Displaying 20 results from an estimated 38 matches for "setparent".
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2006 Jan 08
I have found some "issues" (bugs?) with nls confidence intervals ...
some with the relatively new "port" algorithm, others more general
(but possibly in the "well, don't do that" category). I have
corresponded some with Prof. Ripley about them, but I thought I
would just report how far I've gotten in case anyone else has
thoughts. (I'm finding the code
2011 Oct 31
Question about copying reference objects using the initialize method
I have a question about copying reference objects using the initialize method.
1) If the latter has no arguments, there is no problem to copy an object.
myClass = setRefClass("myClass", fields = list(value = "numeric") )
myClass$methods(initialize = function(...){
? value <<- 1
? callSuper(...)
newObject = myClass$new()
newObject$value = 2
copyObject =
2010 Aug 13
Unable to retrieve residual sum of squares from nls output
I am using "nls" successfully (2.11.1, OS X) but I am having difficulties retrieving part of the output - residual sum of squares. I have assigned the output to FIT:
> > FIT
> Nonlinear regression model
> model: NEWY ~ PMESOR + PAMPLITUDE * cos(2 * pi * (NEWX - POFFSET)/PERIOD)
> data: parent.frame()
2010 Jun 14
[LLVMdev] Block management
...r" but these methods are not usable in this context...
> You can use Function::getBasicBlockList(). That list supports fully general list operations like "insert", so you can just plop it in wherever you'd like it.
methods like the basic block constructor or BasicBlock::setParent muck around
with the LeakDetector. I don't know what the LeakDetector is - does Stéphane
need to do something like this too?
2005 May 31
[LLVMdev] setting instruction parents
When one moves an instruction from one BasicBlock to another, the
instruction continues to believe that its parent is the original BasicBlock.
This is very undesirable. Is there a way to set the parent or a way to move
the instruction such that the parent is updated correctly?
2005 May 31
[LLVMdev] setting instruction parents
Currently, my way around this was to go into Instruction.h and make
setParent() public. I hope there is a better way?
-----Original Message-----
From: llvmdev-bounces at cs.uiuc.edu [mailto:llvmdev-bounces at cs.uiuc.edu] On
Behalf Of Patrick Meredith
Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2005 8:17 AM
To: 'LLVM Developers Mailing List'
Subject: [LLVMdev] setting instruction paren...
2005 May 31
[LLVMdev] setting instruction parents
On Tue, May 31, 2005 at 08:42:26AM -0500, Patrick Meredith wrote:
> Currently, my way around this was to go into Instruction.h and make
> setParent() public. I hope there is a better way?
You shouldn't be modifying the API like this ...
> When one moves an instruction from one BasicBlock to another, the
> instruction continues to believe that its parent is the original
> BasicBlock. This is very undesirable. Is there a way t...
2013 May 28
Ocultar componentes de una lista
Saludos a todos,
Quisiera saber como ocultar algunos componentes de una lista para que cuando crees una funcion solo se muestre una parte de esa lista, y que al resto tengas acceso cuando descompongas ese objeto, por ejemplo:
Tengo la siguiente data:
Cuando uso la funcion nls:
A <-
2018 May 05
Bug in profile.nls with algorithm = "plinear"
Dear sirs
It seems like there is a bug in `profile.nls` with `algorithm =
"plinear"` when a matrix is supplied on the right hand side. Here is
the bug and a potential fix
# example where profile.nls does not work with `plinear` but does with
# `default`
DNase1 <- subset(DNase, Run == 1)
x <- rnorm(nrow(DNase1))
f1 <- nls(density ~ b1/(1 +
2013 May 28
Ocultar componentes de una lista
Hola Javier,
Creo que comprendio mal mi pregunta, quiero saber como ocultar algunos componentes de una lista producida por una funcion que uno crea, pero que solo esten ocultos y que pueda tener acceso a esos componentes cuando uso la funcion "str", la cual despliega todos los componentes de la lista. Además como hacer para que salga ordenado o de una forma preferida los componentes
2005 Apr 20
[LLVMdev] "Refactoring" Basic Blocks into a new function
...e the basic blocks that compose
"code B" in my example above.
