search for: shazad

Displaying 2 results from an estimated 2 matches for "shazad".

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2003 Nov 15
tricky scenario? with shorewall/squid!
...te (A) and my connections are getting dropped in my log file. I can access all my share drives, I can ping and do everything else. BUT I cannot access via my http such as my web cam (site B) from my web browser from site A. Any ideas anyone? I would appreciate it.... thanks, hallian Cheers, Shazad _________________________________________________________________ MSN Messenger with backgrounds, emoticons and more.
2003 Jan 20
remote site 10.x http traffic rule help!
Hi everyone - I was wondering how do I setup a rule with the following scenario: I have a VPN site-2-site connection setup. Also, on each site I have squid which redirect all local HTTP traffic on 3128. But I have problems when I try to access the other site web server which is from my network setup which is I have all other traffic flowing between the two sites