search for: showvalu

Displaying 12 results from an estimated 12 matches for "showvalu".

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2011 Oct 13
[LLVMdev] BasicBlock succ iterator
...return: ; preds = %bb5 %retval6 = load i32* %retval ret i32 %retval6 fun 1_subloop_0 new-entry new-entry: call void @showPlace() %1 = bitcast i8* %0 to i64* %2 = getelementptr i64* %1, i64 0 %j_val = load i64* %2, align 8 call void @showValue(i64 %j_val) %3 = trunc i64 %j_val to i32 %4 = inttoptr i64 %j_val to i32* %5 = getelementptr i64* %1, i64 1 %t_val = load i64* %5, align 8 call void @showValue(i64 %t_val) %6 = trunc i64 %t_val to i32 %7 = inttoptr i64 %t_val to i32* %8 = getelementptr i64* %1, i64 2 %a_val = loa...
2007 Jan 31
Interactive plots with R
...X]) VECP <- VECP[SEL] VECS <- VECS[SEL] points (VECP,VECS,type="l",col=sample) panel }) } panel <- rp.control (title="NMR control",MIN=-2,MAX=12,sample=1,YMAX=max(apply(DATAS,2,max)),YMIN=min(apply(DATAS,2,min)),sample.text=1) rp.slider(panel,MIN,from=-2,to=12,showvalue=TRUE,action=pplotNMR,title="ppm min") rp.slider(panel,MAX,from=-2,to=12,showvalue=TRUE,action=pplotNMR,title="ppm max") rp.slider(panel,YMAX,from=YMIN,to=max(apply(DATAS,2,max)),showvalue=TRUE,action=pplotNMR,title="Intesity") rp.doublebutton (panel,YMAX,step=10,act...
2009 May 07
Plotting counts vs. intervals for a shingle
...pose I have a set of values: a <- c(1:10, 5:10) Suppose I also have a set of intervals: b <- cbind(c(0,2.5,4.5,6.5), c(5.5,7.5,9.5,11)) I can create a shingle that counts how many values are in each interval: c <- shingle(a, b) I can display the shingle to see the counts: summary(c, showValues=FALSE) The display looks like this: Intervals: min max count 1 0.0 5.5 6 2 2.5 7.5 8 3 4.5 9.5 10 4 6.5 11.0 8 Overlap between adjacent intervals: [1] 4 6 6 I would like to plot the "count" vs. the "Intervals" I can create a vector representing the in...
2012 Mar 08
rpanel / list error
Hi All, I have created a simulation that works perfect and I have the results been returned in a list as I have multiple values. I then decided to include some user interaction by using the package rpanel, I now get the error: object of type 'builtin' is not subsettable when I attempted to have the return my list with the results . Any help needed. I can also upload code if needs be.
2012 May 24
set tkscale by tkentry't set the scale to a certain specific value. Therefore I want to add tkentry to allow the user to set tkscale to a certain value. Here is the code library(tcltk) tt<-tktoplevel() tkpack(m1<-tkscale(tt,from=306870.00, to=3026741, label="alpha", variable="varalpha",showvalue=TRUE, resolution=1, orient="horiz"),side="bottom") tkpack(tkentry(tt,width="10",textvariable="varalpha",validate="key",validatecommand="string is double %P"),side="bottom") As you can see, varalpha is a global variable (I think...
2011 Oct 13
[LLVMdev] BasicBlock succ iterator
Hi, All I want to implement DSWP Which is used for parallelization of loops. For this purpose, the loop was replaced with a new basic block in main function. And new functions were created and basic blocks of Loop assigned to them.I have checked blocks and branches for Succ and Pred relation and I have not found any problems. However I get the following error: * **opt:
2010 Jun 11
Windows, OSX and Linux: updating a graphic device and double buffering
...<- tclVar("50") SliderValueLabel <- tklabel(top,text=as.character(tclvalue(SliderValue))) tkpack(tklabel(top,text="Slider Value : "),SliderValueLabel, side = "left") tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel,textvariable=SliderValue) slider <- tkscale(tt, from=0, to=100, showvalue=F, variable=SliderValue, resolution=1, orient="horizontal", length = 200) tkpack(slider, side = "top") tkconfigure(slider, command=function(...){ state <- unlist(...) myPlotFn(state) }) myPlotFn <- function(state) { plot(1,1, type = 'n', xlim = c(-10,1...
2003 May 06
bitmap images in tcltk
Dear R-help list members, I'm writing a package using tcltk. Thanks to Peter Dalgaard's excellent work on the tcltk package, almost everything has gone very smoothly. I'm stymied, however, by the following problem: I want to incorporate a bitmap image, stored as an xbm file, in a widget. To take a simple example, top <- tktoplevel() tkgrid(tklabel(top,
2004 Mar 19
loop through files in a dir
Hello I have data in many files in a directory, how can I loop through the files in a given dir in-order-to build a data.frame? thanks
2007 Apr 18
Problem with ?curve
Dear all R gurus, I have following syntax: y = c(1:10) chippy <- function(x) { y[5] = x sin(cos(t(y)%*%y)*exp(-t(y)%*%y/2)) } curve(chippy, 1, 20, n=200) But I am getting error while executing : Error in xy.coords(x, y, xlabel, ylabel, log) : 'x' and 'y' lengths differ In addition: Warning message: number of items to
2005 Jun 24
R demos
Hi All, I am currently preparing some form of slideshow introducing R and its capabilities for some colleagues. The thing will be about 30 mins, and I'd like to have some "pretty pictures" and some "amazing facts" (I'm trying to sell, obviously :)). Can I ask if it's possible to easily retrieve a gross figure of the number of functions in R considering the
2013 Jul 31
[PATCH 0/9] tools: remove or disable old/useless/unused/unmainted stuff
depends on "autoconf: regenerate configure scripts with 4.4 version" This series removes some of the really old deadwood from the tools build and makes some other things which are on their way out configurable at build time with a default depending on how far down the slope I judge them to be. * nuke in tree copy of libaio * nuke obsolete tools: xsview, miniterm, lomount & sv *