search for: selectlow

Displaying 5 results from an estimated 5 matches for "selectlow".

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2010 Apr 13
Error using reshape method
..." The program: library(QRMlib) library(Hmisc) ss<-5 mu<- c(0,2,3,12) mu2<- c(0,2,10,20) dims<- 4 co<- c(.3,.4,.5,.4,.3,.2) replis<- 3 stdev<-c(1,2,5,10) #1st set corrmat <- matrix(1, dims, dims) corrmat[upper.tri(corrmat)]<-co selectlow <- lower.tri(corrmat) corrmat[selectlow] <- t(corrmat)[selectlow] sigma<- diag(stdev) %*% corrmat %*% diag(stdev) simu1<-rmnorm(n=ss, Sigma=sigma, mu=mu, d=dims, rho=co) simu11<-cbind(simu1,data.grp=1) #2nd set corrmat2 <- matrix(1, dims, dims)...
2004 Apr 22
[LLVMdev] Motivation for 'select' instruction; } > > Has 'select' instructions and a single path, which makes my task harder. What are you trying to do? It looks like there is some correlation in the branches that could be optimized away, is that what you're going after? In the very worst case, you can always use the SelectLowering pass to turn the select instructions into branches, but it would be preferable to find another way if possible. :) Note that if you put more code (such as a function call) into the body of the if statements that the selects will go away. I don't know if this is an option for you. -Chri...
2004 Apr 22
[LLVMdev] Motivation for 'select' instruction
...execution time (in assembler for specific processor). Do to so, I must also find paths which cannot be executed no matter what input is (like one of the paths in the C example). I'm trying to do that using LLVM intermediate representation. > In the very worst case, you can always use the SelectLowering pass to turn > the select instructions into branches, but it would be preferable to find > another way if possible. :) In fact, I think this might be enough for me, since for now I'm only going to evaluate the algorithms for detecting infeasible paths. Thanks, Volodya
2004 Apr 22
[LLVMdev] Motivation for 'select' instruction
Hello, I'm wondering what was the original motivaton for the 'select' instruction. Was it for convenience, or for some deep reason. I'm asking because it's causing me some problems (see below) and I'd like to know I understand the situation before working those problems around. I have the following function: int logsch(int ih,int nbh) { if(nbh < 0)
2004 Apr 22
[LLVMdev] Motivation for 'select' instruction
...equence of code, which has exactly one path through it. I don't think you should need to break it up into multiple paths. If the control flow has been flattened like this, does it matter if some combination of predicates is impossible? > > In the very worst case, you can always use the SelectLowering pass to turn > > the select instructions into branches, but it would be preferable to find > > another way if possible. :) > > In fact, I think this might be enough for me, since for now I'm only going to > evaluate the algorithms for detecting infeasible paths. Okay...