search for: seule

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 94 matches for "seule".

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2000 Apr 01
space in user dir?
This is obviously not a long term acceptable solution. Could someone please enlighten me as to the permanent solution, or at least see why it doesn't work? This is not my problem, therefore I have not had the opportuntity to test - I don't have a version that old. Let me know if it is solved in a newer version as well. Thanks. It is a workable solution, although the generally accepted
2010 Apr 30
Find solution for an error in the condition of if
Dear r-help, Could you help me to find a solution for this error: Il y a eu 50 avis ou plus (utilisez warnings() pour voir les 50 premiers) > warnings() Messages d'avis : 1: In if ((data[pa, k] == df[, j]) & (data[ch, k] == i)) { ... : la condition a une longueur > 1 et seul le premier élément est utilisé 2: In if ((data[pa, k] == df[, j]) & (data[ch, k] == i)) { ... : la
2003 Apr 16
besoin d'aide
J'aimerais savoir si la fonction merge() est la seule disponible pour concatener des tableaux de donn?es? Est-ce normal que l'ex?cution soit lente?
1999 Oct 05
First, I am really liking what I have seen so far in R. The demos are quite fascinating, and I look forward to doing some really neat stuff over the next little while with R. Being but an intiate to R, I am having quite a bit of trouble figuring out how to use the leaps library. Rather than ask several questions to the list at large, I would rather explain what I'm trying to do to someone in
2000 Feb 04
MA / RMA / Type II regression?
For starters, let me say again how impressive R is, and how all of the effort that has gone into R shines through clearly. It is an amazing program, and I am frequently pleasantly surprised to find out how powerful and capable R is. Finding the interface to xgobi is the latest pleasant surprise. Are there functions in R for Major Axis and Reduced Major Axis regression? I have OBS-RESID graphs of
2007 May 15
...=. then C743=(C152/C103)*100| else C743=(C152/C325)*100" > textConnection(Line[1]) Erreur dans textConnection(Line[1]) : toutes les connexions sont utilisées why R display that? _____________________________________________________________________________ Ne gardez plus qu'une seule adresse mail ! Copiez vos mails vers Yahoo! Mail [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Nov 27
lmer refuses nested random factors
I am trying to run the following model in R > lmer(leaves.eaten~Geocytotype+(1|TEST/ PLANT),data=cyphoplantfeeding,family=poisson) My experimental setup is 41 replicates (TEST) of an experiment in which there are three Geocytotypes of a plant species in each TEST, and two plant pseudoreplicates per Geocytotype in each test (i.e. 3*2=6 plants per test). So my random factors are trying
2012 Apr 24
Splitting data into test and train (80:20) kepping attributes similar
Hi, I am trying to do some predictive modeling around attrition and want to split the dataset into test and train (80:20) and keep the ratio of attritees:non attrites same. In my dataset the attrition indicator is coded as 0(for non-attritees) and 1 (for attritees) and I want to keep the ratio of 0's to 1 similar. I apologize for this trivial question but this is my second week with R.
