Displaying 7 results from an estimated 7 matches for "set_row_names".
2013 Oct 30
Huge performance difference between implicit and explicit print
...below? I see the difference in both Rstudio
and in a terminal.
# Construct large df as quickly as possible
dummy <- 1:18e6
df <- lapply(1:10, function(x) dummy)
names(df) <- letters[1:10]
class(df) <- c("myobj", "data.frame")
attr(df, "row.names") <- .set_row_names(18e6)
print.myobj <- function(x, ...) {
print.data.frame(head(x, 2))
start <- proc.time(); df; flush.console(); proc.time() - start
# user system elapsed
# 0.408 0.557 0.965
start <- proc.time(); print(df); flush.console(); proc.time() - start
# user system elapsed
# 0.019...
2009 Mar 31
as.data.frame peculiarities
The documentation of as.data.frame is not explicit about how it generates
column names for the simple vector case, but it seems to use the character
form of the quoted argument, e.g.
[1] "1:3"
But there is a strange case:
[1] "if (stringsAsFactors) factor(x) else x"
I feel fairly comfortable calling this a
2017 Dec 01
Bug is as.matrix.data.frame with nested data.frame
Converting a data.frame with a nested data.frame to a matrix fails:
x <- structure(list(a = data.frame(letters)),
class = "data.frame",
row.names = .set_row_names(26))
#> Error in ncol(xj) : object 'xj' not found
The offending code is here, in the definition of as.matrix.data.frame
for (j in pseq) {
if (inherits(X[[j]], "data.frame") && ncol(xj) > 1L)
X[[j]] <...
2019 Mar 12
as.data.frame.table() does not recognize default.stringsAsFactors()
...row.names) || length(row.names) != nrows)
if (length(collabs) == ncols)
names(value) <- collabs
else if (!optional)
names(value) <- paste0("V", ic)
class(value) <- "data.frame"
if (autoRN)
attr(value, "row.names") <- .set_row_names(nrows)
else .rowNamesDF(value, make.names = make.names) <- row.names
<bytecode: 0x29995c0>
<environment: namespace:base>
> sessionInfo()
R version 3.5.2 (2018-12-20)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: CentOS Linux 7 (Core)
Matrix products: def...
2019 Mar 14
as.data.frame.table() does not recognize default.stringsAsFactors()
...es) != nrows)
> if (length(collabs) == ncols)
> names(value) <- collabs
> else if (!optional)
> names(value) <- paste0("V", ic)
> class(value) <- "data.frame"
> if (autoRN)
> attr(value, "row.names") <- .set_row_names(nrows)
> else .rowNamesDF(value, make.names = make.names) <- row.names
> value
> }
> <bytecode: 0x29995c0>
> <environment: namespace:base>
>> sessionInfo()
> R version 3.5.2 (2018-12-20)
> Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
> Runnin...
2009 Jun 25
stringsAsFactors has no impact in expand.grid()?
I have the feeling, that the argument stringsAsFactors has no impact in the
function expand.grid:
a <- c("PR", "NC", "A2", "BS")
b <- c(1, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125, 0.0625, 0.03125)
class(expand.grid(css, fscs, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)[[1]])
[1] "factor"
class(expand.grid(css, fscs, stringsAsFactors=TRUE)[[1]])
[1] "factor"
Also, when
2012 Jan 15
patching ?merge to allow the user to keep the order of one of the two data.frame objects merged
...names(y) <- nm.y
res <- cbind(x, y)
if (sort)
res <- res[if (all.x || all.y)
do.call("order", x[, seq_len(l.b), drop = FALSE])
else sort.list(bx[m$xi]), , drop = FALSE]
attr(res, "row.names") <- .set_row_names(nrow(res))
if(!missing(keep_order) && any(keep_order == c(1,2))) return(order.by.id...
########## Example
if(F) # example
x <- data.frame(
ref = c( 'Ref1', 'Ref2...