Displaying 12 results from an estimated 12 matches for "scale_colour_brew".
Did you mean:
2012 Jan 29
ColorBrewer question
Hello, R friends,
I'm trying to change colors of my horizontal bars so that they show a sequence.
I chose the ColorBrewer palette "Blues". However the resulting plot doesn't show any changes to the default.
I tried several places of "+ scale_colour_brewer(type="seq", pal = "Blues")" with no effect.
This is my code:
p <- ggplot(data, aes(x = gender)) + scale_y_continuous("",formatter="percent") + xlab("Gender") + coord_flip() + scale_colour_brewer(type="seq", pal = "Blu...
2011 Aug 04
Plotting just a portion of a smoother graph in ggplot2
I am using ggplot2 to with the following code:
gmathk2 <-
+ opts(title="Smoother Plot: Math K-5") + xlab("Time") + ylab("Math") +
scale_colour_brewer(pal="Set1"); gmathk2
This plots all the smoother for all the x values. What I'd like to do is
plot the smoother for the x values that are only greater than or equal to 0.
I don't want this:
gmathk2 <-
2013 Feb 01
Change default order of colors & line types
..., I want to change the order of default linetype. I want to
put "solid" line in fourth.
How can I do thses?
R code to draw the graph is
qplot(variable, power, data = m.powers, colour = method,
linetype=method, ylab = "Power") + geom_line(aes(group = method),
ylim = c(0,1)) +
Thank you,
2010 Jun 24
Displaying additional values on the Y-axis ggplot2
I am running the following code:
mfg0 <- ggplot(aes(x=Grade,y=Math,colour=RiskStatic45678),data=math.f)
mfg1 <- mfg0 + geom_smooth(method="lm", formula=y ~ ns(x,2),size=1) +
geom_smooth(aes(y=nalt.math,color="NALT"),size=1,data=nalt) +
scale_colour_brewer("Risk Status", pal="Set1") + coord_cartesian(ylim =
c(175, 245))
And when I specify that, the only value that shows up on the Y-axis is a
'200'. How can I manually specify that I want 180, 200, 220, and 240 to
show up? Also please cc me on the email as I am a...
2010 Nov 23
specifying colours in a ggplot2 piechart
k = "green", l = "orange", m = "red", n = "blue", o = "green",
p = "orange" )
pie1 <- ggplot(mypie, aes(x = factor(zz), fill = factor(zz))) + geom_bar(width = 1)
pie2 <- pie + coord_polar(theta = "x") + scale_colour_brewer(Pastel1)
# try to get even nastier piechart with ugly colours to provide rast.
pie3 <- pie2 + scale_colour_manual(value=mycolours)
2016 Apr 09
Run script R
...))) +? geom_smooth (aes(fill=Distance), show_guide=TRUE, method="lm", colour='black', n=20, size=0.3) +
? scale_y_continuous ("Distance from source, km", limits=c(-500,10000), labels=function(x){x/1000}) +? scale_x_continuous ("Time, seconds", limits=c(0,2)) +? scale_colour_brewer("Distance between cars, m", palette="Dark2", guide = "none") +? scale_fill_brewer("Distance between cars, m", palette="Dark2") +? scale_linetype_manual("Distance between cars, m", values=c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)) +? theme_custom () +? theme (l...
2010 Mar 13
ggplot2: version 0.8.7
names (`x x`)
* fullseq: now always returns vector of length two, even when range is 0
* geom_point legend takes more care to ensure that fill colours will be shown
* legend: fixed scale merging bug when labels were set manually
* scale_area: gains a legend argument like all other scales
* scale_colour_brewer: gains na.colour argument to set colour of missing
* stat_bin2d: fix typo in breaks calculation
* stat_bin: deals with floating point rounding issues using the same
algorithm as base::hist
* stat_density2d: fixed bug when contour = FALSE (Thanks to Takahashi Kohske)
Assistant Pro...
2007 Nov 08
Dear r-helpers,
I'm using ggplot2::ggplot to plot seven time series on the same graph.
c <- ggplot(jobm, aes(y = value, x = year, colour = kind))
c + stat_smooth()
This gives me a legend with colors that are not very different. Can I
label the lines instead? How?
Professor Michael Kubovy
University of Virginia
Department of Psychology
2010 Mar 13
ggplot2: version 0.8.7
names (`x x`)
* fullseq: now always returns vector of length two, even when range is 0
* geom_point legend takes more care to ensure that fill colours will be shown
* legend: fixed scale merging bug when labels were set manually
* scale_area: gains a legend argument like all other scales
* scale_colour_brewer: gains na.colour argument to set colour of missing
* stat_bin2d: fix typo in breaks calculation
* stat_bin: deals with floating point rounding issues using the same
algorithm as base::hist
* stat_density2d: fixed bug when contour = FALSE (Thanks to Takahashi Kohske)
Assistant Pro...
2011 Aug 15
Alternative and more efficient data manipulation
Hello list,
## I have been doing the following process to convert data from one
form to another for a while but it occurs to me that there is probably
an easier way to do this. I am often given data that have column names
which are actually data and I much prefer dealing with data that are
sorted by factors. So to convert the columns I have previously made
use of make.groups() in the lattice
2012 Mar 02
ggplot2 0.9.0
...change the default
scale for an aesthetic, just create a function called
`scale_aesthetic_continuous` or `scale_aesthetic_discrete` that returns the
scale that you want. For example:
p <- qplot(mpg, wt, data = mtcars, colour = factor(cyl))
scale_colour_discrete <- scale_colour_brewer
* Scales now automatically shrink to what is actually displayed on the plot,
not the underlying data used for statistical transformation. If you want the
old behaviour, supply `shrink = FALSE` to the facetting specification.
(Fixes #125)
* `scale_colour_gradient` and `scale_fill_g...
2012 Mar 02
ggplot2 0.9.0
...change the default
scale for an aesthetic, just create a function called
`scale_aesthetic_continuous` or `scale_aesthetic_discrete` that returns the
scale that you want. For example:
p <- qplot(mpg, wt, data = mtcars, colour = factor(cyl))
scale_colour_discrete <- scale_colour_brewer
* Scales now automatically shrink to what is actually displayed on the plot,
not the underlying data used for statistical transformation. If you want the
old behaviour, supply `shrink = FALSE` to the facetting specification.
(Fixes #125)
* `scale_colour_gradient` and `scale_fill_g...