Displaying 20 results from an estimated 22994 matches for "sessions".
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2012 Jan 12
Libguestfs gobject bindings
I'm currently working on gobject bindings for libguestfs. I haven't got
as far as compiling anything yet, but I've attached the C header for
initial review.
Matthew Booth, RHCA, RHCSS
Red Hat Engineering, Virtualisation Team
GPG ID: D33C3490
GPG FPR: 3733 612D 2D05 5458 8A8A 1600 3441 EA19 D33C 3490
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An embedded and
2006 May 05
How can I get the sessid from the current session object?
For instance, I log in the system, and want to know which sessid I''m using.
I''m storing the session using active_record. Later on, I want to restore
a session finding it using the sessid.
Thanks in advance.
Fernando Lujan
2017 Sep 26
Moderators for the 2017 LLVM Developers' Mtg Needed!
The 2017 LLVM Developers’ Meeting relies on volunteers to keep things running smoothly. Moderators are critical to this as they keep speakers on track and facilitate Q&A after the talk. I’m looking for community members who would be attending specific talks anyway, to volunteer to moderate the session.
If you are interested in volunteering, please respond to this email with your first and
2006 Apr 29
Getting Session ID
I thought I understood how to grab the session id but in the following
code I am getting null for the session id:
@foo = Foo.new(:session_id => session[:session_id],
:test_id => @test.id)
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
2006 Jun 04
Remove item from session
Hi there,
when i do this:
session[:myItem] = ''foo''
session[:myItem] = nil
the item :myItem is removed from the session.
But this:
session[''myItem''] = ''foo''
session[''myItem''] = nil
doesn''t remove ''myItem'', it''s empty but still in the session.
Any suggestion ?
Thanks in advance.
2008 May 21
Replacing ActiveRecordStore::Session with a custom model
Has anyone managed to replace ActiveRecordStore::Session with their
own model?
In the source (http://dev.rubyonrails.org/browser/trunk/actionpack/lib/
action_controller/session/active_record_store.rb) it says you can
override the default by setting
CGI::Session::ActiveRecordStore.session_class = MySessionClass
I have tried doing this in a number of ways but I get all kinds of
weird errors, as
2016 Oct 27
2016 LLVM Dev Mtg: Moderators needed!
I'm needing volunteers to help moderate the sessions of the LLVM Developers' Meeting. All you need to do is introduce the speaker, make sure the speaker stays on time, and run Q&A at the end (run a microphone, select people, etc). Its a pretty easy job, but critical for our meeting to run smoothly. Lightning talks are slightly different in th...
2006 Feb 28
Session magic question
I could really use some help understanding what Rails puts into the session store related to the objects it creates. I''ve found documentation on how _I_ can put / get info into it, but can''t find the docs on what _Rails_ puts into it.
I''ve got a simple app that collects some data from the user, stores it in a db record, allows the user to edit it, display
2024 Nov 27
pam_winbind Appears to need a Network Connection to Succeed at Offline Authentication
??? Nov 27 09:43:06 terra sshd[3801]: Timeout before authentication for
connection from to, pid = 29098
Is this still looking like a PAM configuration issue?
There are other related things misbehaving with the network cable
unplugged. For instance previously logged in sessions appear to lose
access to their home directories (which are owned by the domain user).
For the record, it's samba 4.21.1.
- John
2006 Jun 08
In the Agile WD book it states regarding sesion data- "Rails uses the
cookie-based approach".
This can''t be entirely true can it ? Not that I''m complaining if it was but
isn''t there some equivalent to say, PHP sessions ? Or am I wrong.
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2011 Dec 02
puppet master under passenger locks up completely
I came in this morning to find all the servers all locked up solid:
# passenger-status
----------- General information -----------
max = 20
count = 20
active = 20
inactive = 0
Waiting on global queue: 236
----------- Domains -----------
PID: 2720 Sessions: 1 Processed: 939 Uptime: 9h 22m 18s
PID: 1615 Sessions: 1 Processed: 947 Uptime: 9h 23m 14s
PID: 1596 Sessions: 1 Processed: 607 Uptime: 9h 23m 15s
PID: 1722 Sessions: 1 Processed: 953 Uptime: 9h 23m 9s
PID: 2218 Sessions: 1 Processed: 378 Uptime:...
2005 Dec 25
understanding session fixation attacks
is there a way that, our application can understand wheteher the session id
sent from the browser is forged or created by rails? I understand that if
the attacker guesses session id, theres nothing we can do about it; but can
we understand if he/she is trying to guess by creating random session ids.
Rails mailing list
2006 May 12
how long before deleting sessions ?
What is the recommended amount of time to keep sessions around in the
database (i store them in a sessions table). IF you get 1 million requests
per day you are going to get 1 million new session entries in the DB. This
would need some serious cleaning so just wondering what a safe cleanup time
would be.
Also does anyone know how to prevent new sessi...
2006 May 17
Session in ActiveRecordStore
...ntroller::CgiRequest::DEFAULT_SESSION_OPTIONS[:database_manager] =
BUT the environments.rb file would have me Un-Comment this:
config.action_controller.session_store = :active_record_store
Anyway, I''ve tried both, and in both cases it generates new sessions all too quickly, so
that no page sees the same session as the page before it. The sessions appear in the
database. But as far as rails is concerned it only reads blank virginal sessions over and
over. So no flash appears either. All it has to do is redirect to a different page and
the session_...
2006 Nov 08
controller.session not same as session?
> context "A user logging out" do
> fixtures :users
> controller_name :account
> setup do
> login_as :quentin
> users(:quentin).remember_me
> request.cookies["auth_token"] = cookie_for(:quentin)
> end
> def logout
> get :logout
> end
> specify "should unset :user in session" do
2006 Aug 07
Rails Recipes question - authenticating users
...edirect_to :action => session[:intended_action],
:controller => session[:intended_controller]
So I''m not seeing anything in the way of an explanation but reading
the code it looks like there should be a session controller with a
session action . Is that correct ?
Right now I have a sessions table set up, I''ve made the changes in
environment.rb to do sessions via an ActiveRecord store. So the table
was created via the rake::db::sessions command.
I still don''t see how the user logged in reflect in the sessions table.
In the sessions table there is:
id - just an auto-...
2007 Jul 18
Getting the session variables after a redirect_to
I set some session variables on a login_controller and i want to access
them after a redirect_to (:controller => "auditor", action => "check").
The problem is that the session variable are comming empty in the
auditor view!!
I tough that session variables last trought all controllers...iam wrong?
Please tell me.
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
2006 Jun 23
create session only for logged-in
i was wondering how a blog db has grown by about 15 mb in a week or two. it turns out its the sessions table..
so ive tried this:
class ApplicationController..
session :off
class AccountController
session :only, :login
and now, its impossible to login, and nothing ever appears in the session table. is this the right approach? i dont want to weed out the sessions with cron, i just wa...
2007 Aug 15
Objects in Session State Revisited
Hi Folks,
I''m still a bit confused about the issue of storing "complex" objects
in session state rather than storing simple objects.
It''s my understanding that everything is an object in Ruby. If my
understanding is correct, then storing a string or an integer in
session means storing an object.
It would seem then that the problem of storing objects in session is a
2006 May 18
How do you delete a session variable?
Let''s say we set session[:foo] = ''bar''. Now we want to remove the :foo
key completely. How do you do that?
Appearantly, session is a CGI::Session [1] instance, so it doesn''t
have #delete like Hash. I tried:
session[:foo] = nil
But then debug(session) shows an empty :foo key. I''d like to remove
that key, as my session is already pretty crowded. Is