Displaying 1 result from an estimated 1 matches for "shemptyrecyclebin".
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2011 Jul 22
Wine release 1.3.25
...Added support for javascript URIs.
mshtml: Make execScript tests more generic.
mshtml: Return NS_BINDING_ABORTED for canceled binding in AsyncOpen.
Jay Yang (11):
shell32/tests: Add tests for SHQueryRecycleBin.
shell32: Implement SHQueryRecycleBin.
shell32: Implement SHEmptyRecycleBin.
shell32: Have RecycleBin implement ISFHelper.
shell32: Implement a context menu for the recycle bin.
shell32: Implement restoring items from the recycle bin.
shell32: Make IExplorerBrowser respond to CWM_GETISHELLBROWSER.
shell32: Have the default shell view call SHCh...