Displaying 7 results from an estimated 7 matches for "scaffold_generator".
2006 Oct 28
where is the "record" method??? i.e. which is used in generators (e.g. scaffold_generator.rb)
Anyone know where the "record" method is defined. Its used in generators
like in the scaffold generator. An extract from it is below (taken from
def manifest
record do |m|
# Check for class naming collisions.
m.class_collisions controller_class_path,
"#{controller_class_name}ControllerTest", "#{controller_class_name}Helper"
2006 Mar 15
customizing scaffold_generator.rb to add :maxsize
Seems to me scaffold_generator.rb should add :maxsize => <whatever> as an
option passed in form_helper (which then generates the form input fields).
Anyone already done this? Or is there a good reason for rails to leave this
up to me to do manually?
Thanks for any help.
-------------- next part --------------...
2006 Apr 03
newbie generate scaffold
Hi Guys
First time on the list and pretty new to the rails way of doing
things, yup I know sorry.. another newbie!
anyway, apologies out of the way, this is the problem I am having...
I have purchased the "Agile Development with Rails" book and have
just started running through the ''Depot'' demo application.
I have got to page 57...
I have my project files all
2006 Apr 11
Problem using generate/scaffold and FireRuby
...rb :1351:in `initialize_without_callbacks''
> c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-1.14.2/lib/active_record/c
> allbac
> ks.rb:236:in `initialize''
> c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rails-1.1.2/lib/rails_generator/generat
> ors/co mponents/scaffold/scaffold_generator.rb:182:in `model_instance''
> c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rails-1.1.2/lib/rails_generator/generat
> ors/co mponents/scaffold/scaffold_generator.rb:164:in `create_sandbox''
> c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rails-1.1.2/lib/rails_generator/generat
> ors/co...
2006 Mar 17
edge - scaffolds now pluralized?
Are my eyes going buggy, or did something recently change in Edge
Rails so that now scaffolds are generated with pluralized controller/
helper/etc names? I peeked at the code in
around line 50, and it looks like there was a change there recently
so that it now defaults to pluralized names. So why was this
changed? I can''t find any notes of the change in trac or the
changelog. And how can I get the singular name? I''m still a newbie
when it c...
2006 Apr 04
connecting to mysql on OS X 10.4
i have looked in the archives, i have the _agile_ book, and its links
right in front of me, and i have done pretty much everything i can
think to do except start from a fresh OS install, and yet i still can
not get Rails to talk to MySQL.
when i try to do this:
237:/Library/WebServer/Documents/Rails/depot chris$ ruby script/
generate scaffold Product Admin
i get this output:
2005 Oct 25
generate scaffold ignores controller parameter
Since I upgraded from Rails 0.13.1 to 0.14.1 "generate scaffold <Model>
<Controller>" doesn''t take any notice of the controller parameter. Anyone
else suffering from this? E.g.:
C:\Ruby\work\test>ruby script\generate scaffold User Admin
exists app/controllers/
exists app/helpers/
create app/views/users
exists test/functional/