search for: select_tag

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 131 matches for "select_tag".

2006 Jun 28
in my controller @cursos = Curso.find_all in my view i''m trying to do a select_tag with the results @cursos, using a helper select_tag "name" options_for_select(@cursos) --------> not works select_tag "name" @cursos --------> not works how to do it, using the helper? tks -- Posted via
2008 May 30
Parameters for FormOptionsHelper select vs. FormTagHelper select_tag
I must be missing something when it comes to the parameter differences between form FormOptionsHelper select and FormTagHelper select_tag. Code that follows, works perfectly - <%= :unit, units_to_select(@product), :size=>"20"%> The following code, does not. The helper function never even seems to be called. <%= select_tag "unit", units_to_select(@product) %> Why would this be the case?...
2007 May 11
options_for_select - how to set the selected value?
Ok, this should be simple but I am finding it''s not and previous postings don''t seem to shed too much light on this. I have a select_tag with 4 values pulled in via a helper: def filter_hours filter_hours = [ ["1 hour", 1], ["24 hours", 24], ["7 days", 168], ["14 days", 336], ] end The select_tag looks like the following: select_tag :order_hours, options_...
2009 Mar 11
NoMethodError for select_tag
Hello there. I am following a tutorial with rails 2.1 and I have come across a problem where <%= f.label :artist_id %><br /> <%= f.select_tag(:artist_id, options_for_select([[''choose one'', '''']] + @artists.collect {|art| [,]}, @album.artist_id)) %> (Old artist info:<%= @album.artist_old%>) gives undefined method `select_tag'' for #<ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder: 0...
2011 Jan 08
Even reading the documentation I can not figure out what is the select_tag difference between this: <% = select_tag (bags [], "options_for_select (bags.collect @ {| bb | [bb.bag_type,]}, ruser.bags.collect @ {| ub |}), {: multiple => true,: id => "bags"})%> and this: <% = select_tag "bags [], " options_for_se...
2008 Apr 05
model select and non-model select_tag
Hello everyone, I''m just trying to understand some logical reasons behind Rails syntax of "select" and "select_tag". I know I can do this: <%= :card_type, supported_card_types, { :prompt => "Please Select..."} %> which sets a model field in the params hash. If I want to do the same for a non-model field, logic would dictate something like:...
2006 Jan 09
Large select list, speed issues
...head> <body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000"> <font size="-1"><font face="Verdana">I have a piece of code in my page to generate a drop-down listing all of the company''s projects in alphabetical order.<br> <br> <%= select_tag name=''project_name'',options_from_collection_for_select(Project.find(:all, :conditions => "status not containing ''dead''", :order => ''project_name''), "id", "project_name") %><br> <br> When my page...
2006 Oct 25
Help with a select_tag; getting an undefined method `stringify_keys' error
Hi, I''m trying to use a select_tag in the following manner: <%= select_tag(:received_at, @select_dates, String(params[:received_at]) ) %> But I get this error: undefined method `stringify_keys'' for "":String Removing the third parameter eliminates the error, but I was hoping that the drop-down list will...
2007 Jan 25
React on select_tag (onchange)
...view (no model field) from a selection box to show the number of rows (which I used in the controller). In the controller I read the params-hash: ... @rowsperpage = params[''rowsperpage''].to_i ... In the view I have the field, where I like to react directly. ... <%= select_tag("rowsperpage", options_for_select( [[5, 5], [10,10], [25,25], [50,50], [100,100],[200, 200],[500, 500],[1000, 1000]], @rowsperpage ), :onchange=>"alert(this.form.rowsperpage.options[this.form.rowsperpage.selectedIndex].value)" ) %> ... The alert was only an example (I tes...
