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2010 May 02
Scree diagram,
I've two questions today.
1) I'm trying to do a scree diagram, I did a Google for a specific command I
could used to do so. All I could find is a screeplot. Are they the same
2) what command can I used to present a PC scores, eigenvectors of the PC
scores, and component correlations?
View this message in context: http://r.7896...
2005 Jan 04
scree plot
Is there an easy way to add to the scree-plot labels to each value pertaining to the cumulative proportion of explained variance?
Thanks and a happy new year
Anne Piotet
Tel: +41 79 359 83 32 (mobile)
Email: anne.piotet@m-td.com
2006 Mar 13
Bootstrapping PCA + Standard Error Scree
[Hogenraad, R., & McKenzie, DP (1999). Replicating text: The cumulation
of knowledge in social science. Quality & Quantity, 33:2, 97-116]
Could anyone advise me whether (and how) it is possible to undertake a
similar analysis in R?
Q.2) Has anyone implemented the Standard Error Scree or a similar
objective procedure for determining the optimal number of factors?
Many thanks,
Andrew Wilson
2013 Mar 21
values for the scree plot (package psych)
I am using function princomp from the package psych.
I have my principle component object mypc:
mypc <- princomp(covmat=mycor)
plot(mypc) # shows me a screeplot
Question: how could I actually see the values displayed in the screeplot. I
don't mean on the graph - I just want to know the actual value for each
component (e.g., 10, 3.2, 1.8, etc.)
I need to know how much variance, in total, a certain number of comonents
Thanks a lot!
2003 May 06
R vs SPSS output for princomp
It is annoying because they will be marking to the SPSS output.
Basically I'm getting different values for the component loadings
in SPSS and in R - I suspect that there is some normalization or
scaling going on that I don't understand (and there is plenty I
don't understand). The scree-plots (and thus eigen values for each
component) and Proportion of Variance figures are identical - but
the factor loadings are an order of magnitude different. Basically
the SPSS loadings are much higher than those shown by R.
Should the loadings returned by the R princomp function and the
2010 Dec 09
Number of dimension in Multidimensional Scaling
Very often one can hear that MDS usually ends with two-dimensional
solution. Of course, there are methods, like Scree-test (proposed by
Kruskal and Wish, 1981), to determine optimal number of dimensions.
However, I am trying to find references to this two-dimensional
gold-standard. Can anyone point me to authors which explicitly states
that two-dimensions are typical and easiest to represent graphically? In
2006 Apr 01
[PATCH] Implement window zoomin/zoomout on create/unmap
...ome more work. It should only apply to decorated
toplevels, but right now it also affects XUL menus (I guess because they
are not unmanaged like in GTK?). It also affects the tab switcher
window, which looks OK but a bit _too_ distracting IMHO. And finally
sometimes visual artifacts are left on scree, though this may be simply
my video drivers (nvidia binary geforce4 mx 440).
Author unknown. Credit Quinn Storm.
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2011 Mar 04
How two compare two matrixes
Dear all I have two 10*10 matrixes and I would like to compare theirs contents. By the word content I mean to check visually (not with any mathematical formulation) how similar are the contents.
I also know edit that prints my matrix in the scree but still one edit blocks the prompt to launch a second edit() screen.
What is the best way to compare these two matrices?
I would like to thank you in avdance for your help
2006 Mar 09
OT: Snom 320, displaying text on the scree n from *
...t kidding about obscure syntax, sipsak is a PITA
-----Original Message-----
From: Sean Kennedy [mailto:skennedy@qualitydentists.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2006 5:01 PM
To: Asterisk Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial Discussion
Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] OT: Snom 320, displaying text on the screen
from *
I have that set, but for some reason I get errors when I try sipsak, and
nothing comes through to the phone:
sipsak -M -B "test" -s sip:44@ <sip:44@>
timeout after 500ms
timeout after 500ms...
Some debugging info:
[root@firewall root]# sipsa...
2004 Sep 10
R conversion
I am a newcomer to R trying to convert a SAS program to R.
Does anyone know if there is a functional equivalent of the SAS
'Factor' procedure?
For example in SAS:
proc factor DATA=cor method=principal rotate=varimax proportion=0.9 scree
where 'cor' is a correlation matrix (as in the R 'cor' function)
This should get you a list of eigen values as well as a factor
pattern matrix.
Also why when I use the 'eigen' function in R does it seem to give
a subtly different answer to the eigen values generated by th...
2008 Mar 13
factanal and plotting?
Hi there!
To make a good choice for the estimation of the number of usefull
factors. And I'd like to plot a graph like:
where I don't need the green line (random values).
