search for: significanly

Displaying 8 results from an estimated 8 matches for "significanly".

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2009 Feb 05
Chi-squared test adjusted for multiple comparisons? Harbe's test?
Hi! I have some data that looks like this up down percentaje uew_21 20 14 58.82 uew_20_5 27 40 40.29 uew_20 8 13 38.09 uew_19_5 17 42 28.81 So I have 4 experimental conditions and I am counting number of animals in the up and down compartment and the calculating the percentage, I want to know which one of the conditions is different from each other. If the data wouldn't be percentage
2006 Jul 08
denominator degrees of freedom and F-values in nlme
Hello, I am struggling to understand how denominator degrees of freedom and subsequent significance testing based upon them works in nlme models. I have a data set of 736 measurements (weight), taken within 3 different age groups, on 497 individuals who fall into two morphological catagories (horn types). My model is: Y ~ weight + horn type / age group, random=~1|individual I am modeling
2012 Jul 30
Problem with Bootres dcc and Dendroclim match
Dear all, I hope someone can assist with soliving my problems with the DCC function in the BOOTRES package. Initially did my analyses in Dendroclim, but when I tried to repeat the analyses in dcc I encountered some problems, that I think I should report. First I encountered that that one variable (April precipitation) that was determined as significant in Dendroclim's response function
2004 Nov 16
openssh porting
Hi All, I want port the openssh on an embedded system based on powerPC. Is there any document that can guide me to start? Thanks in advance, Mike Zheng __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
2016 Feb 19
winbindd: Exceeding 200 client connections, no idle connection found
Hello! This is my first email to the Samba mailing list :) We have been having an issue on our servers where the winbind service begins to utilize 100%~ CPU and logs the following error: *winbindd: Exceeding 200 client connections, no idle connection found* We have been running Samba *3.6.3-0.52.5*, however when originally investigating the problem, it was found that *3.6.3-0.58.1* included a
2011 Apr 01
Phrase "package writer" in R-exts
In a conversation with a programmer new to writing R packages, he mentioned that he was very confused by phrase "package writer" used in the document, and said that he "[was] literally imagining some sort of function that writes something related to packages". I can see his point: not only is it confusing, but I think it's also bad English (one wouldn't say "the
2006 Jan 27
Lockups since upgrade 1.2.3 - anyone else? Any ideas?
Boy oh boy. This blows. I upgraded to 1.2.2 from 1.0.9, and of course had the timebomb bug. Immediately after upgrading to 1.2.3 we were ok, for 24 hours or so. Since upgrading to 1.2.3, though, the whole system has locked up twice. Once on Thursday, and then about a half hour ago. The server would reply to a ping, but no ssh login, no local console login - just locked up. This ain't good for
2006 Apr 16
[S] Problems with lme and 2 levels of nesting:Summary
I have taken the liberty of including the R-help mailing list on this reply as that is the appropriate place to discuss lmer results. On 4/5/06, Andreas Svensson <andreas.svensson at> wrote: > Hello again > I have now recieved some helpful hints in this matter and will summarize them but first let me reiterate the problem: > > I had two treatments: 2 types of food