt
2006 Nov 02
Individual Based Model and/or Cellular automata
Um texto embutido e sem conjunto de caracteres especificado associado...
Nome: n?o dispon?vel
Url: https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/attachments/20061101/4218da11/attachment.pl
2008 Nov 09
Arms Race
hey can anybody help me? i have to simulate the richardson Arms race
model on R.. for my simulation class...
2008 Nov 07
Agent-based social simulation and R
Do anyone know anything about the use of R for agent-based social
simulation? It should be possible, and would be convenient for the
simple reason that there are several nice packages containing useful
stuff for SNA (Social Network Analysis). Information about packages,
web sites, experienced persons in the field, etc. would be very welcome.
2007 Oct 04
pdf() device uses fonts to represent points - data alteration?
Hello all,
I discovered that the pdf device uses fonts to represent "points"
symbols (as in plot(...,type="p",...) ). Namely it uses ZapfDingbats
with symbol U+25cf. This can lead to problems when the font is not
available, or available in another version (such as points being
replaced by other symbols, or worst: slightly displaced).
Furthermore, it also causes
2008 Feb 13
Modelling disease spread
I was at a lecture the other day and I saw a presentation of very neat
(short) animation modeling epidemic disease spread over a map region. When I
ask what software they used they mentioned SAS. Do you know if there are
equivalent resources in R to model the spread of disease with animation
output? My search in R-help and google didn't lead to any document (though I
found a couple of
2009 Feb 07
New package test results available
#includd <cmath>
#include <math.h>
Symptoms of this can be seen for packages
BayesTree EMCC MCMCfglmm MarkedPointProcess Matching Matrix
RQuantlib RandomFields Rcpp SoPhy compHclust dpmix igraph minet
mixer modeest monomvm multic pcaPP rgenoud robfilter segclust
simecol subselect
Brian D. Ripley, ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
Professor of Applied Statistics, http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
University of Oxford, Tel: +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UK...
2009 Jun 12
coupled ODE population model
I'm fairly new to R, and I'm trying to write out a population model that
satisfies the following;
the system consists of s species, i= 1, 2,...,s
network of interactions between species is specified by a (s x s) real matrix,
x[i] being the relative population of the "ith" species (0 =< x[i] =< 1,
the evolution rule being considered is as follows;
2010 Dec 14
peak detection
I was wondering if anyone knows of a package that contains the ability
for peak/valley detection. Here is an example of what I'm looking for,
only problem is that it's written in Matlab.
Thanks for any help in advance.
2009 Mar 04
CRAN package check on MacOS: sh: line 1: gs: command not found
I recently observed a NOTE on several MaxOS X package checks:
sh: line 1: gs: command not found
!!! Error: Closing Ghostscript (exit status: 127)!
/usr/bin/texi2dvi: thumbpdf exited with bad status, quitting.
See for details:
Does anybody know what's wrong here?
Thanks a lot
Thomas Petzoldt
Thomas Petzoldt
Technische Universitaet Dresden
Institut fuer Hydrobiologie thomas.petzoldt at tu-dresden.de
2013 May 27
fitting grid-based models
I'm interested to fit parameters (to data) in a grid-based (individual)
model. If I understood well, simecol library has the fitOdeModel function
but it is only suited to odeModels (differential equation). Alternatively,
FME package has several functions able to perform this procedure but all
examples are for differential eq. models. It is mentioned in the that such
functions could also be used for other...
2008 Dec 01
Attempting to get a STELLA model into R
To whomever may be of help,
I am a student in a graduate modeling class at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington. I am trying to get a STELLA model converted into R. I am in the process of trying to 're-write' the script into R, but I seem to be missing pieces (i.e. parm values) that are keeping me from being able to replicate this model into R. Does anyone have an idea of a
2009 Sep 25
simulating a model
...rying to simulate it in R.
However, I can't simulate it properly.
Two guesses: my script isn't right; I'm not setting the parameters properly
I have uploaded an image to the model here:
The script I am using is as it follows:
mod1 <- new("odeModel",
main = function(time, init, parms) {
x <- init
p <- parms
dx1 <- p["K"] - p["alpha"]*x[1]*x[2] - p["gamma"]*x[1]
dx2 <- x[1]*x[2]*(p["alpha"] - p["beta"])
dx3 <- p["beta&qu...
2010 Dec 11
Predator Prey Models
Dear R-users,
I am currently modifying a previously developed predator prey model and
was curious if there was a way to add in a disturbance to the model (let's
say at time t=100). The disturbance can be the introduction of 40 prey
(N=40) and 10 predators (Pred = 10). I would like to see my model go from a
state of equilibrium (up to t = 99), show this disturbance (at t = 100) and
2007 Apr 09
How to solve differential and integral equation using R?
I want to know if there are some functions or packages to solve differential
and integral equation using R.
Shao chunxuan.
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Dec 23
Finding flat-topped "peaks" in simple data set
...ould like to
calculate the phase value for each peak. It would be great to calculate the
mean value for the peak (possibly using rollmean(), but given the low
variability within the broad peak even just picking one value from the peak
would be sufficient.
I have tried using peaks() from the library(simecol),
peaks(data$Time,data$phase, model="max"),
but because of the flat nature of the peaks and the fact that peaks() looks
for values with lower neighbors I am unable to find all the peaks
(especially the one between time 0.762-0.897). For all my data files the
maximum phase values will fa...
2013 Feb 13
An extended Hodgkin-Huxley model that doesn't want to work.
...inf and Ktaum
The E (reversal potential) values for all the channels are given, except
for CaT and CaS which uses Eca as calculated in (5).
Current for Ca is calculated by summing the CaT and CaS currents, hence
CaI = gCaT*CaTm^3*CaTh*(v-Eca(v)) + gCaS*CaSm^3(v-ECa(v)
Here is the code:
## Hodkin-Huxley model
HH_soma <- function(time, init, parms) {
with(as.list(c(init, parms)),{
# Na only used in Axon
#Naminf <-1/(1+exp(-(v+24.7)/5.29));
#Nataum <- function(v) 1.32 - (1.26/(1+exp(-(v+120)/25)));
#Nahinf <-1/(1+exp((v+489)/5.18));
#Natauh <-...
2003 Mar 04
implementing ecological models in R
...mistakes (some PDF errors are already known).
On the other hand, I would be very glad about remarks and constructive
The tutorial can be found on
together with an absolutely preliminary version of an accompanying
library (the name simecol may be changed soon).
Thank you for your feedback!
Many thanks to all the people who are making the R-project possible!
Thomas Petzoldt Tel. +49-351-463 3 4954
Dresden University of Technology Fax +49-351-463 3 7108
Institute for Hydrobiology petzoldt at...