But with
str(factanal(data, factors=10)) I cannot figure out where I can find the
values for plotting.
Can you please help me in this question?
2012 Mar 15
summary(geopca, scaling=2)
apply(scores(geopca, choices=1.6, display= "species"),
+ 2,function(x) x/sd(x))
plot(geopca$CA$eig, type= "o", col= "red", xlab= "PCA Axis",
ylab= "Variance", main= "Scree plot for the PCA of the Geochem Data")
bstick.env<- bstick(19, tot.var=19) #must change number based on number in bstick model
plot(bstick.env, type="o", lty="dotted", ylim=range(bstick.env,
geopca$CA$eig), xlab="PCA Axis", ylab="Iner...
2009 Jun 24
Random Forest Variable Importance Interpretation
...t and have looked at the partial
dependence plots for the different variables effect of the response but
I have been looking though the literature to see how people have
previously used this type of analysis and I would like to be able to
plot out the overall variable importance in some form of PCA Scree graph
but havn't got a clue how to even start this so any suggestions will be
most appreciated?
Many thanks in advance
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 May 10
metaMDS and envfit: Help reading output
...ta to the NMDS coordinates. I'm fairly new to metaMDS and NMDS in general, so I have what are probably some very basic questions. My fish abundance data consists of 66 sites for which up to 20 species of fish were identified and counted. I ran metaMDS on this data in 3 dimensions (after using a scree plot to check for stress levels in the different dimensions). I then used envfit to correlate a predictor dataset of environmental variables with the NMDS results, using the following code.
>Fish<-as.data.frame(read.csv("Fish.csv",header=TRUE, sep = ","))
2008 Sep 09
PCA and % variance explained
After doing a PCA using princomp, how do you view how much each component
contributes to variance in the dataset. I'm still quite new to the theory of
PCA - I have a little idea about eigenvectors and eigenvalues (these
determine the variance explained?). Are the eigenvalues related to loadings
in R?
View this message in context:
2004 Jun 22
Need for advise for Correspondence Analysis
...Here are my question :
- what is the more appropriate function to do so ... I already tried by using the function 'corresp' in the MASS package
- it seems to work ... but how is it possible to get all the information concerning the non-centered PCA used by corresp (eigen-values, inertia, scree plot, square cos, ....)
In a second step I would like to use hirarchical clustering from the results of the correspondence analysis ...
If "Table" is my contingency table (i.e., the number of individuals seen in each case) ... I tried to implment it as follow (for the 2 first component...
2005 Nov 22
SPSS-like factor analysis procedure
...eigenvector, along with the % variance for each eigenvector.
This is the best part of the SPSS output. I feel like I'm close to
finding the right function in R , but I don't know how to look at the
eigenvalues of each component in R. princomp() seems a step in the
right direction.
8. Scree plot.
No problem, princomp() and screeplot() seem to produce about the
right result.
9. Component matrix (lists the variable loading on each factor)
factanal() seems to do this, but again the results don't jive with
SPSS and I'm unsure why.
10. Factor rotation
No problem, factanal(rot...
2002 Oct 04
Getting rid of extra connections?
Error in file(file, "r") : All connections are in use
> q()
Save workspace image? [y/n/c]: y
Error in file(file, "wb") : All connections are in use
As best as I can tell, I got a bunch of extra connections by
experimenting with the split.scree() and layout() functions. But I
can't, so far, find a way to remove or close them. When I use ls() to
see a list of objects, they all look like things I explicitly
created, i.e., vectors, lists, functions, etc., and not like
connection objects. I can't find any connection object to clos...
2004 Jun 28
How to determine the number of dominant eigenvalues in PCA
Dear All,
I want to know if there is some easy and reliable way
to estimate the number of dominant eigenvalues
when applying PCA on sample covariance matrix.
Assume x-axis is the number of eigenvalues (1, 2, ....,n), and y-axis is the
corresponding eigenvalues (a1,a2,..., an) arranged in desceding order.
So this x-y plot will be a decreasing curve. Someone mentioned using the elbow (knee)
1998 Aug 26
prcomp & princomp - revised
...is can occasionally give a different result.
- prcomp.Rd is changed to reflect the changes to prcomp
- summary.prcomp is defined to give a result more like summary.princomp. In
Splus summary.prcomp does not exist and the default method is applied,
but this difference seems reasonable?
- screeplot is made generic
- function(...) is changed to function(x, ...) for some plot methods (to be
consistent with plot).
- print.prcomp is changed to be more like the result from Splus (Splus just
uses print.default, so this is slightly different)
- plot.prcomp is renamed screeplot.prco...