search for: select_minute

Displaying 10 results from an estimated 10 matches for "select_minute".

2007 Mar 30
select_hour and select_minute methods
Is there anything in the mix to add :class, :id etc html_options to the select_hour and select_minute methods? I found this post,, dated late January that touches on the subject. I''m curious if this is an issue in the current rails development. Anyone have any info? --~--~---------~--~----~------------~...
2005 Dec 12
Search screens with dates
...#39;'to''} %> <%= select_month, {:prefix => ''to''} %> <%= select_year, {:prefix => ''to''} %> <%= select_hour, {:prefix => ''to''} %> <%= select_minute, {:prefix => ''to''} %> which I can just about live with. But how do I easily take those five fields and place into a Model.find(:all, conditions => "search for date less then the given params") type query? Is there an *easy* way? Ian
2006 Mar 21
Use select_date for my model?
Hi all I have a model "party" that has a time field "starts_at". I have created a form to add new instances of this model. <%= select_date, :prefix => ''party'' %> Sadly I get the error: NoMethodError in Parties#add undefined method `month='' for #<Party:0x256a600> How can I fix this problem? I remember that I saw in
2006 Jul 16
form helpers with non-ActiveRecord objects
...FestDate objects themselvs are not ActiveRecord objects. (of course, otherwise they would be in their own table...) When working with a Festival, I would like to use various kinds of form helpers while iterating over the various FestDate objects. For example, I would like to use select_hour and select_minute tags, but when I do, they all end up having the same name. I am supposing this is because I am not iterating over an AR object, but one of my own creation. Also, when I try to use the check_box helper, it does not correctly pick up the value of boolean fields in the FestDate object. Again, this...
2006 Mar 21
Getting a time select input
I''m having trouble workign out which ActionView DateHelpers to display a time input for an ActiveRecord field of type :time. I just want an hours input and a minuites input. I can get these with time_select helper using :field_name and :prefix but it gives both hours and miniutes the same name. <%= select_time(, :prefix => "search", :field_name =>
2006 Jul 18
Auto-populating time portion of a datetime field from a form
I see that if I use the date_select helper in my view, then in the generated page, my selects are named obj[datetime_field(1i)] (and 2i and 3i for the other parts). These auto-populate the date portion of my datetime_field. I have another datetime field that I''m presenting the time from and I would like to use a similar scheme to autopopulate it. Currently, I''ve used the
2006 Feb 05
How can i specify default time to datetime_select tag
...e, unless options[:discard_day] || options[:discard_month] datetime_select << '' &mdash; '' + select_hour(datetime, unless options[:discard_hour] datetime_select << '' : '' + select_minute(datetime, unless options[:discard_minute] || options[:discard_hour] datetime_select end ----------------------------------------------------------------------- i was wondering where did the variable value come from in follong line: datetime = options...
2007 Jan 23
Styling select_time
select_time, select_hour & select_minute all seem to ignore the :class option. Is there a way to apply a CSS class to these fields? Stephen Gerstacker Sr. Database Developer Electronic Data Payment Systems p: 866.578.9740 x114 f: 866.578.9740 --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you...
2005 May 08
Overriding date_select in local project to use custom value rather than blank for starting option...
I would like to have a date control on a page and I would like a behavior similar to what you get using date_select with the :include_blank => true option where the first value in the dropdown is "- Month -", "- Day -", or "- Year -" rather than a blank value for the respective month, day, and year select fields. I took a look at the ruby source for
2006 Jul 06
Understanding date_select naming conventions
...: current_job[StartDate(3i)] Year: current_job[StartDate(1i)] I''m assuming that the Xi identifiers somehow specify the appropriate date part from a date or time value. Can anyone shed some light on how this works? Where can I get definite info. on it? Also, I am using select_hour, select_minute, and select_second to handle the time portion of another field. Do I need to use a similar naming convention so that the correct time components will be set upon form submission? Thanks, Wes -- Posted via