search for: sfsmisc

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 81 matches for "sfsmisc".

2017 Jul 19
Redundancy canonical analysis plot problem in 3D using VEGAN, RGL, SCATTERPLOT3D and SFSMISC David L Carlson -----Original Message----- From: Sanjay Kumar Jaiswal [mailto:JaiswalSK at] Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2017 4:27 PM To: David L Carlson <dcarlson at> Subject: RE: [R] Redundancy canonical analysis plot problem in 3D using VEGAN, RGL, SCATTERPLOT3D and SFSMISC Dear Sir I am attaching herewith data which I used to analyse. Please correct the command if you find anything wrong with it. I am sending herewith command line too. Please see it and suggest me. I will be very grateful for the same. getwd() setwd("C:\\Users\\sanju\\Documents\\Dee") li...
2011 Oct 27
Redundancy canonical analysis plot problem in 3D using VEGAN, RGL, SCATTERPLOT3D and SFSMISC
Un texte encapsul? et encod? dans un jeu de caract?res inconnu a ?t? nettoy?... Nom : non disponible URL : <>
2004 Dec 13
Re: Help : generating correlation matrix with a particula r
...erbert> l[l<0]<-0 Herbert> b<-s%*%sqrt(l) Herbert> for(i in 1:nrow(b)){b[i,]<-b[i,]/sqrt(sum(b[i,]^2))} Herbert> ap<-b%*%t(b) Herbert> ap This code does the same thing as my (simplistic, but slightly more general) function posdefify() in package "sfsmisc" : a <- matrix(c(1,.9,.7,.9,1,.3,.7,.3,1), 3) install.packages("sfsmisc") library(sfsmisc) posdefify(a) gives [,1] [,2] [,3] [1,] 1.0000000 0.8940242 0.6963190 [2,] 0.8940242 1.0000000 0.3009691 [3,] 0.6963190 0.3009691 1.0000000 Herbert> I...
2017 Jul 18
Redundancy canonical analysis plot problem in 3D using VEGAN, RGL, SCATTERPLOT3D and SFSMISC
Hello Sir I am getting problem in plotting in CCA . Could you please help me? I wrote the below command but I don't know why it is taking only first 5 env data rather than all 9. > <- read.xlsx("Dee rhiz.xlsx", sheetName="strain", header = T, row.names = 1) > <- read.xlsx("Dee rhiz.xlsx", sheetName="env", header = T,
2004 Aug 02
How to add a common title (or xlab, ylab) for multi-plots in the same window?
Dear R people, I am using par(mfrow=c()) to plot multi-figures in the same window. And I like to put a common title (and xlab, ylab) for all of plots. I have already left some margin by resetting omi values in par() and hided all (xlab, ylab) for each sub-plot. Could anyone tell me how to do that? Thanks a lot, Frank
2004 Dec 13
Re: Help : generating correlation matrix with a particular
************************************************************ Important: We would draw your attention to the notices at the bottom of this e-mail, particularly before opening and reviewing any file attachment(s). ************************************************************ Here is some code we have used. a<-array(c(1,.9,.7,.9,1,.3,.7,.3,1),dim=c(3,3)) a s<-eigen(a)$vectors
2007 Jul 13
nearest correlation to polychoric
Dear all, Has someone implemented in R (or any other language) Knol DL, ten Berge JMF. Least-squares approximation of an improper correlation matrix by a proper one. Psychometrika, 1989, 54, 53-61. or any other similar algorithm? Best regards Jens Oehlschl?gel Background: I want to factanal() matrices of polychoric correlations which have negative eigenvalue. I coded Highham 2002
2007 Apr 27
Write text in the
Hey Felix, So basically what you want is a figure containing a block of four plots, with a main title for the figure? If that's the case then something like this should work: # BEGIN CODE # par(oma=c(0,0,1,0), mfrow=c(2,2)) for(i in 1:4){ plot(NA,xlim=range(0,10),ylim=range(-5,5)) title(paste("Plot ",i,sep="")) } par(mfrow=c(1,1), oma=c(0,0,1,0)) mtext("Main
2004 Apr 14
binary numbers
Hi, Is there a function in R that lets one represent an integer in binary format for a given number of bits? So an example would be.... > binary.function(num=5, num.of.bits=8) > "00000101" Or, is this something I have to write myself? Any help would be appreciated. Cheers, Sam.
