Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3193 matches for "score".
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2011 Dec 22
mongodb Map/reduce grouping
...s like this
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4db8b0524f0b495c3a7dbba4"), "title" : "Testing1",
"created" : ISODate("2011-12-12T00:00:00Z"),
"tasks" : [
"name" : "task no 1",
"score" : "5"
"name" : "task no2",
"score" : "6"
] }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4db8b0524f0b495c3a7dbba5"), "title" : "Testing2",
"created" : IS...
2009 Mar 10
reliability, scale scores in the psych package
...sted in hearing from others who need to do this
kind of thing frequently. What approach do you use? Do you use one of
the packages mentioned above? Are there other packages I might want to
take a look at?
Second question: I spent some time with the psych package trying to
figure out how to use the score.items() function, and it's become
clear to me that I don't understand what it's doing. I assumed that
setting a key equal to -1 would result in the item being reverse
scored, but I get weird results, as shown below. When I try to reverse
score (by setting a value of -1 in the key), I ge...
2006 Jul 20
Timing benefits of mapply() vs. for loop was: Wrap a loop inside a function
...atter of practice.
However, it seems the mapply function in this case is slower (in terms
of CPU speed) than the for loop. Here is an example.
# data needed for example
items <- list(item1 = c(0,1,2), item2 = c(0,1), item3 = c(0,1,2,3,4),
item4 = c(0,1), item5=c(0,1,2,3,4),
score <- c(2,1,3,1,3,2)
theta <- c(-1,-.5,0,.5,1)
# My old function using the for loop
like.mat <- function(score, items, theta){
like.mat <- matrix(numeric(length(items) * length(theta)), ncol =
for(i in 1:length(items)) like.mat[i, ] <- pcm(theta, items[[i]],
2005 Jul 05
PLS: problem transforming scores to variable space
Dear List!
I am trying to calculate the distance between original data points and their
position in the PLS model. In order to do this, I tried to predict the
scores using the predict.mvr function and calculate the corresponding
positions in variable space.
The prediction of scores works perfectly:
# build model
# predict scores for training data and compare:
# column 1: scores from model building
# colu...
2012 Apr 03
Sweave xtable
...omo Rnw, y luego puede ser corrido en R, donde seguramente al correr este se darán cuenta de mis dos problemas porque saltan al abrir el pdf que se obtiene como resultado.
#################################3 código R #########################3
da <- data.frame(id=letters[1:5], score=1:5*2)
col <- function(x){
paste("\textcolor{blue}{", formatC(x, dig=2, format="f"), "}"),
paste("\textcolor{red}{", formatC(x, dig=2, format="f"), "}"))
da$score.string <- col(da$score)
2012 Oct 19
factor score from PCA
Hi everyone,
I am trying to get the factor score for each individual case from a principal component analysis, as I understand, both princomp() and prcomp() can not produce this factor score, the principal() in psych package has this option: scores=T, but after running the code, I could not figure out how to show the factor score results. Here is...
2011 Nov 24
I cannot get species scores to plot with site scores in MDS when I use a distance matrix as input. Problems with NA's?
...species, I have calculated the matrix of species distances using the Gower coefficient of similarity available in Package ?FD? (which allows missing values).
My problem comes when I create a bi-plot of species and traits. As I have used a distance matrix in function ?metaMDS? there are no species scores available. This is given as a warning in R:
"> NMDSgowdis<- metaMDS(SpeciesGowdis)
> plot(NMDSgowdis, type = "t")
Warning message:In ordiplot(x, choices = choices, type = type, display = display, :Species scores not available?
I have read from internet resources that...
2004 Jul 03
Recoding scores of negatively worded item
I'm new to R so please fogive if I write someting silly ...
I need to recode a series of responses from a number of questionnaires.
The data is read via ODBC from a database where all responses are coded
as tables of the form (id, question, score).
After dealing with recoding of missing values, I need to "invert" the
scores of some questionnaire's item in the form x <- (n - x) where n is
the range of allowed responses + 1, e.g. if score can range from 1 to 4
n would by 5.
I am using R version 1.9.1 and 1.8.1 with identica...
2010 Feb 17
Question about "Title"
I want to produce a pie chart with titles. I used the following code. So it created a pie chart for the percentage of the score for ID="002".
