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2006 Aug 22
Total (un)standardized effects in SEM?
Hi there, as a student sociology, I'm starting to learn about SEM. The course I follow is based on LISREL, but I want to use the SEM-package on R parallel to it. Using LISREL, I found it to be very usable to be able to see the total direct and total indirect effects (standardized and unstandardized) in the output. Can I create these effects using R? I know how to calculate them
2020 Sep 13
Cambiar datos de un DF
...r todo de una vez renombrando los niveles correspondientes: > df$col1<-as.factor(df$col1) > df$col1  [1] uno   dos   3     4     cinco 6     siete 8     9     diez Levels: 3 4 6 8 9 cinco diez dos siete uno > levels(df$col1)[1:5] <- c("tres","cuatro","seis","ocho","nueve") > df      col1 col2 1     uno    1 2     dos    2 3    tres    3 4  cuatro    4 5   cinco    5 6    seis    6 7   siete    7 8    ocho    8 9   nueve    9 10   diez   10 > Saludos, Marcelino El 13/09/2020 a las 14:37, Samura . escribió: > H...
2011 Apr 29
Summer student internship placement at University of York / YCCSA / SEI (paid)
Dear R-lings, I did not know which list to post to, because it is a studentship so not really a job, so it did not fit the r-sig-jobs list .... and it is about devloping an extension package interfaced with R .... I hope I did not upset anyone. If so apologies. The Centre For Complex systems Analysis at the University of York (YCCSA) in UK in collaboration with Stockholm Environment
2005 Mar 04
Ti sei cancellato con successo
Ecco fatto, da domani non riceverai più la mia mail quotidiana... peccato... Se vuoi dirci perchè ti sei cancellato basta rispondere in automatico a questa mail e noi la leggeremo. Se invece ti sei cancellato per sbaglio puoi reiscriverti o mandando una mail (anche vuota) a: o andando sul sito Buona giornata Lo staff di tuttinudi
2012 Sep 12
Trying to use pipes in R
...x command "wc" (to count words from a text), but I don't know how to capture the results, say in a vector of chars... Here is the R code I'm trying: :> f <- pipe("wc", open="w") :> writeLines(c("uno dos tres", "cuatro cinco", "seis"), f) :> close(f) : 3 6 31 The result is just displayed but I couldn't put the result into a R variable. Do you have any comments on this? Thanks, -- Sergio. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2016 Oct 28
Encontrar la primera columna no NA ) , tres = sample( c(runif(numero) , rep(NA , numero /2e1 )) , size = numero ) , cuatro = sample( c(runif(numero) , rep(NA , numero /1e2 )) , size = numero ) , cinco = sample( c(runif(numero) , rep(NA , numero /2e2 )) , size = numero ) , seis = sample( c(runif(numero) , rep(NA , numero /1e3 )) , size = numero ) ) First_month <- apply(X = dat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x){ return( min( which( ! ), na.rm = TRUE ) ) } ) dat[ , First_month...
2009 Jun 30
difference between "names", "colnames" and "dimnames"
...0296 2.885390 SPP NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 2.885390 Then I tried to assign names to each column with names(), but end up with the following: > names(tester) <- c("uno","dos","tres","cuatro","cinco","seis","siete","ocho") [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] CLS 3.877328 4.087636 4.72089 4.038361 3.402942 2.786285 2.671222 3.276419 ORD NaN NaN NaN NaN 5.770780 5.901113 11.888054 7.934823 FAM NaN NaN Na...
2005 Sep 24
Install and load packages
Dear R-users, I would like to know what are the commands to install (from a local zip file) a package and then to load it. Thaks all, Bests, Caio "Perco a consciencia, mas n併o importa, encontro a maior serenidade na alucina佺ao. 伾 curioso como n併o sei dizer quem sou. Quer dizer, sei-o bem, mas n併o posso dizer. Sobretudo tenho medo de dizer, porque no momento em que tento falar, n併o
2020 Aug 24
(sin asunto)
Creo que el problema se podría simplificar y aún obtener un resultado aceptable si simplemente haces un ajuste lineal en un entorno del punto. Como ya tienes los valores de los puntos de cada curva como dices Carlos, creo que con esa información podrías identificar un entorno adecuado en el cual ajustar linealmente. Cuéntanos como te va, Saludos !! Eric. On 24-08-20 12:52, Carlos Ortega
2010 Jul 02
metafor and meta-analysis at arm-level
Hi, I have been looking for an R package which allowed to do meta-analysis (both pairwise and network/mixed-treatment) at arm-level rather than at trial-level, the latter being the common way in which meta-analysis is done. By arm-level meta-analysis I mean one that accounts for data provided at the level of the individual arms of each trial and that does not simply derive the difference between
2020 Feb 27
net ADS join MEMBER
In some spare time, been trying to get Samba 4.10.6-1 working on AIX. Several earlier posts handled by Louis and Rowland. Which were much appreciated and beneficial. Using this stripped (leaving comments out of it) GLOBALS section of smb.conf: [global] workgroup = boost realm = BOOST.COM server string = Samba Server Version %v interfaces = lo eth0
2015 Sep 02
Cannot access the (old) samba server on my router from Linux
Hello, my isp provided me with an ont+wireless router combo. The router can share via samba a mounted usb thumb drive. The problem is that it's a very old samba version (apparently 1.9.16p10) and I cannot access it from Linux: luca at seis:~$ smbclient -s /dev/null -L Enter luca's password: Domain=[WORKGROUP] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 1.9.16p10] tree connect failed: NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME I tried also with -d 10, but it doesn't give too much information, e.g. these are the last few lines of output: Connecti...