2003 Oct 23
Re: ichar() function in R : 1st implementation, RFC> Seminar fuer Statistik, ETH-Zentrum LEO C16 Leonhardstr. 27 ETH (Federal Inst. Technology) 8092 Zurich SWITZERLAND phone: x-41-1-632-3408 fax: ...-1228 <>< -------------- next part -------------- ### This was digits.v() in library(sfsmisc): ### --> get it's help() file /u/maechler/R/Pkgs/sfsmisc/man/digits.Rd digitsBase <- function(x, base = 2, ndigits = 1 + floor(log(max(x),base))) { ## Purpose: Give the vector A of the base-_base_ representation of _n_: ## ------- n = sum_{k=0}^M A_{M-k} base ^ k , where M =...
2013 Mar 26
How do I show real values on a log10 histogram
Hi, I have a histogram with values logged to the base 10 hist(log10(x),breaks=60) How do I show the log values on the x-axis and a second x-axis showing the real values? Thanks -- Shane [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2004 Jun 03
Problem with mgcv PACKAGES file format?
Hello All, I'm getting this error (Version: 1.9.0-1 on a debian system) > update.packages("mgcv") trying URL `' ftp data connection made, file length 169516 bytes opened URL .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ..........
2005 Mar 27
p values when using rlm
R 2.0.1 Linux I am using rlm() to fit a model, e.g. fit1<-rlm(y~x). My model is more complex than the one shown. When I enter summary(fit1) I get estimates for the model's coefficients along with their SEs, and t values, but no p values. The p value column is blank. Similarly, when I enter anova(fit1) I get DF, Sum Sq, Mean Sq, but the column for F value and Pr(>F) are blank. Any
2006 May 18
Noncentral dt() with tiny 'x' values (PR#8874)
Full_Name: Mike Meredith Version: 2.3.0 OS: WinXP SP2 Submission from: (NULL) ( Using dt() with a non-centrality parameter and near-zero values for 'x' results in erratic output. Try this: tst <- c(1e-12, 1e-13, 1e-14, 1e-15, 1e-16, 1e-17, 0) dt(tst,16,1) I get: 0.2381019 0.2385462 0.2296557 0.1851817 0.6288373 3.8163916 (!!) 0.2382217 The 0.238 values are okay,
2012 Aug 08
Can not find lme
...#39;application/x-gzip' length 1453067 bytes (1.4 Mb)opened URL==================================================downloaded 1.4 Mb The downloaded packages are in /var/folders/yx/l4kkhz8j24179y5vq0hp9md00000gp/T//Rtmpqsa0o1/downloaded_packagesalso installing the dependencies ‘mlmRev’, ‘MEMSS’, ‘sfsmisc’, ‘MatrixModels’ trying URL ''Content type 'application/x-gzip' length 1832388 bytes (1.7 Mb)opened URL==================================================downloaded 1.7 Mb trying URL '
2006 Mar 26
addition using binary
Dear R users I looked around for a package which can help me with the task of binary arithmetic, the closest I found is sfsmisc with digitsBase function, which may help a little in this task, but still wondering how to get this problem solved. example: given the addition operation of 2 real numbers to equal as below 99.30 2.11 === 102.09 <--- desired output as explained below the decimal point is for ease...
2006 May 12
Title of page with multiple plots
I want to place four plots on a page, and I would like to have all four plots share a common title. I have tried the following code, but the title is centered over the fourth graph and not centered across all four plots. Does anyone have any suggestions? R 2.1.1 windows xp oldpar<-par(mfcol =c(1,4),ask=TRUE) plot(p,varp) plot(p,SEp) plot(p,CVp) plot(p,ppval) title(paste("P and 95%CI
2006 Jul 21
positive semi-definite matrix
I have a covariance matrix that is not positive semi-definite matrix and I need it to be via some sort of adjustment. Is there any R routine or package to help me do this? Thanks, Roger [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2012 Oct 25
error bars
Hello R-help, I am using R version 2.15.1. I upgraded from R version 2.13 a few months back. Previously, I was able to plot error bars on an xy scatter plot using the errbar function: errbar(RAEthylene$TIME,RAEthylene$AVE,RAEthylene$AVE+RAEthylene$STD,RAEthylene$AVE-RAEthylene$STD,add = TRUE,lty=2,pch=17); Today, I went to update my plot. However, in R version 2.15.1 I get error code
2006 Feb 20
Plots: displaying mathematical symbols in specific fonts
...nd, however, are not displayed in the desired font. For example, windows() plot(rnorm(15),rnorm(15)) text(0,0,expression(Delta),font=10) displays a capital delta, but it is not in font #10 within Rdevga. I can get characters that have one of the first 255 ascii codes using chars8bit() in the sfsmisc package. One example is the division sign: text(0,0.2,chars8bit(247),font=10) I have not been able to display other symbols in microsoft fonts, however. Is this possible to do in R? All replies are appreciated. -- Ed Merkle, PhD Department of Psychology Wichita State University Wichita, KS