Displaying 20 results from an estimated 31 matches for "shah1980".
2009 Jan 20
find out the meaning of rsync error code
Could anyone please tell me how to get the meaning of rsync error codes.
In "rsync return code: 12" error, what 12 indicates?
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2009 May 28
some files vanished before they could be transferred
I am getting "rsync warning: some files vanished before they could be
transferred (code 24) at main.c(1039) [sender=3.0.6]" now frequently but
while using rsync version 2.6, I used to get it rarely. Any idea would be
helpful on why rsync 3.0.6 is throwing this warning frequently.
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2009 Mar 02
how rsync calculate Tranfer rate ??
I am not sure how rsync calculates below statistics and how transfer rate
170583.48 bytes/sec ? Where is the total transfer time information? How
speedup is 1? How Total bytes written is 6567384? Could someone please give
me brief information on this.
Number of files: 4
Number of files transferred: 3
Total file size: 6566219 bytes
Total transferred file size: 6566219 bytes
Literal data:
2008 Dec 10
File System walk in rsync
Hello Friends,
Could any atleast one tell me how rsync walk the complete File System and
when it start actual synching?
On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 1:32 PM, Jignesh Shah <jignesh.shah1980@gmail.com>wrote:
> Hi Friends,
> I think lot of changes have been made from rsync 2.6.0 to V3. The one major
> change is rsync V3 will not walk complete file system first and then start
> the synching but it will parallely start synching as well along with file
> system walk...
2008 Dec 16
Transfer mode
Hello Friends,
Could any one please tell me what is transfer mode and what are the transfer
modes available in rsync?
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2009 Jun 05
could not make way for new symlink !!!
Could any one please help me to get rid of below errors?
ERROR: DoRsync(): rsync had errors or failed
rsync return code: 23
could not make way for new symlink: bin
could not make way for new symlink: etc
could not make way for new symlink: include
rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous
errors) (code 23) at main.c(1505)
2009 Sep 01
rsync and symlinks
Hi, I have one question regarding handling of symlinks in rsync. If I have
/source directory in which I have 100s of sub directories of directories and
each one has symlink to some directories out side the /source directory
hierarchy. Does rsync follows all those symlinks and syncs the data if I
specifies below rsync command?
rsync -avz /source/ remote.ky:/source/
| - source1
2009 May 02
The --relative option on remote machine to source machine ???
I read below lines in rsync v3.0.5 for --relative option.
if you used this command:
rsync -av /foo/bar/baz.c remote:/tmp/
... this would create a file named baz.c in /tmp/ on the remote machine. If
instead you used
rsync -avR /foo/bar/baz.c remote:/tmp/
then a file named /tmp/foo/bar/baz.c would be created on the remote machine,
preserving its full path
It is also possible to limit the
2009 May 04
Problem with --fil
Hi, I am using below command.
rsync --verbose --log-file-format='%i %f %l %o %b'
--log-file='/tmp/myfile' src/ dest/
Though it is good that all the sync information contents will be redirected
to /tmp/myfile, it would be useful if rsync could print at least below final
statistics on stdout.
2009/05/05 00:17:45 [26050] Number of files: 18
2009/05/05 00:17:45 [26050] Number of
2009 Apr 01
itemized option (-ii) with --log-file and --log-file format
I am using rsync3.0.5 both side. I have been using below rsync command to
get the sync info.
rsync -av --stats -ii --log-file-format='CONTENTS: %i %f %l %o %b'
--log-file='/tmp/rsync-test' src/ dest/
I noticed that the output format for this command is different from rsync
V2.6.* . Is there any way I can make this output similar to rsync V2.6.*?
2009 Apr 17
Overwrite the rsync log-file in rsync3.0.5 ??
Hi, Could any one please let me know if there is anyway to overwrite the
log-file if it already exists. I want /tmp/mylogs/myfile file to be
overwritten each time below command executes.
rsync -av -ii file-format='MyLogs: %i %f %l %o %b'
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2009 Apr 21
Overwrite the log-file in rsync3.0.5
> Hi, Could any one please let me know if there is anyway to overwrite the
> log-file if it already exists. I want /tmp/mylogs/myfile file to be
> overwritten each time below command executes.
> rsync -av -ii file-format='MyLogs: %i %f %l %o %b'
> --log-file='/tmp/mylogs/myfile'
> Thanks,
> Jignesh
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2008 Dec 03
how to get details of rsync source code?
Hi Friends,
I am new to rsync. I learnt the rsync algorithm and functionalities. It
seems great. I want to dive into source code of rsync now. Could anyone
suggest how should I proceed to understand the code. Is there any
documentation about source code available? Basically I want to find out the
execution path of complete client and server program. currently I am not
able to separate client and
2008 Dec 04
changes in rsync V3
Hi Friends,
I think lot of changes have been made from rsync 2.6.0 to V3. The one major
change is rsync V3 will not walk complete file system first and then start
the synching but it will parallely start synching as well along with file
system walking. Could any one tell me which source files got affected with
this change. I think it should be using more threads now.
2008 Dec 08
What does "module" option do?
Could anyone please tell me what "module" option do in below rsync call and
which case it is mandatory?
rsync -av host::module /dest
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2008 Dec 10
use rsync 3.0.4
Hello Friends,
We are using rsync 2.6 and planning to switch to rsync 3.0.4 latest version.
Could anyone tell me how would I get latest rsync version executable for
unix different platform like sparc, i86 and linux? Also how would I know
what are the changes made in rsync2.6 to rsync3.0.4?
Thanks in advanced,
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2009 May 07
"%h %a %u" string in --log-file-format doesn't work
I have been using --log-file-format and --log-file options in following way
in rsync-3.0.5
rsync -avz -ii --log-file-format='%h %a %m %u %i %f %l %o %b'
--log-file='/tmp/myfile' /src /dest
It does't include the host name, IP address and authenticated user name and
instead it keep it as "%h %a %u". Could any one tell me what is wrong here?
Example output is
2009 May 07
Needs suggestion in using --relative with "/./" feature in rsync 3.0.5
I came across --relative option in rsync 3.0.5 and that looks awesome option
through which we can avoid "CD" usage in base directory. Suppose I want to
sync the file from /foo/bar/baz/* to /tmp/bar/baz/ then we have been using
wrapper script that do "cd /tmp" before executing "rsync --relative
/bar/baz/. /tmp/" command. But I could see that we could avoid using
2009 May 13
Any idea on this rsync error?
Hi, we have been getting this errors frequently.
ERROR: DoRsync(): rsync had errors or failed
rsync return code: 12
unexpected tag -7
rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at
rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (7087269 bytes read so
rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at
Any idea to avoid it?
2009 May 19
ESTALE error while synching
Hi, I am wondering how rsync-3.0.6 react if it encounters ESTALE error while
synching? If I remember correctly then the rsync-2.6.0 skipping that
file/dir in case of ESTALE error.
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