2. I am going to need to pass dependencies for the "code B" block into
the new function. I'm hoping that it work if I just create the
arguments with the same name and type as the dependencies, then use
"setParent" to transfer the basic blocks to the new function. However,
after staring at the "instruction" object a little bit, I am starting
to think that I may need to actually modify each individual instruction
to point to the arguments. Can anyone straighten me out here?
By the way, I h...
2013 May 28
Ocultar componentes de una lista
Hola Eva,
Gracias por la respuesta fue de mucha ayuda. Lo que me gustaria saber es por que solo algunas funciones que usan el metodo S3 son visibles en su estructura con la funcion "body". Por ejemplo si coloco
Me va a salir la estructura de esa funcion, sin embargo si coloco
Me sale el siguiente mensaje :Error in body(print.nls) :
2010 Jun 13
[LLVMdev] Block management
In my code generator, I need to prepare a block and add instructions to it, then insert this block in a function defined later (that is I cannot create the function at the beginning stage become some info are not available yet). I tried to create a block without any "parent" (BasicBlock::Create(getGlobalContext(), "init"), fill it, but how to link it with the created
2010 Jun 13
[LLVMdev] Block management
On Jun 13, 2010, at 2:12 AM, Stéphane Letz wrote:
> Hi,
> In my code generator, I need to prepare a block and add instructions to it, then insert this block in a function defined later (that is I cannot create the function at the beginning stage become some info are not available yet). I tried to create a block without any "parent" (BasicBlock::Create(getGlobalContext(),
1999 Mar 30
Prototype nls library for R using closures
I just uploaded to CRAN a prototype nls (nonlinear least squares)
library for R. It is far from being finished but I am asking for
this preliminary version to be installed in the src/contrib/Devel
section of CRAN so others can see the use of function closures
to emulate the behaviour of objects in languages like Java.
It will be a couple of days before the file is installed in CRAN and
has a
2013 May 28
Ocultar componentes de una lista
Estimado Gabriel Trujillo Paucar
Del str en el segundo renglón está fitted.
¿Usted pregunta algo como el siguiente ejemplo?
O comprendí mal su pregunta.
Javier Marcuzzi
El 28 de mayo de 2013 13:25, Gabriel Trujillo Paucar <
gabriel_enter@hotmail.com> escribió:
> Saludos a todos,
> Quisiera saber como ocultar algunos componentes de una lista para que
2013 May 28
Ocultar componentes de una lista
Perdón por el goteo.
Gabriel, aquí tienes el código de nls:
Si buscas "print.nls" verás que corresponde al modo en que se muestra el objeto que retorna la función.
En definitiva: Tú cuando creas una función, el objeto que retornas se va a mostrar completamente salvo que exista una función print en la clase a la cual pertenece
2013 May 28
Ocultar componentes de una lista
Hola, ¿qué tal?
Si haces primero
data <- data.frame(Samples=1:10,Sobs=c(12.6,22.4,27.4,30.5,32.5,34.3,36,37.4,38.9,39.9))
A <- nls(Sobs~A*Samples/(1+(B*Samples)), start=list(A=5, B=1), data=data)
y luego escribes
lo que ves en pantalla es lo mismo que si hubieses escrito
Tu objeto A es de la clase "nls". Por lo tanto, la función print a la
que llamas es print.nls
2013 May 29
Ocultar componentes de una lista
Hola, ¿qué tal?
El que una función de un paquete sea o no visible es una elección de
su autor. Tiene todo el sentido del mundo ocultar ciertas funciones
auxiliares que llaman las funciones del paquete pero que se supone que
no están pensadas para ser invocadas directamente por el usuario
Eso sí, hay maneras (usar getAnywhere es una de ellas) de ver su
código (p.e., para solucionar errores
2011 Feb 18
Wine release 1.3.14
...winspool: Do not mark AddPrinterA as stub.
msi/tests: Fix a typo.
mshtml/tests: Fix a typo.
shlwapi: Add stubs for SHWinHelpOnDemandA/W.
Dmitry Timoshkov (4):
user32: Add a test for reparenting a WS_POPUP window to a WS_CHILD parent.
user32: Add message tests for SetParent().
mlang: GetGlobalFontLinkObject() takes a non-zero number of arguments.
user32: Use the windows created by the SetParent() test to get a more predictable active/focus window state.
EG Galano (1):
gdiplus/tests: Make sure return value is used (LLVM/Clang).
Francois Gouget (1):...