2006 May 04
R pour débutant
Bonjour, Je suis actuellement doctorant (en fin de th?se) et je vais avoir besoin de me servir de R. Devant apprendre R tout seul, je suis tomb? sur un mail de vous disant que vous aviez r?aliser un tutorial sur ce logiciel pour des 100% d?butant comme moi J'aurai essentiellement ? utiliser des algo de clustering (SOM ou Nu?e dyna) sur des matrices pouvant faire 41x230 Cependant je
2003 Dec 06
pdf() function, screen command and graphs
Dear [R]-list, I am trying to do a pdf() of the following graphs but don't understand why the pdf() function does produce an empty pdf file. (I use R1.7.0 on MacOS 10.2.8) any idea? Is pdf() incompatible with screen? Thanks a lot, DLC ## create dataset x=rnorm(1000,10,2) y=rpois(1000,5) ## graphs pdf() par(col.main=4,omi=c(0,0,1.25,0)) split.screen(c(1,2))
2007 Jun 18
to read table
...don't understand my errors Erreur dans scan(file, what, nmax, sep, dec, quote, skip, nlines, na.strings, : la ligne 16 n'avait pas 21 éléments Can you help me please? _____________________________________________________________________________ Ne gardez plus qu'une seule adresse mail ! Copiez vos mails vers Yahoo! Mail [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Dec 18
Hi, I want to contribute by drawing icons for wine. Where should I start and what are the constrains ? _____________________________________________________________________________ Ne gardez plus qu'une seule adresse mail ! Copiez vos mails vers Yahoo! Mail
1999 Aug 28
Limiting browing when Samba on a gateway
We have a Samba server running on a gateway. However whenever a client connects to it, Samba tries to report it to peers on the second interface who happens to be connected to a cable modem and our ISP. Is there a way to avoid this? I already have set up the interfaces prameter to the intranet interface but doesn't seem to solve the problem. -- Jean Francois Martinez Project
2006 Jul 08
IP fixe
Bonjour, J''ai un serveur web dans mes locaux connecté derrière une livebox pro. La livebox renvoie toutes les entrée HTTP sur mon serveur. Caractéristique du serveur : linux mandriva, p4 J''ai installé shorewall pour ne pas avoir à toucher les iptables. Les seules personnes qui se connectent sont des mairies qui ont une adresse ip fixe. J''aimerais filtrer sur ces adresses ip fixe. Le but du jeu est que des postes utilisant des adresses ip non identifiés ne puissent pas se connecter. Avez vous des exemples de paramétrages du fichier rule? et des co...
2008 May 01
Error in building ROracle in Windows with R 2.6.2 and Oracle 10g.
Hi, I need to use ROracle to communicate with Oracle from R program in windows environment. I am using Oracle 10g, R 2.6.2. I found a pre-compiled binary for ROracle for Oracle version 9.2. When I am trying to use it with Oracle 10g I get the following error: con <- dbConnect(drv, "user/passwd at dbname"); Error in function (classes, fdef, mtable) : unable to find an inherited
2005 Feb 23
Adding XP clients to samba domain - samba admin password prob?
Hi all, Having a few problems setting up samba as a PDC on a small windows network (4 xp pro clients, 2x sp1, 2x sp2). All windows machines can access the samba shares fine, but when I try to add a user to the domain, it prompts for a username and password, and then gives the error; 'The following error occurred attempting to join the domain 'nicrosoft'. The specified domain
2011 Mar 08
Comment creer un formulaire maitre-detail
Salut a tous! Est-il possible de creer un formulaire maitre-detail? J''ai besoin de creer une fenetre ou l''utilisateur rentre un commande et les differents produits associaes a cette commande. Puis-je afficher le tout dans une seule page? Faut-il un minimum de 2 pages Comment visualiser le detail de la commande avec tous les produits commandes, et l''imprimer si necessaire. Merci -- Posted via -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on R...
2017 Jun 20
Unable to get transaction opinfo for transaction ID gluster version 3.6
Hi, I have some blocked transactions. Does anybody have some advise on how I could mend this because I am unsure where to start? I believe this broke after I issued some set auth.allow commands: # gluster volume set oem-shared auth.allow,,,,,, Kind regards, Sophie [2017-06-20 13:28:24.052623] E
2006 Aug 14
finders et sous-classes
Bonjour, c''est ma premi?re question ici car d''habitude il me suffit de parcourir de tels forum pour trouver r?ponse ? mes questions. Donc cette fois, c''est du s?rieux, je n''ai pas r?ussi ? trouver la moindre ?vocation ? mon probl?me. Je vous explique. J''ai une famille de mod?les : class Attachement < ActiveRecord::Base ... end class Illustration
2007 Oct 05
[asterisk-dev] oh323.conf, extentions.conf
....conf . > i work on VOIP ( asterisk et oh323) but i can't make it work. > > > thanks > > ----------------------- > > Brahem mehdi > brahem_medi at > brahem_medi at > > > ________________________________ > Ne gardez plus qu'une seule adresse mail ! Copiez vos mails vers Yahoo! > Mail > > > _______________________________________________ > --Bandwidth and Colocation Provided by > > asterisk-dev mailing list > To UNSUBSCRIBE or update options visit: > http://lists.digium....