search for: shewfelt

Displaying 6 results from an estimated 6 matches for "shewfelt".

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2007 Nov 23
Usage of ''case'' in site.pp
Hi Does anyone know if the following is supposed to work? ------------------------------------------------------ site.pp case $psi_rank { Devel: { import "Devel/psi_gfa/*" import "Devel/nodes" import "Devel/os/yum_update" } Prod: { import "Prod/psi_gfa/*" import "Prod/nodes" import
2006 Oct 20
fqdn & templates
So, looks like the latest facter has fqdn... cool. but for some reason templates can''t access it. I was defining $fqdn in my site.pp, but had to remove it after the last yum update, which brought in a new facter package. But now my templates can use fqdn. Why would this happen? --jason
2006 Oct 18
Creating client certificates
I testing Puppet 0.19.3. If we decide to use it, we''d deploy it across several thousand hosts. The method described for creating client certificates described in the documentation - running "puppetd --server <server> --waitforcert 60 --test" and "puppetca --sign <client>" - is not practical for our installation. I''ve tried creating
2006 Sep 07
How to handle config files used by a combination of classes?
Hi, How should I handle the combinatorics when one config file must be built for a combination of possible classes? Take for example the amd automounter''s configuration file, which on Debian is found at /etc/am-utils/amd.conf. This is an INI style file which looks like: [fsname1] param1=foo param2=bar [fsname2] param1=baz param2=quag In my case I have one class of machines
2007 Apr 30
mount type and ensure => present on OS X
Hello all. There is some strange thing going on with our OS X clients. We have created a package which is run via SystemStarter. What it does? It parses /etc/fstab and mounts the NFS directories mentioned there. This is needed since we want to have static mounts and the NetInfo-automounter combination does not do static mounts (even with ttl=0 set for the mount, which is supposed to do a
2007 Nov 18
Testing modules
There''s definitely enough complexity in some of the modules out there to warrant solid test coverage, especially if people start extending a module to support more distributions and OSes, while trying to keep the existing support working. That''s even before you start thinking about functions, facts, and native types. They''re *really* in need of solid testing, being all