2020 Mar 26
net ADS join MEMBER
On 26/03/2020 20:08, Bob Wyatt wrote: > From: Rowland penny <rpenny at> > Sent: Saturday, February 29, 2020 8:48 AM > To: sambalist <samba at> > Subject: Re: [Samba] net ADS join MEMBER > > On 28/02/2020 23:22, Bob Wyatt wrote: >> Hi, Rowland, >> >> Joined the domain successfully. >> Winbindd and smbd started without
2016 Oct 27
Encontrar la primera columna no NA
...tres = sample( c(runif(numero) , rep(NA , numero /2e1 )) , size = numero ) , cuatro = sample( c(runif(numero) , rep(NA , numero /1e2 )) , size = numero ) , cinco = sample( c(runif(numero) , rep(NA , numero /2e2 )) , size = numero ) , seis = sample( c(runif(numero) , rep(NA , numero /1e3 )) , size = numero ) ) apply(X = dat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x){ return( min( which( ! ), na.rm = TRUE ) ) } ) dat[ , First_month := First_month] N_for &...
2019 Sep 09
samba internal dns doesn't return NXDOMAIN (bug 12464)
.../kb/configuring-networks-disable-dns-over-https to configure my dns server to return NXDOMAIN for If I query the server directly it returns NXDOMAIN, but if I query samba I get an empty answer instead ( is configured as dns forwarder for both DCs): luca at seis:~$ host Using domain server: Name: Address: Aliases: Host not found: 3(NXDOMAIN) luca at seis:~$ host dc1 Using domain server: Name: dc1 Address: Aliases: luca at...
2009 Aug 18
open txt
Não consigo abrir a pasta txt no R, dá a mensagem: Warning message: In file(file, "r") : cannot open file 'plantula.txt': No such file or directory O arquivo está na mesma página do Scrip. Não sei qual é o problema???? [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2020 Apr 03
net ADS join MEMBER
Rowland, The wiki suggested doing "smbd -b | grep HAVE_LIBACL" and expecting to get back "HAVE_LIBACL". This is not the case on our IBM system with 4.10.6. The current version from IBM is 4.10.13 - considering upgrading in the hopes "HAVE_LIBACL" is present if I really need it. On the other hand, "smbd -b" does report that smbd was built with vfs_aixacl
2020 Apr 18
Samba 4.10.13-1, AIX 7100-05-05 - winbindd not starting
Posted some time ago on 4.6 - updated it to 4.10.13-1 as released by IBM. Added a Kerberos configuration file, updated smb.conf, changed the startup order to nmbd first, winbindd next, then smbd. Now nmbd and smbd start, while winbindd does not. Content from log.winbindd: [2020/04/18 00:00:17.100243, 0] ../../source3/winbindd/winbindd.c:1731(main) winbindd version 4.10.13 started.
2020 Apr 21
Samba 4.10.13-1, AIX 7100-05-05 - winbindd not starting
Posted some time ago on 4.6 - updated it to 4.10.13-1 as released by IBM. Added a Kerberos configuration file, updated smb.conf, changed the startup order to nmbd first, winbindd next, then smbd. Now nmbd and smbd start, while winbindd does not. Content from log.winbindd: [2020/04/18 00:00:17.100243, 0] ../../source3/winbindd/winbindd.c:1731(main) winbindd version 4.10.13 started.
2008 Sep 30
fft inverse display help
I have a a simple function that generates a time series square wave: genseq <- function() { x <- numeric(4*365) s <- seq(as.Date("2005-01-01"), as.Date("2008-12-31"), by="month") ob <- as.vector(s[c(10,22,34,46)] - as.Date("2005-01-01")) oe <- as.vector(s[c(11,23,35,47)] - as.Date("2005-01-01")) for(.index in 1:length(ob))