Displaying 14 results from an estimated 14 matches for "section_id".
2006 Feb 27
How to build a recursive parenting structure?
So I built a "sections" table and in the model I included the line
"has_and_belongs_to_many :sections"
I also made a table called "sections_sections" to build the heirarchy
however the fields I generated were:
CREATE TABLE `sections_sections` (
`section_id` INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
`parent_id` INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL ,
constraint fk_parents foreign key (parent_id) references sections(id),
constraint fk_sections foreign key (section_id) references sections(id)
Because I can''t have two section_id fields. So how can I let rails...
2006 Apr 18
Postgresql and ActiveRecords problems
Hi all. I have a problem with postgresql PK columns and ActiveRecord.
The error is: PGError: ERROR: null value in column "item_id" violates
Ok, it''s wrong to insert NULL into PK columns, but rails doing it. How
to fix? So sad..
2006 Feb 23
MySQL Duplicate Key Error
...able called ''privileges'' which has the following fields
CREATE TABLE `sdqualplanner`.`privileges` (
`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`name` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '''',
`description` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '''',
`section_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default ''0'',
`designation_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default ''0'',
`department_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default ''0'',
`view` varchar(1) NOT NULL default ''1'',
`create` varchar(1) NOT NULL...
2006 May 28
ActiveRecord: FK constraints problem
...(32) NOT NULL,
name character varying(64) NOT NULL,
title character varying(64) NOT NULL,
keywords character varying(256),
description character varying(512),
contents character varying(2048),
last_modified timestamp without time zone
CREATE TABLE contents_sections (
section_id integer NOT NULL,
content_id integer NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE ONLY contents_sections
ADD CONSTRAINT fk_contents_contents_sections FOREIGN KEY
(content_id) REFERENCES contents(id);
ALTER TABLE ONLY contents_sections
ADD CONSTRAINT fk_sections_contents_sections FOREIGN KEY
(section_id) R...
2006 Apr 20
ActiveRecord: Many-to-Many problem
...ent and Section has:
has_and_belongs_to_many :contents and has_and_belongs_to_many :sections
and I have an exception when trying to access model properties:
"undefined method `add_contents'' for #<Section:0xb745c514>"
def add_content_entry
@section = Section.find(params[:section_id])
@content = Content.find(params[:content_id])
@section.name = ''test''
redirect_to :action => ''list''
Where I am wrong?
2004 Jul 16
where to sign up for fwd
Could someone please point me to the proper url to register for a fwd
acount and get a fwd number. I couldn't find it at
www.freeworlddialup.com or fwd.pulver.com
"They that would give up essential liberty for temporary safety deserve
neither liberty nor safety."
Benjamin Franklin
2005 Dec 15
Rails: Select and html forms
I''m close to getting this to work, but not quite there. I''m trying to
implement a dropdown control, with the current choice selected.
I have the following code in the view:
5 <select id="product_product_type" name="product[product_type]">
6 <%=
7 types = ProductType.find(:all, :order => "product_type")
2005 Dec 06
How to set a default value?
I have a price field that I validate of numbers.
How can I default a 0.0 value?
Frank Rocco
2005 Dec 19
Is there a guide for using ERBSQL?
...Also what if I want to use a different set of
options for the table instead of the default ones generated by
Finally, I am using the following sql to signify my foreign keys but
these statements create a syntax error when I run create_db:
constraint fk_pages_section foreign key (section_id) references
Any advice or links to a guide on working with erbsql? Also any
advice as to how to signify the foreign keys the erbsql way?
Jim Jeffers
"A trustworthy individual."
(480) 235-5201
2006 Jan 30
error when adding a new table to the existing application
Deniz wrote:
> Hi Everybody,
> I am a newbie in this list so please forgive me if this is a lengthy
> message.
> Currently I am working on a project at my work place that includes
> viewing some oracle tables(I do not have control over to rewrite the
> tables) and searching the tables based on a given criteria with Rails.
> Up untill now everything was working great. The
2006 Apr 03
Re: F6H500ukUNV working with fentonups driver
Hi Patrick,
2006/4/2, Patrick Beard <p.beard@blueyonder.co.uk>:
> Hi Arnaud,
> Just wanted to let you know the the Belkin F6H500ukUNV is working for me
> with the fentonups driver.
> http://catalog.belkin.com/IWCatSectionView.process?IWAction=Load&Merchant_Id=&Section_Id=202840
> I originally tried it with the genericups driver with upstype=7 but this
> gave me 'On battery' 'Low Battery' all the time. I went through all the
> upstype settings but none worked.
> I then tried the 'bestups' driver but this never worked.
2007 Nov 17
rake errors
puts app.html_document.root.to_s
controller action....
def update_profiles
@articles = Article.find(:all, :conditions=>"created_at<now() and
status>0 and section_id!=13",:limit=>5, :order=>''created_at DESC'' )
for user in @users
profile_box = render_to_string(:template => ''facebook/index'')
fbsession.profile_setFBML({:markup =...
2009 Mar 14
null object pattern
from (irb):1
>> User.new
=> #<User id: nil, username: nil, section_id: nil, password_hash: nil,
password_salt: nil, role_id: nil, member_number: nil, tm_zone_info: nil,
region_id: nil>
>> UnassignedUser.new
=> #<UnassignedUser id: nil, username: nil, section_id: nil,
password_hash: nil, password_salt: nil, role_id: nil, member_number:
nil, tm_zone_inf...
2005 May 13
Problem with IAX trunking
...at the "s" extension of "default" context.
;register => user:pass@iaxtel.com
register => asterisk1:[asterisk1]@
; Sample Registration for IAX + FWD
; To register using IAX with FWD, it must be enabled by visiting the URL
; http://www.fwdnet.net/index.php?section_id=112
; Note that you need an extension in you default context which matches
; your free world dialup number. Please replace "FWDNumber" with your
; FWD number and "passwd" with your password.
;register => FWDNumber:passwd@iax.fwdnet.net
; You can disable authenticatio...