search for: scenarioes

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10091 matches for "scenarioes".

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2007 Nov 15
Plain Text Stories Chaining Scenarios
I''m writing a plain text story (testing the waters) and I have scenarios that I need to chain in my specs. Here is what I have so far: Story: User purchasing tshirts As a user I want to checkout So that I can purchase shirts Scenario: User goes to checkout with nothing in cart Given a user And user has an empty cart When user goes to checkout Then user
2008 Nov 26
could one scenario depend on another in cucumber?
I think it is a common test case you would meet. For example, you want to test a user registry scenario. You write: Scenario: User Registry When I dosth Then I dosth ... And now business has some changes. Register should have to activate his account by a secret code sent by mobile phone. So you need to write the other scenario: Scenario: User Registry and Account Activation By Mobile
2008 Mar 14
Branching scenarios, GivenScenario and database
I''m trying to use stories to drive some high-level design. I''ve got some branching scenarios where I want to follow a scenario, to establish a base situation, and then have different scenarios which ''branch'' out from that state, possibly several levels deep. I asked a bit about this a few days ago, and David pointed out the rather undocumented GivenScenario
2007 Oct 16
Scenarios Plugin Pre-Announcement
This is sort of a pre-announcement for a Rails plugin my friend Adam Williams and I are working on. We''re in the process of extracting it from a project we are working on so that it can be generally useful to the Rails community. We are calling it "Scenarios". It is a drop in replacement for Rails fixtures:
2008 Mar 11
Composed Stories/Scenarios
In using stories, I find myself wanting to build scenarios on top of each other, For example I want something like Scenario: The user logs on Given a And b When c And d Then e And f Scenario: The user changes his password Given the user logs on And g Then h In other words, I''d like to write the second scenario starting with the ''state'' produced by
2007 Dec 23
multiple scenarios problem
Hi all I just recently started to use rspec and I''m having a problem using multple scenarios in one story. These are the two scenarios, trying to test my implemenation of the new http authentication in rails 2: Scenario "user has to authenticate" do Given "an anonymous user" do end When "visiting", "working_page" do |page|
2008 Nov 04
Testing a wizard with Cucumber
Assuming you have a multi-step wizard like thing, with lots of different states and paths through it. What approach would your use to write a feature for it? What I want to do is do the separate states and then reuse these things in more complex scenarios that cover paths. For example Scenario: State A Given I''m ... And I''m ... When I ... Then I should see And I at
2007 Dec 22
StepGroup ?
Hi, I have a need for the StepGroup feature in stories but not clear what''s the current api. Could you provide an example? In my case I have several scenarios which vary in the Givens, but not the results. Ideally I''m hoping to achieve something like: (but anything will do for now :) Scenario: one Given something When he does foo Then good things should happen
2008 May 11
Are you writing "imperative" or "declarative" scenarios in your stories?
Hey all, I just found Bryan Helmkamp''s (of webrat fame) slides on a presentation he did at GoRuCo 2008: On slides 21-24 he talks about writing good stories and shows gives two examples.. the way not to do it and the way to do it. You can also see the video of the presentation at confreaks
2009 Jan 17
Cucumber Scenario Outlines Output Insufficient
I''m having problems knowing what a scenario outline I''ve created is doing. In particular I have no idea about what steps are being matched when the outline is run so when I break something I can''t find out what is wrong. Is there any progress on getting better output for scenario outlines. TIA Andrew -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was
2008 Nov 24
Cucumber Custom Logging
Where and how do you put custom logger statements in cucumber? I understood (more or less) how to do this in rspec in the spec_helper file but I do not know where to start with cucumber. I want to add a simple identifying text line in the log file to assist in picking through the output. Something akin to: Running Scenario: X Feature I should have this logged .... Feature This should
2008 Mar 21
Pending Scenarios
Hi there, newb q: The "pending" support for spec''s and steps is nice. I''m just wondering why a scenario itself can''t be pending? I.e. it seems to me like it would be nice to write up scenario titles for scenarios as you think of them, and for low-priority fringe scenarios leave the steps unwritten until it comes time to implement the scenario? Is there a
2003 Aug 23
RE: Re: That movie
An e-mail you sent to the following recipients was infected with a virus and was not delivered: MessageID: T6434583d4c0a08027417c Subject: Re: That movie Attachment: SMTP Messages: The operation completed successfully. Scenarios/Incoming/Sophos Antivirus Content Scanner: Scanned by 'Sophos AV Interface for MIMEsweeper'. SMTP Messages: The operation completed
2008 Jun 14
the Given, When, Then framework
Hi, Is the Given, When, Then framework, the user story, the acceptance criteria or both? Aidy
2009 Jan 05
[Cucumber] after feature hook?
Hi, Is there a hook or a method to execute some code after a whole feature has run or will I need to embed that in a ''Then''? Regards Aidy
2008 Jun 14
Reusing story snippets
I find myself doing this: Scenario "logged in user visiting the home page" do Given "A logged in user" do a_logged_in_user end When "..." Then "..." end The a_logged_in_user method is a helper method in helper.rb which sets up the state so that the user can browse the website. Later in the story of course, I can just do ''Given
2008 Nov 07
features and form filling - going declarative?
I''m working on writing features for a wizard. The wizard collects information from a number of different forms, and you can navigate through it in a number of ways. Anyhow one of these forms is a customer form collecting name, and email. In the context of the wizard I feel that the following scenarios Scenario: Given I step to customer And I fill in my customer details
2008 Dec 13
Reuse of Cucumber Features
What''s the best way to handle a requirement that shows up as a sub-requirement requirement in other features? For example let''s say users can enter dates in various forms throughout my application. There is one set of global rules specifying the formats in which dates may be entered, and how they are interpreted. I put that in one feature. In various other features, like
2004 Sep 26
Strange problem: can't fit into subject
Hi all, I'm experiencing something rather strange with our Asterisk setup. I'll go through the steps. Scenario 1: 1. I call someone on the outside (from my analog phone extension). 2. Everything appears honkey dorey. 3. Transfer called party to conference or another extension - fails. Scenario 2: 1. Receive a call at my extension from the outside. 2. Everything appears honkey dorey.
2008 Mar 13
Specifing methods in a steps_for block
Hey list, I''m refactoring some much-used functionality into a common_steps step group. Methods like this are in there: steps_for :common do Given "a number of existing $types?" do |type| @initial_item_count = type.singularize.classify.constantize.count end When "the user adds an invalid $type" do |type| post