search for: shink

Displaying 9 results from an estimated 9 matches for "shink".

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2008 Mar 16
Un Installing a hard drive in a Centos 5.1 box
Hi Guys, I'm fairly new to Linux and I'm trying to un install a hard drive from my Centos 5.1 box running KDE. When I built the PC, I installed two 500 gig maxtors in the tower, then I installed Centos. Now I've decided that I want to remove the slave drive and use it as an external backup drive - I am mounting it into one of those external drive cases with a built in fan. When I
2005 Nov 13
Adding Nested Partitions To A Mount Point
I was wondering if anyone can tell me if it is possible to mount a drive (single partition) to a nested directory on an existing Samba mount point and have the entire structure considered one drive? The situation is this. I have a large drive mounted to a share called "/pub". This has been identified as my Samba mount point and all works as it should. What I would like to do is
2009 Feb 26
[LLVMdev] Shrink Wrapping - RFC and initial implementation to submit my implementation as a "RFC + code/tests" rather than a typical contribution, and get people's opinions on how to proceed. The issue is that the code generator assumes all spills and restores of callee saved registers must be placed in the entry and return blocks resp. Shink wrapping violates this assumption, with the result that the frame offsets computed by PEI for frame-relative operands may be incorrect. My limited implementation uses a workaround that adjusts the generation of prologue code and the frame indices used by the target eliminateFrameIndex() when neces...
2009 Mar 01
[LLVMdev] Shrink Wrapping - RFC and initial implementation
...uot;RFC + code/tests" > rather than a typical contribution, and get people's opinions on how > to proceed. > > The issue is that the code generator assumes all spills and restores > of callee saved registers must be placed in the entry and return > blocks resp. > Shink wrapping violates this assumption, with the result that the > frame offsets computed by PEI for frame-relative operands may be > incorrect. I am not sure how this would happen. Why would frame offsets be affected by where these instructions are placed? > > My limited implementat...
2012 Mar 18
I need to shrink /home(755G) to 150GB and use free space to add to the existing /(50G). #df -kh Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/mapper/vg_web-lv_root 50G 7.8G 40G 17% / tmpfs 7.8G 384K 7.8G 1% /dev/shm /dev/sda2 485M 79M 381M 18% /boot /dev/sda1 200M 256K 200M 1% /boot/efi /dev/mapper/vg_web-lv_home755G 6.2G 711G
2009 Mar 01
[LLVMdev] Shrink Wrapping - RFC and initial implementation
...t; > rather than a typical contribution, and get people's opinions on how > > to proceed. > > > > The issue is that the code generator assumes all spills and restores > > of callee saved registers must be placed in the entry and return > > blocks resp. > > Shink wrapping violates this assumption, with the result that the > > frame offsets computed by PEI for frame-relative operands may be > > incorrect. > > I am not sure how this would happen. Why would frame offsets be > affected by where these instructions are placed? The issue is...
2009 Mar 02
[LLVMdev] Shrink Wrapping - RFC and initial implementation
...t; > rather than a typical contribution, and get people's opinions on how > > to proceed. > > > > The issue is that the code generator assumes all spills and restores > > of callee saved registers must be placed in the entry and return > > blocks resp. > > Shink wrapping violates this assumption, with the result that the > > frame offsets computed by PEI for frame-relative operands may be > > incorrect. > > I am not sure how this would happen. Why would frame offsets be > affected by where these instructions are placed? > > The i...
2004 Jan 07
[LLVMdev] 9 Ideas To Better Support Source Language Developers about 50% with bzip2 which means > faster transmission times to their destinations (oh, did I mention that > XPL supports distributed programming? :) The resulting archive program > would be more similar to jar/tar than to ar. Also note that we are always interested in finding ways to shink the bytecode files. Right now they are basically comperable to native executable sizes, but smaller is always better! > ------------------------------------------------------------------ > 6. Incremental Code Generation > > The conventional wisdom for compilation is to emit object cod...
2004 Jan 06
[LLVMdev] 9 Ideas To Better Support Source Language Developers
A while back I promised to provide some feedback on useful extensions to LLVM to better support source language writers (i.e. those _using_ LLVM, not developing it). Below is a list of the ideas I've come up with so far. As I get more of XPL's compiler done, I'll start diving into each of the these areas. I'm posting early in the hopes that discussion will bear some fruit. In