ID <-
test <-
2010 Mar 09
data frame select max group by like function
Hi, I have a data frame with 3 columns: ID, year and score. How can I
select for each unique ID, the year that has the max score? For
example, for data frame
ID, year, score
tom, 1995, 88
rick, 1994, 90
mary, 2000, 97
tom, 1998, 60
mary, 1998,100
I shall have
ID, year, score
tom, 1995, 88
rick, 1994, 90
mary, 1998,100
2010 Nov 30
pca analysis: extract rotated scores?
Dear all
I'm unable to find an example of extracting the rotated scores of a
principal components analysis. I can do this easily for the un-rotated
.PC <- princomp(~am+carb+cyl+disp+drat+gear+hp+mpg, cor=TRUE, data=mtcars)
unclass(loadings(.PC)) # component loadings
summary(.PC) # proportions of variance
mtcars$PC1 <- .PC$scores[,1] # ext...
2012 Dec 05
In factor analysis in the psych package, how can I work out which factors the columns in $scores relate to? How do I know what each of the scores is scoring?
...hich is thought to have 11 factors. I can identify which factors the loadings relate to easily enough because I can see which items are loading onto each of the columns in the $loading output. However, how can I identify which items or loadings are being used to create each of the columns in the $scores output? I have used generalised linear models which have shown that some of the scores are significant predictors of treatment outcome, but I can't work out which of the 11 factors they are scoring?
when I export to csv the $loadings I get the following columns in this order:
MR4, MR3, MR2,...
2009 Dec 20
how to create three new variables? Thanks a lot!
Dear R experts:
I have following data structure: student id, exam time and score. I want to
create three new columes: 1 st before, 2nd before and 3rd before.
For example, for student 1's 4th exam score is assumed to be influenced by
his previous three cloest scores, which are 6, 9, and 10 in that order.
For student 2's 5th exam score is assumed to be inflenced by her p...
2011 Feb 10
The function factor.scores is used with package ltm and others to estimate IRT type scores for various models. It inherits objects of class grm, gpcm and a few others. What I would like to do is to use the factor.scores function, but feed it my own item parameters (from a bifactor model where the 2PL parameters are adjust...
2011 Jan 17
Retrieve "raw scores" in factor analysis
I'm working with a data collected through complex survey design. My goal is to conduct a factor analysis to extract two a priori, known factors, and to get factor scores for these factors. Unfortunately, the "svyfactanal" procedure from the Survey package does not allow for the calculation of either Thompson regression scores or Bartlett scores.
So, I found several sources that say one can simply sum "raw scores." I found this quote from this...
2004 Dec 29
Dear all,
I am trying to calculate a score for a string sequence consisting of
the following four letters: ACGT.
I have got a matrix giving the scores for each pair of letters.
So for example the string ACCT has got the pairs: AC, CC and CT.
The matrix has got the following form:
2006 Sep 15
Custom analyzer not invoked?
...ndex::Index.new(:analyzer => MyAnalyzer.new())
index << { :content => "The quick brown fox" }
index << { :content => "The cow jumps over the moon" }
puts ''== Searching Brown...''
index.search_each(''content:Brown'') do |doc, score|
puts "Document #{doc} found with a score of #{score}"
puts ''== Searching Foo...''
index.search_each(''content:Foo'') do |doc, score|
puts "Document #{doc} found with a score of #{score}"
puts ''== Searching Brown...'...
2009 Aug 25
adding factor scores back to an incomplete dataset...
...do the following, but i haven't been
able to find it. I am hoping a merciful soul on R-help could point me in
the right direction.
I am doing a factor analysis on survey data with missing values. to do
this, I run:
FA1<-factanal(na.omit(DATA), factors = X, rotation = 'oblimin', scores =
Now that I have my factors and factor scores, I want to add those scores
back to my original dataset so I can plot factor scores by demographics.
However, when I try to add the scores back to the original data frame,
the variables are of different lengths.
Is there a...
2011 Sep 16
belongs_to not working as
I have a model tests_user and score which are associated with each other by
has_one and belongs_to association.
class TestsUser < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :score, :foreign_key => :reg_no
class TestsUser < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :tests_user, :foreign_key => :reg_no
where reg_no is a unique fiel...
2004 Mar 06
normal scores test
I need help in performing a Van_der_Waerden normal scores test in R. I
have two arrays of scores(final on therapy scores from drug and placebo) and
want to use the normal scores procdeure to test for significance.
(observations are unequal in number - due to dropouts). Could you please help
me out with the coding or let me know if there is a package...