2006 Jan 19
select vs. select_tag
...e Timesheet model, using this code: &lt;%= select ''timesheet'', ''user_id'', User.find_all.collect {|p| [p.username,]}  %&gt; Then the list defaults to the first option. I''d like it to default to the logged in user though. I can do this using select_tag with options_from_collection_for_select without a problem, but then I lose the functionality of having the field linked to the table. If i use a select_tag, I''m forced to add additional code in the Create method to get the user_id into the new record (which just doesn''t seem to fo...
2008 Sep 02
seledted option for select_tag
Hi iam using select_tag i want selected_option. i have made select _tag like this <%=select_tag(''name'', options_for_select({ :Relevance =>''Relevant'',:Date=>''Recent''}),:selected=>params[:name].to_s) %> The generated html look like this <select selec...
2008 Apr 24
select_tag and link_to
Does ROR allow passing the chosen value from a drop down using select_tag into link_to ? Basically I want to do something like: <%= select_tag( "name", options_for_select(%w{John Doe Jane })) %> <%= link_to "Delete", { :controller => "myname", :action => "add", :id => na...
2006 Apr 01
select_tag problem
...;', ''url'' %></p> <p><label for="feed_name">Name</label><br/> <%= text_field ''feed'', ''name'' %></p> <p><label for="feed_type">Type</label><br/> <%= select_tag ''feed[type]'', options_for_select( { "Option1" => "opt1", "Option2" => "opt" }) %> <!--[eoform:feed]--> ---- If the data is sent .save and update_attributes doesn''t save the type field even though it''s sent...
2006 Apr 19
select_tag and :include_blank => true not working
Guys, I''m using select_tag to display a non-model dropdown, which works fine. However, I''ve tried every which way to use the :include_blank => true option, but it simply won''t display a blank value. Using :include_blank => true with select on model fields works fine. Can someone please show me a...
2005 Nov 22
non model select_tag problem
What am I doing wrong here: select_tag(''website_ids[]'', options_from_collection_for_select(Website.find_all, ''id'', ''name'', params[:website_ids]), {:multiple => true, :size => 5}) It works fine except that it does not display the selected options once the form is submitted (...
2006 Jul 13
Simple dropdown menu
Hi, I''m quite new to this language and I''m having trouble finding out simple things like a dropdown menu in rhtml. I know I have to use <% select_tag %> but I''ve read lots of different ways to put in the options so I''m a bit confused. Options are hard-coded for the menu I''m trying to create so no database is involved! Thanks v much! Bex -- Posted via
2006 Feb 02
How to get all selected rows in the mutli-selection listbox?
Hi, I have created a multiple selection listbox with rails, when I try to get the rows selected by user, rails send back only the first one, how can I get the other selected rows???? I created the listbox with the following function: select_tag("form__list1", options_for_select(["A","B","C","D"], selected = "A"), html_options = {"size" => 5, "multiple" => true}) What I get from params is : !map:HashWithIndifferentAccess commit: Next action: index cont...
2007 May 24
Help with Create and Update with options_for_select in a select_tag
I have a select_tag in my view that uses options_for_select with multiple = true. I am having trouble figuring out the Rails way to create and update that field. Please help. Models: ------------- Service has_many AccessControl AccessControl belongs_to Service application.rb ------------------------- $types = Array[...
2006 Jun 24
select or select_tag ?
...;%= text_field ''model'', ''field'' %> without _tag! but only text_field_tag is to be found in the 1.1.2 documentation.. (like in the rest of Module ActionView::Helpers::FormTagHelper there is _tag) I''ve tried to use <%= select instead of <% select_tag and it works AND the first one generates: <select id="tesi_relatore_id" name="tesi[relatore_id]"> and the other <select id="tesi_controrelatore_id" name="tesi_controrelatore_id"> my class can be saved just using the first one. but now I'...
2008 Jan 03
Help using options_for_select in select_tag
<b>Client</b><br /> <%= select_tag ''clients[]'', options_for_select( [['' '',''1''], [''aaaa'',''2''], [''daemon'',''3''],[''nortel'',''4''],[''telefonica'','...