Displaying 15 results from an estimated 15 matches for "scale_colour_hu".
Did you mean:
2011 Jul 10
grey colored lines and overwriting labels i qqplot2
...ors came back (graph 1). I used these two commands:
p=ggplot(data = test, aes(x = YEAR, y = TOTAL, colour = TREATMENT)) +
geom_point() + facet_wrap(~country)+scale_colour_grey()+
scale_y_continuous("number of votes")+ scale_x_continuous("Years")+
scale_x_continuous(breaks=1:4) + scale_colour_hue(breaks='A', labels='label
A')+ scale_colour_hue(breaks='B', labels='label B')
How can I keep the grey scale, but avoid changing back to colors when using
the scale_colour_hue command?
2.) Furthermore,...
2012 Sep 16
How to plot two lines, and only one line with errorbar by qqplots of R
p + geom_line() + geom_errorbar(limits, width = 0.05) + ggtitle(maintitle) +
theme(legend.title=element_blank(), legend.justification=c(0,1),
scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(0, 10, .1)) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks=seq(0, 13, .1)) +
ylab("Beta(t)") + scale_colour_hue(breaks=c("Wrong", "Correct", "Full Bayes"))
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Jul 23
tweak a bit the legend wiht ggplot2
geom_point(size=I(3)) +
labs(x=expression(p/p[0]),y=N[2]~adsorbed~volume~(cc/g)) +
) +
scale_colour_hue(name="Adsorbent") +
scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0,1),minor_breaks = seq(0,1,0.1)) +
scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0,1000)) +
opts(panel.grid.minor = theme_line(colour = "grey94"))
Benoit Boulinguiez
2012 Aug 09
Using unicode symbol has unexpected results in levels of factor object
...if you don't mind loading all the libraries.
> library(ggplot2)
> library(gridExtra)
> library(plyr)
> ggplot(.df, aes(time, surv)) + geom_step(aes(color = afpStrata), size = 1.0)
> ggplot(.df, aes(time, surv)) + geom_step(aes(color = afpStrata), size = 1.0) +
+ scale_colour_hue(breaks=afpLabels, labels=afpLabels)
I am running a pre-compiled version of R on Windows 7 (64-bit).
> sessionInfo()
R version 2.15.1 (2012-06-22)
Platform: x86_64-pc-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
[1] LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252
[2] LC_CTYPE=English_United States.1252
[3] LC...
2024 Dec 17
Mutate issue help needed
..., Time = as.double(datetime - evening, "secs")
*Error in UseMethod("mutate") :
? no applicable method for 'mutate' applied to an object of class
ggplot(polished, aes(x =Night, y = Time, colour = Species)) +
#geom_jitter() +
ggtitle(label = 'Feeding buzz temporal activity')+
facet_grid(. ~ Night) +facet_wrap(facets = ~Species)+
scale_y_continuous(labels = label_hours, breaks = break_hours) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 270))
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2012 Jun 06
ggplot incorrect legend
...a legend with ggplot?
I think should be getting the FuelTypeNum in the legend.
My code is:
ggplot(data=tempTable, aes(x=Bands8, y=SubPercent, fill=FuelTypeNum)) +
geom_bar(position="stack", stat="identity") +
scale_colour_hue('my legend', breaks = levels(tempTable$FuelTypeNum),
labels=c('Bio', 'Coal', 'Gas', 'Hydro','Other'))
FuelTypeNum Bands8 AvailableMW AvailableMWNewFormat SubPercent
1 1 PB0 185351 185.351 4.355864e-03...
2008 Apr 12
ggplot2 - plot with only legend?
I just found out that this message got scrambled with other threads,
so I trying to re-send...
Dear R'ers,
I am trying to build a composite plot (with several plots in one
figure). I have tried, but I cannot use facetting, as I need to
customize each plot using grid.
Since all the plots are the same (with different data, but same
layout and categories), I would like to have only one legend,
2009 Aug 18
ggplot2: geom_smooth and legend
Hi all,
Is that possible to remove the grey colour in the legend key that goes
with the geom_smooth? In my case it doesn't ease the reading of the
Cordialement / Regards
Benoit Boulinguiez
Ecole de Chimie de Rennes (ENSCR) Bureau 1.20
Equipe CIP UMR CNRS 6226 "Sciences
2024 Dec 17
Mutate issue help needed
..., Time = as.double(datetime - evening, "secs")
*Error in UseMethod("mutate") :
? no applicable method for 'mutate' applied to an object of class
ggplot(polished, aes(x =Night, y = Time, colour = Species)) +
#geom_jitter() +
ggtitle(label = 'Feeding buzz temporal activity')+
facet_grid(. ~ Night) +facet_wrap(facets = ~Species)+
scale_y_continuous(labels = label_hours, breaks = break_hours) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 270))
Bruce W. Miller, PhD.
Neotropical bat acoustic assessm...
2024 Dec 17
Mutate issue help needed
Posting Error. OP sent HTML email which by default includes a backup text version with "helpful" marks where formatting was in the original, and the mailing list deleted the HTML (per policy stated in the posting guide linked at the bottom of every email) which effectively leaves the mailing list recipients guessing as to what was originally sent.
Correct configuration of OPs email
2010 Jan 18
add spline to longitudinal data - preferably similar to SAS's 'I=SM50S' routine
Hi Ruser
I'm trying to replicate some SAS code. I have to add a spline to my
longitudinal spaghetti plot.
I have the plot, but I can't add the spline, a overall trend line. In
the SAS code they use the command 'I=SM50S' and I would prefer
something similar. I?m using R 2.10.1 on windows XP?
I have made this working example.
tolerance.pp <-
2009 Feb 02
Defining plot colors based on a variable
Hi, I have been trying unsuccessfully to plot data using different colors
based on a variable within a subset of an imported file. The file I am
reading is about 20000 lines long and has a column (in the example called
FILE) that contains approximately 100 unique entries. I would like to plot a
subset of the data from the file and key the color from the FILE column,
This is what my file looks like
2008 Jan 10
4 dimensional graphics
Dear all
I want to display 4 dimensional space by some suitable way. I searched
CRAN and found miscellaneous 3 dim graphics packages which I maybe can
modify but anyway I am open to any hint how to efficiently display data
longitude, latitude, height, value
Thank you
Petr Pikal
petr.pikal at precheza.cz
2024 Dec 17
Mutate issue help needed
...tz = "UTC")
, evening = evening(datetime)
, Night = format(as.Date(evening), "%b %d, %Y")
, Time = as.double(datetime - evening, "secs")
ggplot(polished, aes(x = Night, y = Time, colour = Species)) +
geom_point() + scale_colour_hue(l=40) +
ggtitle(label = 'Feeding buzz temporal activity')+
facet_grid(. ~ Night) + facet_wrap(facets = ~Species)+
scale_y_continuous(labels = label_hours, breaks = break_hours) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 270))
2024 Dec 17
Mutate issue help needed
Hi all,
Tnx for the varied suggestions.? I tried the "cleaned up code" John
suggested with the same Mutate error message
No clue why an asterisk * was added to the message lines that were only
# comments.
Eons ago Hadley helped with the code with early versions of the original
GGPLOT and it has been modified a bit to reflect current packages and
worked when pasted into the R 4.4.0